Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Koshire Shewanta
(12 records)

Village: दुधावरे - Dudhavre

10 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-5.3piv (A02-05-03p04) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s relation to son / Son goes to pilgrimage

Cross-references:D:X-1.1o (D10-01-01o) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Preparing a meal for son going in pilgrimage
B:VI-2.8 (B06-02-08) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vitthal and singer’s son, brother
[6] id = 7139
दळाण दळते गहू नव्ह ती बाजरी
बाळायाची माझ्या गाडी जायाची जेजूरी
daḷāṇa daḷatē gahū navha tī bājarī
bāḷāyācī mājhyā gāḍī jāyācī jējūrī
no translation in English
▷ (दळाण)(दळते)(गहू)(नव्ह)(ती)(बाजरी)
▷ (बाळायाची) my (गाडी) will_go (जेजूरी)
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Cross references for this song:B:VI-4.9 (B06-04-09) - Jejuri cycle / The son’s pilgrimage, jāgaraṇ and trance

B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6b (B06-03-06b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Bhandarya mountain
B:VI-3.6evi (B06-03-06e06) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / She wishes to be in Prapaca
[59] id = 94064
भंडार्या ग माळावरी तुका राखीतोय गायी
आवडीचे जीजाबाई काटा मोडल तुझ्या पायी
bhaṇḍāryā ga māḷāvarī tukā rākhītōya gāyī
āvaḍīcē jījābāī kāṭā mōḍala tujhyā pāyī
On Bhandarya mountain, Tuka tends the cows
My dear Jijabai, a thorn has pricked your foot
▷ (भंडार्या) * (माळावरी)(तुका)(राखीतोय) cows
▷ (आवडीचे)(जीजाबाई)(काटा)(मोडल) your (पायी)
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B:VI-4.1 (B06-04-01) - Jejuri cycle / Along the road to Jejuri

Cross-references:D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
B:VI-4.7a (B06-04-07a) - Jejuri cycle / Material for rituals / Yellow powder
[4] id = 14982
जेजुरीच्या वाट बाळा पिवळ्या करवंदी
बाळायाच माझ्या भंडार्याच गेल नंदी
jējurīcyā vāṭa bāḷā pivaḷyā karavandī
bāḷāyāca mājhyā bhaṇḍāryāca gēla nandī
Wild berries have ripened on the way to Jejuri
My son’s bullock carrying bhandara* has just gone
▷ (जेजुरीच्या)(वाट) child yellow (करवंदी)
▷ (बाळायाच) my (भंडार्याच) gone (नंदी)
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bhandaraTurmeric powder especially as used in offerings to Malhari (Khandoba). Thrown around also a symbol of prosperity
[19] id = 14997
जेजुरी जाताना आडव लागल मंचार
बाळायाच माझ्या देव भेटला शंकर
jējurī jātānā āḍava lāgala mañcāra
bāḷāyāca mājhyā dēva bhēṭalā śaṅkara
To go to Jejuri, Manchar is on the way
My son took God Shankar’s Darshan*
▷ (जेजुरी)(जाताना)(आडव)(लागल)(मंचार)
▷ (बाळायाच) my (देव)(भेटला)(शंकर)
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DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
[21] id = 14999
जेजुरीला जाताना पहिल दर्शन कुणाच
आता माझ बाळ वाट चालल उन्हाच
jējurīlā jātānā pahila darśana kuṇāca
ātā mājha bāḷa vāṭa cālala unhāca
While going to Jejuri, whose Darshan* does one get first
Now, my son is going there on foot in the hot sun
▷ (जेजुरीला)(जाताना)(पहिल)(दर्शन)(कुणाच)
▷ (आता) my son (वाट)(चालल)(उन्हाच)
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DarshanLooking directly at the image of God

B:VI-4.6 (B06-04-06) - Jejuri cycle / Waghya-Murali

Cross-references:D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
[6] id = 15035
जेजुरी गडावरी वाघ्या मुरुळीचा थवा
बाळ माझ्या साधु तुझ्या गाडीला बैल नवा
jējurī gaḍāvarī vāghyā muruḷīcā thavā
bāḷa mājhyā sādhu tujhyā gāḍīlā baila navā
There are many Waghya* and murali* on Jejuri fort
My son’s cart has a new bullock
▷ (जेजुरी)(गडावरी)(वाघ्या)(मुरुळीचा)(थवा)
▷  Son my (साधु) your (गाडीला)(बैल)(नवा)
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Waghya ➡ WaghyasBoys dedicated to Khandoba. They act as bards of Khandoba. Waghya and Murali, both sing and dance in honour of Khandoba and narrate his stories in Jagrans (all night festivals)
murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

B:VI-4.7a (B06-04-07a) - Jejuri cycle / Material for rituals / Yellow powder

Cross-references:B:VI-4.1 (B06-04-01) - Jejuri cycle / Along the road to Jejuri
[5] id = 15048
जेजुरी देव तुझ माझ ते बंधू एक
भंडारीच्या गोण्या आपण भरु समाईक
jējurī dēva tujha mājha tē bandhū ēka
bhaṇḍārīcyā gōṇyā āpaṇa bharu samāīka
We have the same brother, the God of Jejuri
We shall both fill sacks of bhandara* in common
▷ (जेजुरी)(देव) your my (ते) brother (एक)
▷ (भंडारीच्या)(गोण्या)(आपण)(भरु)(समाईक)
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bhandaraTurmeric powder especially as used in offerings to Malhari (Khandoba). Thrown around also a symbol of prosperity

B:VI-4.7b (B06-04-07b) - Jejuri cycle / Material for rituals / A lamp, divāḷī

Cross-references:D:X-3.2bv (D10-03-02b05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Going in pilgrimage, yātrā
[1] id = 15051
तेलणीच तेल तेल इकव शेरावर
जेजुरी ग गडावरी दिवट्याचा भडिमार
tēlaṇīca tēla tēla ikava śērāvara
jējurī ga gaḍāvarī divaṭyācā bhaḍimāra
The oil-seller woman sells oil by kilo
On the hill-fort of Jejuri, plenty of divati* are lighted
▷ (तेलणीच)(तेल)(तेल)(इकव)(शेरावर)
▷ (जेजुरी) * (गडावरी)(दिवट्याचा)(भडिमार)
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divati ➡ divatisA sort of lamp used in the temple of Khandoba, also a torch composed of a stick with rolls of oiled cloth around it

B:VI-4.12a (B06-04-12a) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev, Dhangar and Bāṇāī / Maludev servant of the Dhangar

[5] id = 15120
धनगरणीबाई तुझ्या ना कोंड्याच्या भाकरी
बाणु ना ग हिच्यासाठी देव करीतो चाकयरी
dhanagaraṇībāī tujhyā nā kōṇḍyācyā bhākarī
bāṇu nā ga hicyāsāṭhī dēva karītō cākayarī
Dhangar* woman, you make coarse bread
For Banu’s sake, God is serving (Dhangar*)
▷ (धनगरणीबाई) your * (कोंड्याच्या)(भाकरी)
▷ (बाणु) * * (हिच्यासाठी)(देव)(करीतो)(चाकयरी)
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Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds

B:VI-4.12e (B06-04-12e) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev, Dhangar and Bāṇāī / Maludev and Bāṇāī

[12] id = 15230
धनगरणीबाई तुझ्या ताकात माशी
बाणूच्या जीवासाठी देव राहिला उपाशी
dhanagaraṇībāī tujhyā tākāta māśī
bāṇūcyā jīvāsāṭhī dēva rāhilā upāśī
Dhangar* woman, there is a fly in your buttermilk
For Banu’s sake, God remained hungry
▷ (धनगरणीबाई) your (ताकात)(माशी)
▷ (बाणूच्या)(जीवासाठी)(देव)(राहिला)(उपाशी)
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Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds

B:VI-4.13 (B06-04-13) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev, Dhangar and Bāṇāī / Banu and Mhalsai

[32] id = 15292
जेजुरी ग गडावरी दोघींची दोन जाती
देव बोलला येळकोट बाणूबाई तुझ्यासाठी
jējurī ga gaḍāvarī dōghīñcī dōna jātī
dēva bōlalā yēḷakōṭa bāṇūbāī tujhyāsāṭhī
On the hill-fort of Jejuri, two women from different castes
Banubai, God said Yelkot* for you
▷ (जेजुरी) * (गडावरी)(दोघींची) two caste
▷ (देव)(बोलला)(येळकोट)(बाणूबाई)(तुझ्यासाठी)
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YelkotWhen devotees throw turmeric and small dry coconut pieces in the air in the name of God Khandoba and shout Yelkot, Yelkot, the turmeric powder falls on the them. Turmeric powder is golden and is a symbol of prosperity. By shouting Yelkot, they pray God Khandoba to grant their wishes and give them prosperity.
Cross references for this song:H:XXI-5.3fi (H21-05-03f01) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Co-wives’ relation / Good rapports
H:XXI-5.6 (H21-05-06) - Ambedkar / Brother, son close to Ambedkar

B:VI-4.16 (B06-04-16) - Jejuri cycle / Asking pardon

[3] id = 15370
आठा दिवसाचा आइतवारी नाही सारवल घरदार
देव तू मलयरी (मल्हारी) एवढा अन्याय माफ कर
āṭhā divasācā āitavārī nāhī sāravala gharadāra
dēva tū malayarī (malhārī) ēvaḍhā anyāya māpha kara
On Sunday, I did not plaster the floor of my house with cow dung
God Malhari, please excuse me for this
▷  Eight (दिवसाचा)(आइतवारी) not (सारवल)(घरदार)
▷ (देव) you (मलयरी) ( (मल्हारी) ) (एवढा)(अन्याय)(माफ) doing
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Son goes to pilgrimage
  2. Tukārām and Jijabai
  3. Along the road to Jejuri
  4. Waghya-Murali
  5. Yellow powder
  6. A lamp, divāḷī
  7. Maludev servant of the Dhangar
  8. Maludev and Bāṇāī
  9. Banu and Mhalsai
  10. Asking pardon
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