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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Dabhade Lakshmi
(18 records)

Village: कुंभेरी - Kumbheri

9 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-3.3di (A02-03-03d01) - Constraints on behaviour / Duties and manners / Principles and advices for life / Mother teaches

Cross-references:A:II-3.5kii (A02-03-05k02) - Constraints on behaviour / Rules of conduct / Enduring sasurvās harassment / To keep the name of father, mother
[27] id = 4405
पाया पडल्यान नाही कपाळ झिजत
जातीच्या लेकराला नाही सांगावा लागत
pāyā paḍalyāna nāhī kapāḷa jhijata
jātīcyā lēkarālā nāhī sāṅgāvā lāgata
By touching someone’s feet, the forehead doesn’t wear out
Well brought up children don’t need to be told
▷ (पाया)(पडल्यान) not (कपाळ)(झिजत)
▷ (जातीच्या)(लेकराला) not (सांगावा)(लागत)
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D:XII-4.2f (D12-04-02f) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Articles, requirements / Shed erected on poles with mango, plaintain pillars

[29] id = 23500
नवनागरीच्या बापा मांडव घालू तू रे गोसाव्याचा
आता माझ बाळ नवरा आलाय ग देसायाचा
navanāgarīcyā bāpā māṇḍava ghālū tū rē gōsāvyācā
ātā mājha bāḷa navarā ālāya ga dēsāyācā
Bride’s father, don’t put up a shed for marriage like a Gosavi* who is a detached person (without any interest)
Now, my son, the bridegroom has come from a reputed family
▷ (नवनागरीच्या) father (मांडव)(घालू) you (रे) of_mendicant
▷ (आता) my son (नवरा)(आलाय) * (देसायाचा)
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GosaviA man who has renounced worldly business, pleasures, etc. He wears clothes of brick-dust colour. It is also the name of a caste that engages itself in religious activities.
[30] id = 23501
नवनारीच्या रे बापा मांडव घालू तु रे तुराठ्याचा
बाई यानाग नवरा आलाइग मराठ्याचा
navanārīcyā rē bāpā māṇḍava ghālū tu rē turāṭhyācā
bāī yānāga navarā ālāiga marāṭhyācā
Bride’s father, you set up a shed for marriage with the loudspeaker
Woman, the bridegroom is from Marathi* community
▷ (नवनारीच्या)(रे) father (मांडव)(घालू) you (रे)(तुराठ्याचा)
▷  Woman (यानाग)(नवरा)(आलाइग)(मराठ्याचा)
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Marathi ➡ Marathis
[31] id = 23502
नवनागीरीच्या बापा मांडव घालू तुरे घाईघाई
आता माझेनाग बाळ नवरा आलाइग पायी पायी
navanāgīrīcyā bāpā māṇḍava ghālū turē ghāīghāī
ātā mājhēnāga bāḷa navarā ālāiga pāyī pāyī
Bride’s father, you put up a shed for marriage quickly
Now, my son, the bridegroom has come walking
▷ (नवनागीरीच्या) father (मांडव)(घालू)(तुरे)(घाईघाई)
▷ (आता)(माझेनाग) son (नवरा)(आलाइग)(पायी)(पायी)
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[32] id = 23503
नवनारीच्या बापा मांडव घाल तू पायर्याचा
बाळाना याग नवरा आलाइग सोइर्याचा
navanārīcyā bāpā māṇḍava ghāla tū pāyaryācā
bāḷānā yāga navarā ālāiga sōiryācā
Bride’s father, you put up a shed for marriage with steps
The bridegroom who is the son of a relative, has come
▷ (नवनारीच्या) father (मांडव)(घाल) you (पायर्याचा)
▷ (बाळाना)(याग)(नवरा)(आलाइग)(सोइर्याचा)
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D:XII-4.8b (D12-04-08b) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Large clan of the bridegroom, got

Cross-references:H:XXI-5.3b (H21-05-03b) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Ambedkar’s relation with his Brahmin wife
c (C09-01) - Baby / Affection shown
[11] id = 23749
मोठ्याचा नवरा काळ्या वावरी उभ करा
नवर्याच लई गोत सांगा नवरीच्या बपाला
mōṭhyācā navarā kāḷyā vāvarī ubha karā
navaryāca laī gōta sāṅgā navarīcyā bapālā
Bridegroom from a rich family, stop him in the field with black soil
His clan is very big, woman, go and tell the bride’s father
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा)(काळ्या)(वावरी) standing doing
▷ (नवर्याच)(लई)(गोत) with of_bride (बपाला)
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D:XII-4.10bi (D12-04-10b01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Bride’s distinctive features / She was conquered and brought in

[15] id = 23845
मोठ्याचा नवरा चालला जाईच्या बांधानी
जाईच्या बांधानी नवरी जितली चांदणी
mōṭhyācā navarā cālalā jāīcyā bāndhānī
jāīcyā bāndhānī navarī jitalī cāndaṇī
Son of a rich and eminent person, the bridegroom, he is going on the Jasmine bund
My son ’’conquered’’ his beautiful bride
▷ (मोठ्याचा)(नवरा)(चालला)(जाईच्या)(बांधानी)
▷ (जाईच्या)(बांधानी)(नवरी)(जितली)(चांदणी)
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E:XIV-2.2a (E14-02-02a) - Daughter’s marriage / Rituals / Applying turmeric paste on the whole body

[15] id = 25960
जात्या इसवरा तुला सुपायरी फुटयली
मैनाला ग माझ्या लावली हळद उठली
jātyā isavarā tulā supāyarī phuṭayalī
mainālā ga mājhyā lāvalī haḷada uṭhalī
God grindmill, an areca nut has been offered to you
Haldi* has been applied to Mina, my daughter
▷ (जात्या)(इसवरा) to_you (सुपायरी)(फुटयली)
▷  For_Mina * my (लावली)(हळद)(उठली)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[16] id = 25961
जात्या ग इसवरा तुला सुपारी बांधीली
ये ग्या मैनाला माझ्या नवरी हळद लागली
jātyā ga isavarā tulā supārī bāndhīlī
yē gyā mainālā mājhyā navarī haḷada lāgalī
God grindmill, I have tied you an areca nut
My daughter, the bride, Haldi (turmeric paste) has been applied on her body
▷ (जात्या) * (इसवरा) to_you (सुपारी)(बांधीली)
▷ (ये)(ग्या) for_Mina my (नवरी)(हळद)(लागली)
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E:XIV-2.2i (E14-02-02i) - Daughter’s marriage / Rituals / Grinding turmeric on the millstone

[1] id = 25986
ये ग्या जात्या ग इसवरा तिळ तांदळाचा ग घास
आता माझी ग नवरी मोत्याचा घोस
yē gyā jātyā ga isavarā tiḷa tāndaḷācā ga ghāsa
ātā mājhī ga navarī mōtyācā ghōsa
God grindmill, sesame and rice are your feed
Now, my daughter, the bride, is like a cluster of pearls
▷ (ये)(ग्या)(जात्या) * (इसवरा)(तिळ)(तांदळाचा) * (घास)
▷ (आता) my * (नवरी)(मोत्याचा)(घोस)
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[2] id = 25987
ये ग्या जात्या ग इसवरा तिळ तांदळाचा घाणा
आता ग माझे बाई मोत्या ना याचा दाणा
yē gyā jātyā ga isavarā tiḷa tāndaḷācā ghāṇā
ātā ga mājhē bāī mōtyā nā yācā dāṇā
God grindmill, sesame and rice are being ground
Now, my daughter, the bride, is like a pearl
▷ (ये)(ग्या)(जात्या) * (इसवरा)(तिळ)(तांदळाचा)(घाणा)
▷ (आता) * (माझे) woman (मोत्या) * (याचा)(दाणा)
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E:XIV-2.4a (E14-02-04a) - Daughter’s marriage / Best-woman and best-man / Bride’s sister, best-woman

[5] id = 26027
नवरी ग परायास करवली नखर्याची
आता ग माझे बाई मुंडवळी तु मुखर्याची
navarī ga parāyāsa karavalī nakharyācī
ātā ga mājhē bāī muṇḍavaḷī tu mukharyācī
More than the bride, Karavali* has more airs
Now, my dear, mundaval* is tied on your forehead (as a bride, you will be the centre of attraction)
▷ (नवरी) * (परायास)(करवली)(नखर्याची)
▷ (आता) * (माझे) woman (मुंडवळी) you (मुखर्याची)
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Karavali ➡ KaravalisBride’s or bridegroom’s sister who has a special place in marriages
mundavalFlowers, pearls, etc. tied around the forehead of the bride and the groom at the time of marriage
[6] id = 26028
मोठ्याची नवरी तीच्या कलवर्या का ग थोड्या
तीच्या बहिणी लेकुरवाळ्या शिरवळाच्या गेल्या गाड्या
mōṭhyācī navarī tīcyā kalavaryā kā ga thōḍyā
tīcyā bahiṇī lēkuravāḷyā śiravaḷācyā gēlyā gāḍyā
Bride is from a rich family, why are her karavakis so few
Her sisters have small babies, the marriage party left before the sun came up
▷ (मोठ्याची)(नवरी)(तीच्या)(कलवर्या)(का) * (थोड्या)
▷ (तीच्या)(बहिणी)(लेकुरवाळ्या)(शिरवळाच्या)(गेल्या)(गाड्या)
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F:XVI-4.8 (F16-04-08) - Sister expects brother coming as murālī / Sister is glad when brother arrives

Cross-references:F:XVII-1.4b (F17-01-04b) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Paternal aunt and niece / Same mūrāli
[30] id = 29017
पाटच्या पार्यामंदी कचरा कोंबडा आरयला
आता ना बाई माझा बंधु मुराळी जागा झाला
pāṭacyā pāryāmandī kacarā kōmbaḍā ārayalā
ātā nā bāī mājhā bandhu murāḷī jāgā jhālā
Early in the morning, the cock crowed
Now, woman, my brother, my murali* woke up
▷ (पाटच्या)(पार्यामंदी)(कचरा)(कोंबडा)(आरयला)
▷ (आता) * woman my brother (मुराळी)(जागा)(झाला)
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murali ➡ muralis1) Girls dedicated to Khandoba. They act as his courtesans. (Now the practice of marrying girls to Khandoba is illegal)
2) A person who is sent to fetch and accompany a newly married girl from the parental home or the in-laws’ home

F:XVII-2.14 (F17-02-14) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / “Brother’s wife bows down to me”

Cross-references:E:XIII-3.2d (E13-03-02d) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Wish to go to mother’s house and meet father
E:XIII-3.4 ???
E:XIII-3.5 ???
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.11 ???
F:XVIII-1.13 ???
F:XVIII-1.14 ???
F:XVIII-1.54 ???
F:XVIII-1.58 ???
F:XVIII-2.1a (F18-02-01a) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / Singer’s close relation with them
[43] id = 29765
सावित्री भावजयी पाया पडूनी देईना
आता माझ्या बाई तुझ्या कडला मईना
sāvitrī bhāvajayī pāyā paḍūnī dēīnā
ātā mājhyā bāī tujhyā kaḍalā maīnā
Savitri, sister-in-law, I do not let her bend down
Now, my dear, you are carrying your little daughter
▷ (सावित्री)(भावजयी)(पाया)(पडूनी)(देईना)
▷ (आता) my woman your (कडला) Mina
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[44] id = 29766
सावित्री भावजयी माझ्या पायाला लावी हात
सांगते बाई तुला तुझ्या कडला रघुनाथ
sāvitrī bhāvajayī mājhyā pāyālā lāvī hāta
sāṅgatē bāī tulā tujhyā kaḍalā raghunātha
Savitri, sister-in-law, touches my feet
I tell you. woman, you are carrying your son Raghunath
▷ (सावित्री)(भावजयी) my (पायाला)(लावी) hand
▷  I_tell woman to_you your (कडला)(रघुनाथ)
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[45] id = 29767
सावित्री भावजयी पाया पडती पायठ्यात
कपाळीच कुंकु माझ्या डाव्या अंगठ्यात
sāvitrī bhāvajayī pāyā paḍatī pāyaṭhyāta
kapāḷīca kuṅku mājhyā ḍāvyā aṅgaṭhyāta
Savitri, sister-in-law bent down low to touch my feet
The kunku* on her forehead fell on my left toe
▷ (सावित्री)(भावजयी)(पाया)(पडती)(पायठ्यात)
▷  Of_forehead kunku my (डाव्या)(अंगठ्यात)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
[46] id = 29768
सावित्री भावजयी पायाला वलंगली
पायाला वलंगली माजी जोडवी रंगली
sāvitrī bhāvajayī pāyālā valaṅgalī
pāyālā valaṅgalī mājī jōḍavī raṅgalī
Savitri, sister-in-law, bent near my feet
My toe-rings got coloured (with her kunku*)
▷ (सावित्री)(भावजयी)(पायाला)(वलंगली)
▷ (पायाला)(वलंगली)(माजी)(जोडवी)(रंगली)
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kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Mother teaches
  2. Shed erected on poles with mango, plaintain pillars
  3. Large clan of the bridegroom, got
  4. She was conquered and brought in
  5. Applying turmeric paste on the whole body
  6. Grinding turmeric on the millstone
  7. Bride’s sister, best-woman
  8. Sister is glad when brother arrives
  9. “Brother’s wife bows down to me”
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