Database design: Bernard Bel
= 1951

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Khadase Meera
(26 records)

Village: माहुर - Mahur

12 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.7cii (A01-01-07c02) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Sītā is sitting in a chariot / The chariot reaches city’s boundary

[88] id = 54629
सिता निघाली वनाला रथा लावून घुंगर
सिता रामाची सुंदर
sitā nighālī vanālā rathā lāvūna ghuṅgara
sitā rāmācī sundara
Sita is going to the forest in exile, bells are tied to the chariot
Sita is Ram’s beautiful wife
▷  Sita (निघाली)(वनाला)(रथा)(लावून)(घुंगर)
▷  Sita of_Ram (सुंदर)
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A:I-1.15ei (A01-01-15e01) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Laṅkā set on fire / Mārutī sets fire to Laṅkā

[39] id = 93439
सिताबाई कथा सांगे आपल्या जलमाची
लंका जळे रावणाची
sitābāī kathā sāṅgē āpalyā jalamācī
laṅkā jaḷē rāvaṇācī
Sita is telling the story of her birth
Ravan*’s Lanka* is burning
▷  Goddess_Sita (कथा) with (आपल्या)(जलमाची)
▷ (लंका)(जळे)(रावणाची)
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RavanA devotee of Shiva, an asura king of ancient Lanka, he is depicted as a great scholar, a Brahmin, a capable ruler and a maestro of the veena (plucked stringed instrument). He is also described as an extremely powerful king and has ten heads.
LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

B:III-1.10a (B03-01-10a) - Rām cycle / Iṅdrajit: fight and death / Sulocana receives the news of his death

[126] id = 57994
मारल इंद्रजीत शीर पडल अंगणी
सुलोचना त्याची राणी
mārala indrajīta śīra paḍala aṅgaṇī
sulōcanā tyācī rāṇī
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▷ (मारल)(इंद्रजीत)(शीर)(पडल)(अंगणी)
▷ (सुलोचना)(त्याची)(राणी)
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[129] id = 57997
मारीला इंद्रजीत रक्ता भरीली पायरी
सुलोचना त्याची राणी आली दरवज्या बाहेरी
mārīlā indrajīta raktā bharīlī pāyarī
sulōcanā tyācī rāṇī ālī daravajyā bāhērī
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▷ (मारीला)(इंद्रजीत)(रक्ता)(भरीली)(पायरी)
▷ (सुलोचना)(त्याची)(राणी) has_come (दरवज्या)(बाहेरी)
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B:IV-3.1 (B04-03-01) - Dattātraya cycle / Dattātraya and Anūsayā

[40] id = 61875
देवा दत्ता तु भगवंता
दत्ता दत्ता येऊ दे चिंता
dēvā dattā tu bhagavantā
dattā dattā yēū dē cintā
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▷ (देवा)(दत्ता) you (भगवंता)
▷ (दत्ता)(दत्ता)(येऊ)(दे)(चिंता)
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[55] id = 61890
हाती तांब्याच भरण जाऊ दत्ताला शरण हाती घेऊनी झाला
दत्ताराम भारती महंत झाला
hātī tāmbyāca bharaṇa jāū dattālā śaraṇa hātī ghēūnī jhālā
dattārāma bhāratī mahanta jhālā
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▷ (हाती)(तांब्याच)(भरण)(जाऊ)(दत्ताला)(शरण)(हाती)(घेऊनी)(झाला)
▷ (दत्ताराम)(भारती)(महंत)(झाला)
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B:IV-3.2 (B04-03-02) - Dattatraya cycle / Place

[16] id = 91460
रेणुकामायच्या गडावरी उदा कापराचा धुधकार
देव दत्त महाराज गादीचे उठणार
rēṇukāmāyacyā gaḍāvarī udā kāparācā dhudhakāra
dēva datta mahārāja gādīcē uṭhaṇāra
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▷ (रेणुकामायच्या)(गडावरी)(उदा)(कापराचा)(धुधकार)
▷ (देव)(दत्त)(महाराज)(गादीचे)(उठणार)
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[24] id = 91482
दुसरी पायरी तोंडीयाला थुका
रेणुकाच सत्व घाणी टाकु नका
dusarī pāyarī tōṇḍīyālā thukā
rēṇukāca satva ghāṇī ṭāku nakā
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▷ (दुसरी)(पायरी)(तोंडीयाला)(थुका)
▷ (रेणुकाच)(सत्व)(घाणी)(टाकु)(नका)
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B:IV-3.4 (B04-03-04) - Dattatraya cycle

[12] id = 61071
पहिली माझी ववी अनुसयाला लाव दिवा
संकट टळे जवा तवा
pahilī mājhī vavī anusayālā lāva divā
saṅkaṭa ṭaḷē javā tavā
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▷ (पहिली) my (ववी)(अनुसयाला) put lamp
▷ (संकट)(टळे)(जवा)(तवा)
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[15] id = 61870
गडावर गड गड दिसते भयान
देव दत्ता मला गमते यान
gaḍāvara gaḍa gaḍa disatē bhayāna
dēva dattā malā gamatē yāna
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▷ (गडावर)(गड)(गड)(दिसते)(भयान)
▷ (देव)(दत्ता)(मला)(गमते)(यान)
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[16] id = 61871
एवढ दुःख सुख देऊ नका झाडपाला
दत्तात्रया महाराजाचा अंगार्याचा गुण आला
ēvaḍha duḥkha sukha dēū nakā jhāḍapālā
dattātrayā mahārājācā aṅgāryācā guṇa ālā
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▷ (एवढ)(दुःख)(सुख)(देऊ)(नका)(झाडपाला)
▷ (दत्तात्रया)(महाराजाचा)(अंगार्याचा)(गुण) here_comes
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B:IV-3.5 (B04-03-05) - Dattatraya cycle / Anusaya

[29] id = 111493
मावर गडावर हायती सोन्याची आरती
अनुसयाची ववाळु मुरती
māvara gaḍāvara hāyatī sōnyācī āratī
anusayācī vavāḷu muratī
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▷ (मावर)(गडावर)(हायती)(सोन्याची) Arati
▷ (अनुसयाची)(ववाळु)(मुरती)
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[31] id = 111495
चला जावु पाहु अनुसयाच सत्व
तळहातावर देव जलमले दत्त
calā jāvu pāhu anusayāca satva
taḷahātāvara dēva jalamalē datta
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▷  Let_us_go (जावु)(पाहु)(अनुसयाच)(सत्व)
▷ (तळहातावर)(देव)(जलमले)(दत्त)
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[42] id = 113104
अनुसया माय पाडाला उभी राही
नवलाख जत्रा आहे दत्ताच राज्य पाही
anusayā māya pāḍālā ubhī rāhī
navalākha jatrā āhē dattāca rājya pāhī
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▷ (अनुसया)(माय)(पाडाला) standing stays
▷  Nine_lakhs (जत्रा)(आहे)(दत्ताच)(राज्य)(पाही)
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[43] id = 113105
हाती फुलाच्या माळा अनुसयाच्या घालु गळा
हाती चंदनाची वाटी अनुसयाच्या जाऊ भेटी
hātī phulācyā māḷā anusayācyā ghālu gaḷā
hātī candanācī vāṭī anusayācyā jāū bhēṭī
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▷ (हाती)(फुलाच्या)(माळा)(अनुसयाच्या)(घालु)(गळा)
▷ (हाती)(चंदनाची)(वाटी)(अनुसयाच्या)(जाऊ)(भेटी)
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B:V-16 (B05-16) - Village deities / Mānūbāī / Mānūbāī

Cross-references:B05-17 ???
[12] id = 111540
सिरी पायरी घसरला पाय
संभाळी म्हणे भक्तीला रेणुका माय
sirī pāyarī ghasaralā pāya
sambhāḷī mhaṇē bhaktīlā rēṇukā māya
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▷ (सिरी)(पायरी)(घसरला)(पाय)
▷ (संभाळी)(म्हणे)(भक्तीला)(रेणुका)(माय)
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B:VI-2.19cxvii (B06-02-19c17) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / In spate

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19cx (B06-02-19c10) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Kundalik
B:VI-2.19cxi (B06-02-19c11) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Rukhmini
B:VI-2.19cix (B06-02-19c09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / River herself
[6] id = 61364
चंद्रभागेला आल पाणी पाणी मारीत उकळ्या
चंद्रभागेला साकळ्या देवा विठ्ठलानी लाविल्या
candrabhāgēlā āla pāṇī pāṇī mārīta ukaḷyā
candrabhāgēlā sākaḷyā dēvā viṭhṭhalānī lāvilyā
Chandrabhaga* is in flood, there are waves in the water
God Vitthal* has placed chains around Chandrabhaga*
▷  Chandrabhaga here_comes water, water! (मारीत)(उकळ्या)
▷  Chandrabhaga (साकळ्या)(देवा)(विठ्ठलानी)(लाविल्या)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[46] id = 80536
भरली चंद्रभागा दोन्ही थड्या गढुळ पाणी
दत्ताच्या दर्शनाला जातानी संत पेले दुधावाणी
bharalī candrabhāgā dōnhī thaḍyā gaḍhuḷa pāṇī
dattācyā darśanālā jātānī santa pēlē dudhāvāṇī
Chandrabhaga* is full, on both the banks, the water is muddy
While going for Datta’s Darshan*, Varkaris* drank it as if it was milk
▷ (भरली)(चंद्रभागा) both (थड्या)(गढुळ) water,
▷ (दत्ताच्या)(दर्शनाला)(जातानी)(संत)(पेले)(दुधावाणी)
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ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.
DarshanLooking directly at the image of God
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place

B:VI-16 (B06-16) - Rememberance of different gods

[19] id = 95989
पयली पायरी शेंदराच बोट
रेणुका आई वाट दाखव ग नीट
payalī pāyarī śēndarāca bōṭa
rēṇukā āī vāṭa dākhava ga nīṭa
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▷ (पयली)(पायरी)(शेंदराच)(बोट)
▷ (रेणुका)(आई)(वाट)(दाखव) * (नीट)
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[20] id = 95990
रेणुकाची पायरी कशान वली झाली
पोटच्या बाळासाठी रेणुकाची सेवा केली
rēṇukācī pāyarī kaśāna valī jhālī
pōṭacyā bāḷāsāṭhī rēṇukācī sēvā kēlī
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▷ (रेणुकाची)(पायरी)(कशान)(वली) has_come
▷ (पोटच्या)(बाळासाठी)(रेणुकाची)(सेवा) shouted
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[34] id = 98435
चला जाऊ पाहु रेणुकाची जाळी
दसर्याच्या दिशी दुःख धुनी मध्ये जाळी
calā jāū pāhu rēṇukācī jāḷī
dasaryācyā diśī duḥkha dhunī madhyē jāḷī
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▷  Let_us_go (जाऊ)(पाहु)(रेणुकाची)(जाळी)
▷ (दसर्याच्या)(दिशी)(दुःख)(धुनी)(मध्ये)(जाळी)
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[77] id = 98789
रेणुकाचा वाटनी चिल्लार दाटली
झुल नंदीची फाटली
rēṇukācā vāṭanī cillāra dāṭalī
jhula nandīcī phāṭalī
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▷ (रेणुकाचा)(वाटनी)(चिल्लार)(दाटली)
▷ (झुल)(नंदीची)(फाटली)
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[134] id = 109638
चला जाऊ पाहु रेणुकाच वटा
पोटच्या बाळासाठी सोडते जटा
calā jāū pāhu rēṇukāca vaṭā
pōṭacyā bāḷāsāṭhī sōḍatē jaṭā
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▷  Let_us_go (जाऊ)(पाहु)(रेणुकाच)(वटा)
▷ (पोटच्या)(बाळासाठी)(सोडते) class
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[155] id = 113151
रेणुकाच्या वाटन लागती चिच
रेणुकाची गाजी सवेवा हात उच
rēṇukācyā vāṭana lāgatī cica
rēṇukācī gājī savēvā hāta uca
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▷ (रेणुकाच्या)(वाटन)(लागती)(चिच)
▷ (रेणुकाची)(गाजी)(सवेवा) hand (उच)
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B:VII-2.7 (B07-02-07) - Basil / Basil and daughter

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.3g (E13-01-03g) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter’s play
E:XIII-1.2 (E13-01-02) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Daughter’s eating
[10] id = 43779
दुसरी माझी ववी तुळशी घालू पाणी
उशीर खाली उभी तान्ही रेणुका माझी बाई
dusarī mājhī vavī tuḷaśī ghālū pāṇī
uśīra khālī ubhī tānhī rēṇukā mājhī bāī
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▷ (दुसरी) my (ववी)(तुळशी)(घालू) water,
▷ (उशीर)(खाली) standing (तान्ही)(रेणुका) my daughter
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H:XXI-5.1k (H21-05-01k) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Awareness and protest

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.10h (H21-05-10h) - Ambedkar / Entry into Buddhism / Abandon Bhaktī & Hindu Dharma
H:XXI-5.1n (H21-05-01n) - Ambedkar / Struggles for the dalits / Inversing destiny
[9] id = 49055
आली काँग्रेस गाडी त्याच्या गाडीला तुराटी
बुध्द लोक झाले मराठी
ālī kāṅgrēsa gāḍī tyācyā gāḍīlā turāṭī
budhda lōka jhālē marāṭhī
Here comes the Congress car, it has a stalk of toor (a pulse crop)
The buddhists have become Marathi*
▷  Has_come (काँग्रेस)(गाडी)(त्याच्या)(गाडीला)(तुराटी)
▷ (बुध्द)(लोक) become (मराठी)
La voiture du Congrès est passée, avec son aigrette
Les bouddhistes sont devenus Marathi.
Marathi ➡ Marathis

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. The chariot reaches city’s boundary
  2. Mārutī sets fire to Laṅkā
  3. Sulocana receives the news of his death
  4. Dattātraya and Anūsayā
  5. Place
  6. Anusaya
  7. Mānūbāī
  8. In spate
  9. Basil and daughter
  10. Awareness and protest
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