Database design: Bernard Bel
= 1927

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Wagh Kasturba
(13 records)

Village: औताला - Autala

12 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.7cii (A01-01-07c02) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Sītā is sitting in a chariot / The chariot reaches city’s boundary

[73] id = 53537
सवरीला रथ रथ डोले दरवाज्यात
सिता चाले माहेराला राम बोले कुरुदात (रागात)
savarīlā ratha ratha ḍōlē daravājyāta
sitā cālē māhērālā rāma bōlē kurudāta (rāgāta)
The chariot is decorated, the chariot is swaying in front of the door
Sita is going to her maher*, Ram speaks angrily
▷ (सवरीला)(रथ)(रथ)(डोले)(दरवाज्यात)
▷  Sita (चाले)(माहेराला) Ram (बोले)(कुरुदात) ( (रागात) )
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maherA married woman’s parental home

A:I-1.8e (A01-01-08e) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / The purpose of Lakṣmaṇ is to murder Sītā

Cross-references:A:I-1.23piv (A01-01-23p04) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / In Tātobā’s refuge / Sītā in the fields of Tātobā
A:I-1.1 (A01-01-01) - Sītā / Discovery in a furrow
[52] id = 53569
सीताला वंदील (वनात सोडली) सूर्यातळी केला माथा
राम लक्ष्मण मया दया सोडा आता
sītālā vandīla (vanāta sōḍalī) sūryātaḷī kēlā māthā
rāma lakṣmaṇa mayā dayā sōḍā ātā
Sita is killed, her face is turned towards the setting sun
Ram and Lakshman, forget all your kindness
▷  Sita (वंदील) ( (वनात)(सोडली) ) (सूर्यातळी) did (माथा)
▷  Ram Laksman (मया)(दया)(सोडा)(आता)
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A:I-1.8f (A01-01-08f) - Sītā / Lakṣmaṇ takes Sītā to the forest / Lakṣmaṇ does not kill a pregnant woman

Cross-references:A:I-1.21a (A01-01-21a) - Sītā / Sītā, the faithful one / Sītā among the most faithful spouses
A:I-1.18 (A01-01-18) - Sītā / Iśvara and Pārvatī visit Sītā
[52] id = 67727
बाणावरी बाण बाण मारीतो नेमाचा
लक्ष्मण देर वंश बुडल रामाचा
bāṇāvarī bāṇa bāṇa mārītō nēmācā
lakṣmaṇa dēra vañśa buḍala rāmācā
He strings arrow after arrow to kill her
Lakshman, brother-in-law, (if you kill me), Ram’s lineage will be finished
▷ (बाणावरी)(बाण)(बाण)(मारीतो)(नेमाचा)
▷  Laksman (देर)(वंश)(बुडल) of_Ram
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A:I-1.9b (A01-01-09b) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī is a castrating mother

Cross-references:A:I-1.9ciii (A01-01-09c03) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / Moral vexation, mental pressure
A:I-1.29 ???
A:I-1.30 ???
A:I-1.31 ???
[60] id = 55369
सीताला वनवास कोण्या केगायीन केला
रामासारखा भरतार हिने भोगू नाही दिला
sītālā vanavāsa kōṇyā kēgāyīna kēlā
rāmāsārakhā bharatāra hinē bhōgū nāhī dilā
Some woman like Kaikeyi made Sita suffer sasurvas*
She didn’t let her enjoy her married life with a husband like Ram
▷  Sita vanavas (कोण्या)(केगायीन) did
▷ (रामासारखा)(भरतार)(हिने)(भोगू) not (दिला)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:I-1.9e (A01-01-09e) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī draws Rāvaṇ’s portrait on the wall

[33] id = 55462
सीताबाई म्हणे नाही रावण पाहीला
कैकयी तीची सासू भिंती भिंतीला लिहवला
sītābāī mhaṇē nāhī rāvaṇa pāhīlā
kaikayī tīcī sāsū bhintī bhintīlā lihavalā
Sitabai says, I have not seen Ravan*
Kaikeyi, her mother-in-law, draws a picture of Ravan* on each wall
▷  Goddess_Sita (म्हणे) not Ravan (पाहीला)
▷ (कैकयी)(तीची)(सासू)(भिंती)(भिंतीला)(लिहवला)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.

A:I-1.20a (A01-01-20a) - Sītā / Rām brings Sītā, Lav, Aṅkuś home / Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ

[89] id = 56121
बाणावरी बाण बाण नको मारु रे पुता
एक तुझा पिता एक तुझा चुलता
bāṇāvarī bāṇa bāṇa nakō māru rē putā
ēka tujhā pitā ēka tujhā culatā
Son, don’t shoot after arrow
One of them is your father, the other your uncle
▷ (बाणावरी)(बाण)(बाण) not (मारु)(रे)(पुता)
▷ (एक) your (पिता)(एक) your paternal_uncle
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[90] id = 56122
बाणावरी बाण पडीले नेमाचे
राम पुसे लक्ष्मणा बाळ खेतर कोणाचे
bāṇāvarī bāṇa paḍīlē nēmācē
rāma pusē lakṣmaṇā bāḷa khētara kōṇācē
Arrow after arrow is shot taking a proper aim
Ram asks Lakshman, whose brave and courageous sons are they
▷ (बाणावरी)(बाण)(पडीले)(नेमाचे)
▷  Ram (पुसे) Laksman son (खेतर)(कोणाचे)
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A:I-1.22a (A01-01-22a) - Sītā / Sharing her lot / Sītā sends her exile to all women on earth

[60] id = 73877
सिताला सासुरवास बाई झाला खरोखरी
केळीचा पानावर बाई वाटला घरोघरी
sitālā sāsuravāsa bāī jhālā kharōkharī
kēḷīcā pānāvara bāī vāṭalā gharōgharī
Sita suffered sasurvas*, in all respects, harassed in the smallest of things
She distributed it to her friends on Banana leaves
▷  Sita (सासुरवास) woman (झाला)(खरोखरी)
▷ (केळीचा)(पानावर) woman (वाटला)(घरोघरी)
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sasurvasLitt. the stay of the daughter-in-law in her in-laws’ house, with her husband, actually referring to all sorts of ill-treatment meted out to the daughter-in-law by her in-laws and husband.

A:I-1.22c (A01-01-22c) - Sītā / Sharing her lot / Sītā’s karma, singer’s denunciation

Cross-references:H:XXIII-6.2a (H23-06-02a) - New consciousness / Abandoned Women / Casual meet of animators
H:XXIII-6.5 (H23-06-05) - New consciousness / Video document / Dudhavre
A:I-1.9cii (A01-01-09c02) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Harassing Sītā / No dialogue between Rāma and Sītā
[18] id = 56186
अंकुश कर्माचा लहु बाळ धर्माचा
मांडीला पोवाडा सीताबाईच्या कर्माचा
aṅkuśa karmācā lahu bāḷa dharmācā
māṇḍīlā pōvāḍā sītābāīcyā karmācā
Ankush is born to Sita and Lahu is created by Valmiki from Lavhala grass (this is a myth by monkeys)
This is a ballad describing Sita’s life story
▷ (अंकुश)(कर्माचा)(लहु) son (धर्माचा)
▷ (मांडीला)(पोवाडा)(सीताबाईच्या)(कर्माचा)
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A:I-1.23riv (A01-01-23r04) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Birth of Lav / Tātobā startles at seeing the cradle empty

[11] id = 56138
सीताबाई म्हणे तातुबा आंधळा
अंकुश माझ्यापाशी देतो कोणाला हिंदोळा
sītābāī mhaṇē tātubā āndhaḷā
aṅkuśa mājhyāpāśī dētō kōṇālā hindōḷā
no translation in English
▷  Goddess_Sita (म्हणे)(तातुबा)(आंधळा)
▷ (अंकुश)(माझ्यापाशी)(देतो)(कोणाला)(हिंदोळा)
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B:III-1.5i (B03-01-05i) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Effects

[49] id = 62345
राम म्हणु राम राम वलणीचा शेला
शेला घेते अंगावरी माझा शिणभाग गेला
rāma mhaṇu rāma rāma valaṇīcā śēlā
śēlā ghētē aṅgāvarī mājhā śiṇabhāga gēlā
no translation in English
▷  Ram say Ram Ram (वलणीचा)(शेला)
▷ (शेला)(घेते)(अंगावरी) my (शिणभाग) has_gone
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B:III-1.5ji (B03-01-05j01) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Similes / Sugar, gūḷ, supārī, āmṛt

Cross-references:B:III-1.5i (B03-01-05i) - Rām cycle / Rām’s name invoked / Effects
[183] id = 86596
राम म्हणु राम राम साखरीचा रवा
रामाच घेते नाव हिरव लागे दिवा
rāma mhaṇu rāma rāma sākharīcā ravā
rāmāca ghētē nāva hirava lāgē divā
no translation in English
▷  Ram say Ram Ram (साखरीचा)(रवा)
▷  Of_Ram (घेते)(नाव)(हिरव)(लागे) lamp
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G:XX-2.19 (G20-02-19) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Changing times and ways of life

[35] id = 70672
सासु आत्याबाई तुम्ही दळु दळु मेल्या
आताच्या सुना म्हणत्यात आमच्या राज्यात गिरणी आल्या
sāsu ātyābāī tumhī daḷu daḷu mēlyā
ātācyā sunā mhaṇatyāta āmacyā rājyāta giraṇī ālyā
Mother-in-law, my paternal aunt, you almost died grinding and grinding
Daughters-in-law in the present times, say, in our times, flour mills have come
▷ (सासु)(आत्याबाई)(तुम्ही)(दळु)(दळु)(मेल्या)
▷  Of_today (सुना)(म्हणत्यात)(आमच्या)(राज्यात)(गिरणी)(आल्या)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. The chariot reaches city’s boundary
  2. The purpose of Lakṣmaṇ is to murder Sītā
  3. Lakṣmaṇ does not kill a pregnant woman
  4. Kaikeyī is a castrating mother
  5. Kaikeyī draws Rāvaṇ’s portrait on the wall
  6. Lav, Aṅkuś fight with Rām-Lakṣmaṇ
  7. Sītā sends her exile to all women on earth
  8. Sītā’s karma, singer’s denunciation
  9. Tātobā startles at seeing the cradle empty
  10. Effects
  11. Sugar, gūḷ, supārī, āmṛt
  12. Changing times and ways of life
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