Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Gorad Bhima
(18 records)

Village: खानु - Khanu

10 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-3.7aii (A01-03-07a02) - Vaṭasāvitrī, Vaṭpurnimā / The death of husband / Expression of grief

[2] id = 4651
वडाची फांदी पडली सत्यवानाच्या ललाटी
रडती सावित्री उर पडल्या कंठी
vaḍācī phāndī paḍalī satyavānācyā lalāṭī
raḍatī sāvitrī ura paḍalyā kaṇṭhī
no translation in English
▷ (वडाची)(फांदी)(पडली)(सत्यवानाच्या)(ललाटी)
▷ (रडती)(सावित्री)(उर)(पडल्या)(कंठी)
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E:XIII-1.5aii (E13-01-05a02) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy / Morning sickness

[2] id = 24461
तिसर्या महिन्यात बाईला वरणाचा येतो वास
माझ्या का गवळणीला खाऊ नये एक घास
tisaryā mahinyāta bāīlā varaṇācā yētō vāsa
mājhyā kā gavaḷaṇīlā khāū nayē ēka ghāsa
In the third month of pregnancy, my daughter feels sick with the smell of cooked lentils
My daughter cannot take even one bite
▷ (तिसर्या)(महिन्यात)(बाईला)(वरणाचा)(येतो)(वास)
▷  My (का)(गवळणीला)(खाऊ) don't (एक)(घास)
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E:XIII-1.5aiii (E13-01-05a03) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy / Male issue

[5] id = 24460
दुसर्या महिन्याला उभी रहाती इंद्रवणी
माझ्या गवळणीच्या डाव्या कुशीला चक्रपाणी
dusaryā mahinyālā ubhī rahātī indravaṇī
mājhyā gavaḷaṇīcyā ḍāvyā kuśīlā cakrapāṇī
In the second month, daughter is standing near Vrindavan*
Chakrapani* is playing on the left side of my daughter’s womb
▷ (दुसर्या)(महिन्याला) standing (रहाती)(इंद्रवणी)
▷  My (गवळणीच्या)(डाव्या)(कुशीला)(चक्रपाणी)
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VrindavanA small structure in stone in which Tulasi is planted
ChakrapaniGod Krishna
[7] id = 24474
गवळण माझी बाई उभी रहाती अंगणात
माझ्या का गवळणीच्या डाव्या कुशीला रंगनाथ
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī ubhī rahātī aṅgaṇāta
mājhyā kā gavaḷaṇīcyā ḍāvyā kuśīlā raṅganātha
In the first month, daughter is standing in the courtyard
Rangnath (God Krishna) is on the left side of my daughter’s womb
▷ (गवळण) my daughter standing (रहाती)(अंगणात)
▷  My (का)(गवळणीच्या)(डाव्या)(कुशीला)(रंगनाथ)
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E:XIII-1.5av (E13-01-05a05) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy / Fear, worry

[4] id = 24469
आठवा महिना माझ्या बाईला गेला जड
सांगते चुड्याला माह्या मातला पत्र धाडू
āṭhavā mahinā mājhyā bāīlā gēlā jaḍa
sāṅgatē cuḍyālā māhyā mātalā patra dhāḍū
Eighth month, my daughter found it difficult
She tells her husband, send a letter to my mother
▷ (आठवा)(महिना) my (बाईला) has_gone (जड)
▷  I_tell (चुड्याला)(माह्या)(मातला)(पत्र)(धाडू)
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E:XIII-1.5avii (E13-01-05a07) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy / Gifts

[1] id = 24465
सहाव्या महिन्यात बाई अंजीरी बाग गेली
गवळणी माझी राधा चुडा भिंगाईचा ल्याली
sahāvyā mahinyāta bāī añjīrī bāga gēlī
gavaḷaṇī mājhī rādhā cuḍā bhiṅgāīcā lyālī
In the sixth month of pregnancy, daughter went to the fig garden
My daughter Radha put on a chuda (a set of bangles) with mirror design
▷ (सहाव्या)(महिन्यात) woman (अंजीरी)(बाग) went
▷ (गवळणी) my (राधा)(चुडा)(भिंगाईचा)(ल्याली)
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[3] id = 24467
सातव्या महिन्याला तीला आवड डाळींबाची
माझ्या का गवळणीला चोळी शिवा रेशमाची
sātavyā mahinyālā tīlā āvaḍa ḍāḷīmbācī
mājhyā kā gavaḷaṇīlā cōḷī śivā rēśamācī
In the seventh month of pregnancy, she feels like eating pomegranate
Stitch a silk blouse for my daughter
▷ (सातव्या)(महिन्याला)(तीला)(आवड)(डाळींबाची)
▷  My (का)(गवळणीला) blouse (शिवा)(रेशमाची)
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E:XIII-1.5aviii (E13-01-05a08) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy / Body change

[7] id = 24452
चवथ्या महिन्याला बाईच्या तोंडावर लाली
गवळण माझी राधा कोणत्या महिन्यात न्हाली
cavathyā mahinyālā bāīcyā tōṇḍāvara lālī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī rādhā kōṇatyā mahinyāta nhālī
In the fourth month of pregnancy, a glow can be seen on my daughter’s face
My dear daughter Radha. when did she have her last periods
▷ (चवथ्या)(महिन्याला)(बाईच्या)(तोंडावर)(लाली)
▷ (गवळण) my (राधा)(कोणत्या)(महिन्यात)(न्हाली)
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[10] id = 24464
पाचव्या महिन्यात बाईच्या उचलल्या कुशी
माझ्या का गवळणीच्या घरी पारीड्या गाया म्हशी
pācavyā mahinyāta bāīcyā ucalalyā kuśī
mājhyā kā gavaḷaṇīcyā gharī pārīḍyā gāyā mhaśī
In the fifth month of pregnancy, daughter’s stomach started showing
In my daughter’s house, milching cows and buffalows.
▷ (पाचव्या)(महिन्यात)(बाईच्या)(उचलल्या)(कुशी)
▷  My (का)(गवळणीच्या)(घरी)(पारीड्या)(गाया)(म्हशी)
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E:XIII-1.5bi (E13-01-05b01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Delivery / She delivered

[4] id = 24494
नवव्या महिन्यात बाईला दासीनी धरली हाती
गवळण माझी राधा प्रसुद झाली राती
navavyā mahinyāta bāīlā dāsīnī dharalī hātī
gavaḷaṇa mājhī rādhā prasuda jhālī rātī
In the ninth month, midwife took over
My daughter Radha delivered at night
▷ (नवव्या)(महिन्यात)(बाईला)(दासीनी)(धरली)(हाती)
▷ (गवळण) my (राधा)(प्रसुद) has_come (राती)
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E:XIII-1.5bvi (E13-01-05b06) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Delivery / Bath, massage

[4] id = 24496
पहिल्या दिवशी गावात आला माळी
हवशा तिच्या बंधू लावी नहाणीला केळी
pahilyā divaśī gāvāta ālā māḷī
havaśā ticyā bandhū lāvī nahāṇīlā kēḷī
A gardener came to the village on the first day (after daughter’s delivery)
Her enthusiastic brother plants plantains near the bathroom
▷ (पहिल्या)(दिवशी)(गावात) here_comes (माळी)
▷ (हवशा)(तिच्या) brother (लावी)(नहाणीला) shouted
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E:XIII-1.5c (E13-01-05c) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Daughter is with children

[38] id = 24563
पाचवीच्या दिशी सटवी बाईला आला फेरा
गवळण माझे बाई डोळ्या काजईळ भरा
pācavīcyā diśī saṭavī bāīlā ālā phērā
gavaḷaṇa mājhē bāī ḍōḷyā kājīḷa bharā
On the fifth day after delivery, Satvi* has come on her round
My dear daughter put kajal (eyeliner) in your eyes
▷ (पाचवीच्या)(दिशी)(सटवी)(बाईला) here_comes (फेरा)
▷ (गवळण)(माझे) woman (डोळ्या)(काजईळ)(भरा)
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SatviName of the Goddess who is supposed to visit infants on the 5th day after birth and write their destiny or fate
Cross references for this song:A:II-6.3 (A02-06-03) - Letter of Satvi / Rituals
[45] id = 24570
दुसर्या दिवशी गावाला आला कासार
नाही पाचवी झाली बाईच्या चुड्याला देते इसवार
dusaryā divaśī gāvālā ālā kāsāra
nāhī pācavī jhālī bāīcyā cuḍyālā dētē isavāra
Bangle seller came to the village on the next day
Pachavi* is not yet over, I am giving you an advance for my daughter’s chuda (a set of bangles) t
▷ (दुसर्या)(दिवशी)(गावाला) here_comes (कासार)
▷  Not (पाचवी) has_come (बाईच्या)(चुड्याला) give (इसवार)
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PachaviThe fifth day after delivery when Goddess Satvi is supposed to come to the house and write the fate of the baby
[46] id = 24571
पाचव्या दिशी गावात आला सोनार
बाईच्या बाळाला सरी माठलीला देते इसार
pācavyā diśī gāvāta ālā sōnāra
bāīcyā bāḷālā sarī māṭhalīlā dētē isāra
The goldsmith came to the village on the fifth day
I give him an advance for a necklace and Mathali (a flat bracelet for children) for my daughter’s baby
▷ (पाचव्या)(दिशी)(गावात) here_comes (सोनार)
▷ (बाईच्या)(बाळाला)(सरी)(माठलीला) give (इसार)
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[47] id = 24572
पाचवीच्या दिशी सटवी बाईच जागराण
गवळण माझ्या बाई घाल बाळावर पांघरुण
pācavīcyā diśī saṭavī bāīca jāgarāṇa
gavaḷaṇa mājhyā bāī ghāla bāḷāvara pāṅgharuṇa
On Pachavi*, a vigil for the visit of goddess Satvi*
My dear daughter, cover your baby with a sheet
▷ (पाचवीच्या)(दिशी)(सटवी)(बाईच)(जागराण)
▷ (गवळण) my woman (घाल)(बाळावर)(पांघरुण)
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PachaviThe fifth day after delivery when Goddess Satvi is supposed to come to the house and write the fate of the baby
SatviName of the Goddess who is supposed to visit infants on the 5th day after birth and write their destiny or fate
Cross references for this song:A:II-6.3 (A02-06-03) - Letter of Satvi / Rituals

F:XVII-2.12 (F17-02-12) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Bhāujay’s kuṅku, her brother’s symbol

[23] id = 29696
कुकवाच्या पुड्या पुड्या सोन्यावाणी साठविल्या
गुजर्या भावजया मपल्या माहेरी पाठवल्या
kukavācyā puḍyā puḍyā sōnyāvāṇī sāṭhavilyā
gujaryā bhāvajayā mapalyā māhērī pāṭhavalyā
Packets of red kunku* powder, I stored it like gold
I sent it to my practical sisters-in-law in my maher*
▷ (कुकवाच्या)(पुड्या)(पुड्या)(सोन्यावाणी)(साठविल्या)
▷ (गुजर्या)(भावजया)(मपल्या)(माहेरी)(पाठवल्या)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
maherA married woman’s parental home
[28] id = 29701
लाल पिंजरीच कुकु रुपयाच एक तोळा
गुजर्या भाऊजये तुला देते मी वानवळा
lāla piñjarīca kuku rupayāca ēka tōḷā
gujaryā bhāūjayē tulā dētē mī vānavaḷā
Red kunku* powder, one tola* for a rupee
Practical sister-in-law, I give it to you as a precious gift
▷ (लाल)(पिंजरीच) kunku (रुपयाच)(एक)(तोळा)
▷ (गुजर्या)(भाऊजये) to_you give I (वानवळा)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.
[29] id = 29702
लाल पिंजरीच कुकु शिंगणापुरीच्या बाजारात
सावित्रा भाऊजये पुड्या साठवीते पदरात
lāla piñjarīca kuku śiṅgaṇāpurīcyā bājārāta
sāvitrā bhāūjayē puḍyā sāṭhavītē padarāta
Red kunku* powder from Shingnapur bazaar
Savitri, sister-in-law, I store (kunku*) packets in the outer end of the sari
▷ (लाल)(पिंजरीच) kunku (शिंगणापुरीच्या)(बाजारात)
▷ (सावित्रा)(भाऊजये)(पुड्या)(साठवीते)(पदरात)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Expression of grief
  2. Morning sickness
  3. Male issue
  4. Fear, worry
  5. Gifts
  6. Body change
  7. She delivered
  8. Bath, massage
  9. Daughter is with children
  10. Bhāujay’s kuṅku, her brother’s symbol
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