Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Chaughule Goura
(16 records)

Village: राशीवडे - Rashivade

12 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

B:V-71 (B05-71) - Village deities / Birājī / Birājī

[34] id = 92047
UVS-41-28 start 00:29 ➡ listen to section
शेताला मी बी जाते दोन्ही देवाच्या मधण
राजाच एकुनी राणीला राग आला
śētālā mī bī jātē dōnhī dēvācyā madhaṇa
rājāca ēkunī rāṇīlā rāga ālā
no translation in English
▷ (शेताला) I (बी) am_going both (देवाच्या)(मधण)
▷ (राजाच)(एकुनी)(राणीला)(राग) here_comes
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B:VII-5.2b (B07-05-02b) - Surrounding Nature / Village / Pride of ones village

[126] id = 98038
आला आला रुकवत त्यावर होता गरा
राशीवडे दुध डेअरीचा चेअरमन वचनात खरा
ālā ālā rukavata tyāvara hōtā garā
rāśīvaḍē dudha ḍēarīcā cēaramana vacanāta kharā
no translation in English
▷  Here_comes here_comes (रुकवत)(त्यावर)(होता)(गरा)
▷ (राशीवडे) milk (डेअरीचा)(चेअरमन)(वचनात)(खरा)
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[127] id = 98039
आला आला रुकवत त्यावर होता घारी
दुध डेअरी चेअरमन लई भारी त्याला वाढा दुधा तुपाची न्याहारी
ālā ālā rukavata tyāvara hōtā ghārī
dudha ḍēarī cēaramana laī bhārī tyālā vāḍhā dudhā tupācī nyāhārī
no translation in English
▷  Here_comes here_comes (रुकवत)(त्यावर)(होता)(घारी)
▷  Milk (डेअरी)(चेअरमन)(लई)(भारी)(त्याला)(वाढा) milk (तुपाची)(न्याहारी)
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D:XI-1.1bviii (D11-01-01b08) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Mother’s concern / Hard but yielding labour in the field

[16] id = 102628
शेतात ग माझ्या उस वाढ कुपाच्या बाहेरी
तान्ह्या बाळाच कुळंबाच कष्ट दुहेरी
śētāta ga mājhyā usa vāḍha kupācyā bāhērī
tānhyā bāḷāca kuḷambāca kaṣṭa duhērī
no translation in English
▷ (शेतात) * my (उस)(वाढ)(कुपाच्या)(बाहेरी)
▷ (तान्ह्या)(बाळाच)(कुळंबाच)(कष्ट)(दुहेरी)
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D:XI-1.1c (D11-01-01c) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / “May rains come!” Rain falls

[233] id = 102629
बाई वळवाच्या पावसाचं कसं आभाळ कैवारलं
माझं तान्ह बाळ कुळंब्याच घाबरलं
bāī vaḷavācyā pāvasācaṁ kasaṁ ābhāḷa kaivāralaṁ
mājhaṁ tānha bāḷa kuḷambyāca ghābaralaṁ
Woman, with summer rains, the sky showed pity for us
My young farmer’s son was scared
▷  Woman (वळवाच्या)(पावसाचं)(कसं)(आभाळ)(कैवारलं)
▷ (माझं)(तान्ह) son (कुळंब्याच)(घाबरलं)
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D:XI-1.1fii (D11-01-01f02) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Thrashing ground / Square thrashing ground

[2] id = 101612
UVS-41-26 start 00:47 ➡ listen to section
शेता पडल ग पिकवान जन बोलत येशीईत
तान्ह्या माझ्या बाळाचा तिवडा बुडला ग राशीइत
śētā paḍala ga pikavāna jana bōlata yēśīīta
tānhyā mājhyā bāḷācā tivaḍā buḍalā ga rāśīita
People say at the village gate, the field is loaded with crop
My young son’s stake on the thrashing floor is drowned in heaps of grains
▷ (शेता)(पडल) * (पिकवान)(जन) speak (येशीईत)
▷ (तान्ह्या) my (बाळाचा)(तिवडा)(बुडला) * (राशीइत)
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D:XI-1.1fiii (D11-01-01f03) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Thrashing ground / Wooden pole in the centre

[23] id = 101606
UVS -41
घ्या तिवड्याला बळ राशींचे झाले सोन
तिवडा बुडला राशीत जन बोलतं येशीत
ghyā tivaḍyālā baḷa rāśīñcē jhālē sōna
tivaḍā buḍalā rāśīta jana bōlataṁ yēśīta
The strength of the stake turned the heaps of grains into gold (brought prosperity)
People discuss at the village gate, the stake on the thrashing floor is drowned in heaps of grain
▷ (घ्या)(तिवड्याला) child (राशींचे) become gold
▷ (तिवडा)(बुडला)(राशीत)(जन)(बोलतं)(येशीत)
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[24] id = 101607
UVS-41-26 start 01:45 ➡ listen to section
शेता पडल पिकवान घ्या ग तिवड्याला बुण
तान्ह्या माझ्या बाळाचं ग राशीचं झालं सोनं
śētā paḍala pikavāna ghyā ga tivaḍyālā buṇa
tānhyā mājhyā bāḷācaṁ ga rāśīcaṁ jhālaṁ sōnaṁ
The crop in the field, all thanks to the stake on the thrashing floor
Has turned my son’s heaps of grain into gold
▷ (शेता)(पडल)(पिकवान)(घ्या) * (तिवड्याला)(बुण)
▷ (तान्ह्या) my (बाळाचं) * (राशीचं)(झालं)(सोनं)
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D:XI-1.1fxviii (D11-01-01f18) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Thrashing ground / Gods on thrashing ground

[19] id = 101650
UVS -41
खळे भरले दाण्यानं आभाळ भरले पाण्यानं
देवानं दिली बरकत शेता जातो मी हारकन
khaḷē bharalē dāṇyānaṁ ābhāḷa bharalē pāṇyānaṁ
dēvānaṁ dilī barakata śētā jātō mī hārakana
Thrashing floor is full with grains, the sky is full of rain clouds
God has given me abundant crop, I go to the field overjoyed
▷ (खळे)(भरले)(दाण्यानं)(आभाळ)(भरले)(पाण्यानं)
▷ (देवानं)(दिली)(बरकत)(शेता) goes I (हारकन)
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D:XI-2.2e (D11-02-02e) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Twelve bullocks

[65] id = 102717
बारा बैलाचा नांगर कुळंबी दिसतो येडासार
हवशा राजाच्या खांडी रेशमी पाडसार
bārā bailācā nāṅgara kuḷambī disatō yēḍāsāra
havaśā rājācyā khāṇḍī rēśamī pāḍasāra
A farmer with a plough of twelve bullocks looks like a simpleton
But his enthusiastic owner has silklike calves in his cowshed
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा)(नांगर)(कुळंबी)(दिसतो)(येडासार)
▷ (हवशा)(राजाच्या)(खांडी)(रेशमी)(पाडसार)
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[66] id = 102718
बारा बैलाचा ग नांगयरु जुपला ग माझ्या शेती
माझ्या तान्ह्या ग बाळायानी फड लावला अंगुपती
bārā bailācā ga nāṅgayaru jupalā ga mājhyā śētī
mājhyā tānhyā ga bāḷāyānī phaḍa lāvalā aṅgupatī
A plough with twelve bullocks is harnessed in my field
My young son has started cultivating the land with great devotion
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा) * (नांगयरु)(जुपला) * my furrow
▷  My (तान्ह्या) * (बाळायानी)(फड)(लावला)(अंगुपती)
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D:XI-2.4 (D11-02-04) - Son’s prosperous farm / Son enjoys god’s support

[52] id = 102769
UVS-41-26 start 00:11 ➡ listen to section
शेताच्या मावल्या ग माझ्या शेताला राहिल्या
माझ्या तान्ह्या बाळानी गोण्या बैलाव पाठवल्या
śētācyā māvalyā ga mājhyā śētālā rāhilyā
mājhyā tānhyā bāḷānī gōṇyā bailāva pāṭhavalyā
Deities in the field are staying in the field
My dear son sent sacks (of provisions) loaded on the bullock
▷ (शेताच्या)(मावल्या) * my (शेताला)(राहिल्या)
▷  My (तान्ह्या)(बाळानी)(गोण्या)(बैलाव)(पाठवल्या)
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D:XII-4.3 (D12-04-03) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Rukhavat, procession of eatables of bride’s party

[23] id = 99151
UVS -41
आला रुकवत त्याला होती घोगड्याची दशी
डेरीवाल्या चेअरमनाने आंदण दिल्या पाच म्हशी
आंबोला नाही धार काढु कशी ज्ञानुन दिल्या सांगली मिरजापाशी
ālā rukavata tyālā hōtī ghōgaḍyācī daśī
ḍērīvālyā cēaramanānē āndaṇa dilyā pāca mhaśī
āmbōlā nāhī dhāra kāḍhu kaśī jñānuna dilyā sāṅgalī mirajāpāśī
Rukhvat* has come, it had tassels of the coarse blanket
The chairman of the dairy gave five buffaloes as marriage gift
There is no food for the buffaloes, how can I milk them
Dnyanu (father or brother) has got me married in Sangli-Miraj region
▷  Here_comes (रुकवत)(त्याला)(होती)(घोगड्याची)(दशी)
▷ (डेरीवाल्या)(चेअरमनाने)(आंदण)(दिल्या)(पाच)(म्हशी)
▷ (आंबोला) not (धार)(काढु) how (ज्ञानुन)(दिल्या)(सांगली)(मिरजापाशी)
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RukhvatSweets taken by the bride to the groom's house as a part of marriage ceremony
Notes =>The singer is from Rashivade, Kolhapur district. Rashivade area in Kolhapur has plenty of water available, whereas Sangli-Miraj area is supposed to have lesser rainfall. The bride has got blanket with tassels, five buffaloes, in short, plenty from her maher*. But if the buffaloes don’t get enough food, what use is it? Songs composed on Rukhvat* make a mention of each other’s shortcomings in a lighter vein. Here Dnyanu also implies a knowledgeable person and how he also overlooks certain things unknowingly.
[24] id = 99152
UVS -41
आला आला रुकवत त्यावर चोळीचा खण
रुकवत उघडाया आली राम लक्ष्मणाची भन
ālā ālā rukavata tyāvara cōḷīcā khaṇa
rukavata ughaḍāyā ālī rāma lakṣmaṇācī bhana
Rukhvat* has come and with it a blouse piece
Ram and Lakhsman“s sister has come to open the Rukhvat*
▷  Here_comes here_comes (रुकवत)(त्यावर)(चोळीचा)(खण)
▷ (रुकवत)(उघडाया) has_come Ram (लक्ष्मणाची)(भन)
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RukhvatSweets taken by the bride to the groom's house as a part of marriage ceremony

G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations

Cross-references:G:XIX-2.1 (G19-02-01) - Husband and wife, mutual love / They are for each other
[108] id = 95709
UVS -41
डोरल्याचा साज साज गळ्याला दाटयला
कंथ हवश्या भेटला
ḍōralyācā sāja sāja gaḷyālā dāṭayalā
kantha havaśyā bhēṭalā
no translation in English
▷ (डोरल्याचा)(साज)(साज)(गळ्याला)(दाटयला)
▷ (कंथ)(हवश्या)(भेटला)
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G:XIX-4.1 (G19-04-01) - Wife’s pride for husband / Husband’s farm

Cross-references:A:II-2.5j (A02-02-05j) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Riches at home
[63] id = 109325
UVS-41-04 start 00:01 ➡ listen to section
बारा बैलाचा ग नांगर कुणबी निघाला तालालातु
माझा हावश्या ग चुडायाच शेत शिवाच्या घोलात
bārā bailācā ga nāṅgara kuṇabī nighālā tālālātu
mājhā hāvaśyā ga cuḍāyāca śēta śivācyā ghōlāta
no translation in English
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा) * (नांगर)(कुणबी)(निघाला)(तालालातु)
▷  My (हावश्या) * (चुडायाच)(शेत)(शिवाच्या)(घोलात)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Birājī
  2. Pride of ones village
  3. Hard but yielding labour in the field
  4. “May rains come!” Rain falls
  5. Square thrashing ground
  6. Wooden pole in the centre
  7. Gods on thrashing ground
  8. Twelve bullocks
  9. Son enjoys god’s support
  10. Rukhavat, procession of eatables of bride’s party
  11. He fulfills expectations
  12. Husband’s farm
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