[7] id = 36944 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 04:25 ➡ listen to section | गायी म्हशीच दुध अंगणी तापत अस भाग्याच नादंत gāyī mhaśīca dudha aṅgaṇī tāpata asa bhāgyāca nādanta | ✎ Cows’ and buffaloes’ milk is being heated in the courtyard This is how my house is experiencing good fortune ▷ Cows (म्हशीच) milk (अंगणी)(तापत) ▷ (अस)(भाग्याच)(नादंत) | pas de traduction en français |
[35] id = 36942 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 03:35 ➡ listen to section | तुझा माझा भाऊपणा भाऊपणाला काय देऊ एक लवंग दोघी खाऊ tujhā mājhā bhāūpaṇā bhāūpaṇālā kāya dēū ēka lavaṅga dōghī khāū | ✎ You and me, we are close friends, what shall I give you for our friendship We shall both share one clove and eat ▷ Your my (भाऊपणा)(भाऊपणाला) why (देऊ) ▷ (एक)(लवंग)(दोघी)(खाऊ) | pas de traduction en français |
[66] id = 36945 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 04:40 ➡ listen to section | हे सरल दलण म्हणते अजून घेणार ओवी पुरतीच गाणार hē sarala dalaṇa mhaṇatē ajūna ghēṇāra ōvī puratīca gāṇāra | ✎ My grinding is over, but I am going to do more I am going to complete singing the whole song ▷ (हे)(सरल)(दलण)(म्हणते)(अजून)(घेणार) ▷ Verse (पुरतीच)(गाणार) | pas de traduction en français |
[21] id = 36946 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 05:10 ➡ listen to section | गंगेच्या पाण्या गेले माझी घागर पुरना मला विसर पडना gaṅgēcyā pāṇyā gēlē mājhī ghāgara puranā malā visara paḍanā | ✎ I went to fetch water from Ganga, my round vessel was not enough I cannot forget (God) ▷ (गंगेच्या)(पाण्या) has_gone my (घागर)(पुरना) ▷ (मला)(विसर)(पडना) | pas de traduction en français |
[9] id = 36924 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 00:20 ➡ listen to section | तुझ्या पैज गळ्याला ग थोरल्याला जात्याला वढायाला नाही भेले नाही भेले दूध वाघीणीच पेले tujhyā paija gaḷyālā ga thōralyālā jātyālā vaḍhāyālā nāhī bhēlē nāhī bhēlē dūdha vāghīṇīca pēlē | ✎ I am not afraid of either your sweet voice or pulling a big grindmill I am not afraid, I have drunk my mother’s, my tigress’s milk ▷ Your (पैज)(गळ्याला) * (थोरल्याला)(जात्याला)(वढायाला) not (भेले) ▷ Not (भेले) milk (वाघीणीच)(पेले) | pas de traduction en français |
[10] id = 36940 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 02:57 ➡ listen to section | कामच मी करीते कामाला नाही भेले माय माझ्या माऊलीच दुध वाघीणीच पेले kāmaca mī karītē kāmālā nāhī bhēlē māya mājhyā māūlīca dudha vāghīṇīca pēlē | ✎ I keep working, I am not afraid of work I have drunk my mother’s, my tigress’s milk ▷ (कामच) I I_prepare (कामाला) not (भेले) ▷ (माय) my (माऊलीच) milk (वाघीणीच)(पेले) | pas de traduction en français |
[24] id = 110285 ✓ पवार कोंडा - Pawar Konda Village पाळु - Palu ◉ UVS-17-08 start 02:39 ➡ listen to section | चैत शिमग्याच उन झाल लहु लाही बाळानी माझ्या नांगरानी नांगरल कुळवानी वज केली caita śimagyāca una jhāla lahu lāhī bāḷānī mājhyā nāṅgarānī nāṅgarala kuḷavānī vaja kēlī | ✎ The sun in the month of Chaitra, the sun is scorching hot My son ploughed with the plough, levelled the land with the harrow ▷ (चैत)(शिमग्याच)(उन)(झाल)(लहु)(लाही) ▷ (बाळानी) my (नांगरानी)(नांगरल)(कुळवानी)(वज) shouted | pas de traduction en français |
[172] id = 110284 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 02:29 ➡ listen to section | माझ्या ग अंगणात गुलाबा तुझी हवा वास घेणारा गेला गावा mājhyā ga aṅgaṇāta gulābā tujhī havā vāsa ghēṇārā gēlā gāvā | ✎ Rose plants are there in my courtyard The one who likes the fragrance has gone out of station ▷ My * (अंगणात)(गुलाबा)(तुझी)(हवा) ▷ (वास)(घेणारा) has_gone (गावा) | pas de traduction en français |
[6] id = 36941 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 03:18 ➡ listen to section | पिकल पिकल कोण बोलल येशीत नंदी बुडाले राशीत pikala pikala kōṇa bōlala yēśīta nandī buḍālē rāśīta | ✎ The crop is ready, who said so at the village boundary Bullocks have drowned in heaps of grain ▷ (पिकल)(पिकल) who (बोलल)(येशीत) ▷ (नंदी)(बुडाले)(राशीत) | pas de traduction en français |
[10] id = 36931 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 02:28 ➡ listen to section | लाडकी लेक लाडानी केल गाडा जायाच परघरा उदास झाले वाडा lāḍakī lēka lāḍānī kēla gāḍā jāyāca paragharā udāsa jhālē vāḍā | ✎ For my darling daughter I even become her horse She will get married into another family, the whole house will be sad ▷ (लाडकी)(लेक)(लाडानी) did (गाडा) ▷ (जायाच)(परघरा)(उदास) become (वाडा) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | F:XVI-1.2i (F16-01-02i) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / “My blouse is torn” F:XV-1.3f ??? F:XVI-1.12 (F16-01-12) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Brother fulfils her insisting demand |
[24] id = 36930 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 02:06 ➡ listen to section | आताच्या जमान्यात लेकी भांडती भावाला भांडती भावाला नवस केलेत देवाला ātācyā jamānyāta lēkī bhāṇḍatī bhāvālā bhāṇḍatī bhāvālā navasa kēlēta dēvālā | ✎ In today’s world, sisters fight with brothers for equal rights Brothers have not filled the vows made to God ▷ Of_today (जमान्यात)(लेकी)(भांडती)(भावाला) ▷ (भांडती)(भावाला)(नवस)(केलेत)(देवाला) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | F:XVI-2.14d (F16-02-14d) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother visits sister at her house / Brother comes as a guest |
[10] id = 36926 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 01:03 ➡ listen to section | रस्त्यानी चालले पुढे बहिण मागे भाऊ नको केशरी गंध लावू नको शेजे दिष्ट लावू rastyānī cālalē puḍhē bahiṇa māgē bhāū nakō kēśarī gandha lāvū nakō śējē diṣṭa lāvū | ✎ They are going on the road, sister ahead, brother behind Don’t apply saffron paste on the forehead, neighbour woman, don’t cast an evil eye on my brother ▷ On_the_road (चालले)(पुढे) sister (मागे) brother ▷ Not (केशरी)(गंध) apply not (शेजे)(दिष्ट) apply | pas de traduction en français |
[11] id = 36943 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 03:48 ➡ listen to section | रस्त्यानी ग चालले मागे पुढे बहिण भाऊ शेजेबाई नको दृष्ट लावू rastyānī ga cālalē māgē puḍhē bahiṇa bhāū śējēbāī nakō dṛaṣṭa lāvū | ✎ They are going on the road, sister ahead, brother behind Neighbour woman, don’t cast an evil eye on my brother ▷ On_the_road * (चालले)(मागे)(पुढे) sister brother ▷ (शेजेबाई) not (दृष्ट) apply | pas de traduction en français |
[58] id = 36947 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 05:49 ➡ listen to section | अशी बहिण भावंडानी भांडण केली माझ्या नेणंत्या मैनान विनंती केली aśī bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍānī bhāṇḍaṇa kēlī mājhyā nēṇantyā maināna vinantī kēlī | ✎ Brother and sister had such a big quarrel My little daughter requested them (to stop it) ▷ (अशी) sister (भावंडानी)(भांडण) shouted ▷ My (नेणंत्या)(मैनान)(विनंती) shouted | pas de traduction en français |
[9] id = 36959 ✓ वाघमारे पद्मावती - Waghmare Padmavati Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 01:54 ➡ listen to section | लिंबाच्या लिंबोळ्या लिंबाखाली हातरुण भावाला झाल्या लेकी बहिणी गेला इसरुन limbācyā limbōḷyā limbākhālī hātaruṇa bhāvālā jhālyā lēkī bahiṇī gēlā isaruna | ✎ Neem tree fruits have fallen and scattered under the tree Now that brother has daughters, he forgot his sister ▷ (लिंबाच्या)(लिंबोळ्या)(लिंबाखाली)(हातरुण) ▷ (भावाला)(झाल्या)(लेकी)(बहिणी) has_gone (इसरुन) | pas de traduction en français |
[36] id = 36928 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 01:30 ➡ listen to section | भाऊ घेतो चोळी भावजय डोळे मोडी सांगते बंधु तुम्हा त्या चोळीची काय गोडी bhāū ghētō cōḷī bhāvajaya ḍōḷē mōḍī sāṅgatē bandhu tumhā tyā cōḷīcī kāya gōḍī | ✎ Brother buys a blouse, sister-in-law makes big eyes I tell you, brother, how can I feel nice about this blouse ▷ Brother (घेतो) blouse (भावजय)(डोळे)(मोडी) ▷ I_tell brother (तुम्हा)(त्या)(चोळीची) why (गोडी) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross-references: | F:XV-4.1c (F15-04-01c) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / Brother is a Patil |
[39] id = 36927 ✓ तालखेडकर मंगला - Talkhedkar Mangala Village मंजीरत - Manjirat ◉ UVS-17-08 start 01:18 ➡ listen to section | असे माझे भाऊ नको बोलू कडाडणी एका खांबाची जोडणी asē mājhē bhāū nakō bōlū kaḍāḍaṇī ēkā khāmbācī jōḍaṇī | ✎ Don’t talk to my brother in such a loud tone We are like a joint of the same pillar ▷ (असे)(माझे) brother not (बोलू)(कडाडणी) ▷ (एका)(खांबाची)(जोडणी) | pas de traduction en français |