Database design: Bernard Bel
= E14-02-04a

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class title:
Daughter’s marriage / Best-woman and best-man
(16 records)

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2 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page
E:XIV-2.4a, E:XIV-2.4b

E:XIV-2.4a (E14-02-04a) - Daughter’s marriage / Best-woman and best-man / Bride’s sister, best-woman

[1] id = 26023
साठे सरस्वती - Sathe Saraswati
Village वाळेण - Walen
नवरी परास करवलीचा दिमाक
लाडकी माझी मैना चाले हिलाळा समूक
navarī parāsa karavalīcā dimāka
lāḍakī mājhī mainā cālē hilāḷā samūka
More than the bride, Karavali* is more dressed up
My Mina, my dear daughter is walking along with the torch
▷ (नवरी)(परास)(करवलीचा)(दिमाक)
▷ (लाडकी) my Mina (चाले)(हिलाळा)(समूक)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[2] id = 26024
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
मांडवाच्या दारी हळदी कुकाच गेल पाट
गवळण माझी कलवर्याची पहाती वाट
māṇḍavācyā dārī haḷadī kukāca gēla pāṭa
gavaḷaṇa mājhī kalavaryācī pahātī vāṭa
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, water with haldi* and kunku* is flowing
My dear daughter is waiting for her Karavalis*
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी) turmeric (कुकाच) gone (पाट)
▷ (गवळण) my (कलवर्याची)(पहाती)(वाट)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[3] id = 26025
सोनावणे कुसुम - Sonawane Kusum
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
मांडवाच्या दारी फुल पडली नाजुक
मैनाच्या माझ्या हिच्या कलवर्या साजुक
māṇḍavācyā dārī fula paḍalī nājuka
mainācyā mājhyā hicyā kalavaryā sājuka
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, there is a sprinkling of delicate flowers
My Mina’s, my daughter’s Karavalis* are pretty
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी) flowers (पडली)(नाजुक)
▷  Of_Mina my (हिच्या)(कलवर्या)(साजुक)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[4] id = 26026
साठे धोंडा - Sathe Dhonda
Village भालगुडी - Bhalgudi
रुसली कलवरी घेईना सकुना ताट
आता माझी मैना मागती चारी गोठ
rusalī kalavarī ghēīnā sakunā tāṭa
ātā mājhī mainā māgatī cārī gōṭha
Karavali* is sulking, she is refusing to take the special festive plate
Now, my Mina, my daughter is asking for four goth*
▷ (रुसली)(कलवरी)(घेईना)(सकुना)(ताट)
▷ (आता) my Mina (मागती)(चारी)(गोठ)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
goth ➡ gothsA thick gold bracelet
[5] id = 26027
दाभाडे लक्ष्मी - Dabhade Lakshmi
Village कुंभेरी - Kumbheri
नवरी ग परायास करवली नखर्याची
आता ग माझे बाई मुंडवळी तु मुखर्याची
navarī ga parāyāsa karavalī nakharyācī
ātā ga mājhē bāī muṇḍavaḷī tu mukharyācī
More than the bride, Karavali* has more airs
Now, my dear, mundaval* is tied on your forehead (as a bride, you will be the centre of attraction)
▷ (नवरी) * (परायास)(करवली)(नखर्याची)
▷ (आता) * (माझे) woman (मुंडवळी) you (मुखर्याची)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
mundavalFlowers, pearls, etc. tied around the forehead of the bride and the groom at the time of marriage
[6] id = 26028
दाभाडे लक्ष्मी - Dabhade Lakshmi
Village कुंभेरी - Kumbheri
मोठ्याची नवरी तीच्या कलवर्या का ग थोड्या
तीच्या बहिणी लेकुरवाळ्या शिरवळाच्या गेल्या गाड्या
mōṭhyācī navarī tīcyā kalavaryā kā ga thōḍyā
tīcyā bahiṇī lēkuravāḷyā śiravaḷācyā gēlyā gāḍyā
Bride is from a rich family, why are her karavakis so few
Her sisters have small babies, the marriage party left before the sun came up
▷ (मोठ्याची)(नवरी)(तीच्या)(कलवर्या)(का) * (थोड्या)
▷ (तीच्या)(बहिणी)(लेकुरवाळ्या)(शिरवळाच्या)(गेल्या)(गाड्या)
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[8] id = 46333
जुए अनुसया - Jue Anusaya
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
मांडवाच्या दारी कलवर्या इसतीस
मैना ग माही मानाची खाली बस
māṇḍavācyā dārī kalavaryā isatīsa
mainā ga māhī mānācī khālī basa
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, there are twenty-thirty Karavalis*
Mina, my daughter, you have the special honour, yo sit down
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(कलवर्या)(इसतीस)
▷  Mina * (माही)(मानाची)(खाली)(बस)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[9] id = 63893
काळे रेणू - Kale Renu
Village बांगर्डे - Bangarde
लगनाच्या दिवशी कुरवाली कुरवलीचा लई थाट
नेनंत्या मईनाला बाहुल्या शेजारी टाका पाट
laganācyā divaśī kuravālī kuravalīcā laī thāṭa
nēnantyā maīnālā bāhulyā śējārī ṭākā pāṭa
On the day of the marriage, karavalas (bridegrrom’s friends) and Karavalis* (bride’s friends) enjoy great importance
Keep a low stool for my young Mina near the marriage altar
▷ (लगनाच्या)(दिवशी)(कुरवाली)(कुरवलीचा)(लई)(थाट)
▷ (नेनंत्या) for_Mina (बाहुल्या)(शेजारी)(टाका)(पाट)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[10] id = 71435
फंड लक्ष्मी - Phund Lakshmi
Village वडाळ महादेव - Wadal Mahadeo
गाडी माग गाडी एक गाडी उभी करा
चुडा हिरवा कलवरीला भरा
gāḍī māga gāḍī ēka gāḍī ubhī karā
cuḍā hiravā kalavarīlā bharā
Cart after cart, stop one cart
Put on a green chuda (set of bangles) on Karavali*’s hands
▷ (गाडी)(माग)(गाडी)(एक)(गाडी) standing doing
▷ (चुडा)(हिरवा)(कलवरीला)(भरा)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[11] id = 71456
फंड लक्ष्मी - Phund Lakshmi
Village वडाळ महादेव - Wadal Mahadeo
मांडवाच्या दारी करवल्या इसतीस मानाच्या बाई
बाई माझ्या खाली बस करवल्या रुसल्या बाई
māṇḍavācyā dārī karavalyā isatīsa mānācyā bāī
bāī mājhyā khālī basa karavalyā rusalyā bāī
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, there twenty-thirty girls who have the honour of being Karavalis*
Daughter, you sit down, Karavalis* are sulking
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(करवल्या)(इसतीस)(मानाच्या) woman
▷  Woman my (खाली)(बस)(करवल्या)(रुसल्या) woman
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[12] id = 105423
शेळके रेणुका - Shelke Renuka
Village गुणवडी - Gunawadi
मांडव घातीला फुला सकट जाईचा
माझ्या नैनंत्या राधिकेचा छंद कलवर्या बाईचा
māṇḍava ghātīlā phulā sakaṭa jāīcā
mājhyā nainantyā rādhikēcā chanda kalavaryā bāīcā
The shed for marriage was erected with jasmine branches along with the flowers
It was the desire of young Radhika, the Karavali*
▷ (मांडव)(घातीला) flowers (सकट)(जाईचा)
▷  My (नैनंत्या)(राधिकेचा)(छंद)(कलवर्या)(बाईचा)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[13] id = 110582
गोरे रुपा - Gore Rupa
Village बनसारोळे - Bansarole
नवरीच्या बापा बांध विहीरी पाळणा
करवलीला राघु तान्हा
navarīcyā bāpā bāndha vihīrī pāḷaṇā
karavalīlā rāghu tānhā
Bride’s father, tie a cradle near the well
Karavali* has a little son Raghu*
▷  Of_bride father (बांध)(विहीरी) cradle
▷ (करवलीला)(राघु)(तान्हा)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
RaghuLiteral meaning is Parrot. But in the songs, they fondly call their son or brother Raghu
[14] id = 110583
खकाळ शकूंतला - Khakal Shakuntala
Village आवा आंतरवाला - Awa Antarwala
मांडवाच्या दारी करवल्या इस तीस
हिराबाई माझी मानाची खाली बस
māṇḍavācyā dārī karavalyā isa tīsa
hirābāī mājhī mānācī khālī basa
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, there are twenty-thirty Karavalis*
Hirabai, you, who have the honour, sit down
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(करवल्या)(इस)(तीस)
▷ (हिराबाई) my (मानाची)(खाली)(बस)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
[17] id = 37107
अंबोरे भागीरथी - Ambore Bhagirathi
Village ताडकळस - Tadkalas
OpenStreetMap GoogleMap
UVS-20-10 start 05:26 ➡ listen to section
बाई नवरीची कळा याग करवलीला आली
सकोन्याला द्रिष्ट झाली
bāī navarīcī kaḷā yāga karavalīlā ālī
sakōnyālā driṣṭa jhālī
Karavali* (bride’s sister} has the glow of the bride on her face
This good girl has come under the influence of the evil eye
▷  Woman (नवरीची)(कळा)(याग)(करवलीला) has_come
▷ (सकोन्याला)(द्रिष्ट) has_come
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages

E:XIV-2.4b (E14-02-04b) - Daughter’s marriage / Best-woman and best-man / Bride’s brother, best-man

[1] id = 26030
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
मांडवाच्या दारी वर वरधावा घेतो मान
गवळण माझी बाई नेसती सूर्यपान
māṇḍavācyā dārī vara varadhāvā ghētō māna
gavaḷaṇa mājhī bāī nēsatī sūryapāna
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, Varadhava* is accepting the honour
My dear daughter is wearing a yellow sari
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(वर)(वरधावा)(घेतो)(मान)
▷ (गवळण) my daughter (नेसती)(सूर्यपान)
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VaradhavaBrother of the bridegroom or the bride
[2] id = 26031
वाजे शेवंता - Waje Shewanta
Village पुसाणे - Pusane
नवरीचा बाप मांडव घालीतो मोडीतो
नवर्याचा बाप वरधावा झोडाव
navarīcā bāpa māṇḍava ghālītō mōḍītō
navaryācā bāpa varadhāvā jhōḍāva
Bride’s father keeps erecting and making changes in the shed for marriage
Bridegroom’s father and Varadhava* are only enjoying
▷  Of_bride father (मांडव)(घालीतो)(मोडीतो)
▷ (नवर्याचा) father (वरधावा)(झोडाव)
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VaradhavaBrother of the bridegroom or the bride

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Bride’s sister, best-woman
  2. Bride’s brother, best-man
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