Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Phatak Matha
(17 records)

Village: इसकर - Isakar

8 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

C:VIII-8.8 (C08-08-08) - Mother / Feelings and representations / One feels orphan after her death

[8] id = 18086
जाईच्या झाडाखाली थवा झाला पाखरांचा
आईच्या माघुरी बाप नव्हे लेकराचा
jāīcyā jhāḍākhālī thavā jhālā pākharāñcā
āīcyā māghurī bāpa navhē lēkarācā
Under the shade of a
Jasmine tree (mother), the flock of birds gathers
After mother, father does not care for the children
▷ (जाईच्या)(झाडाखाली)(थवा)(झाला)(पाखरांचा)
▷ (आईच्या)(माघुरी) father (नव्हे)(लेकराचा)
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D:X-2.7a (D10-02-07a) - Mother worries for son / Son migrates to Mumbai / Employed in a cotton mill

[75] id = 19902
मुंबईला जातो जिवा माझ्याइला घोर
साच्यावरी काम बाळा बैजवार कर
mumbaīlā jātō jivā mājhyāilā ghōra
sācyāvarī kāma bāḷā baijavāra kara
He goes to Mumbai, I am worried
Son, do your work on the loom properly
▷ (मुंबईला) goes life (माझ्याइला)(घोर)
▷ (साच्यावरी)(काम) child (बैजवार) doing
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D:XII-4.1a (D12-04-01a) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Rituals performed by bridegroom / Applying turmeric on the whole body

[4] id = 23342
माझ्या बाळायाला हळद लागली जाते सयांना बोलवाया
माझ्या बाळाला हळद लागती चला हळद लावाया
mājhyā bāḷāyālā haḷada lāgalī jātē sayānnā bōlavāyā
mājhyā bāḷālā haḷada lāgatī calā haḷada lāvāyā
My son, the bridegroom is having haldi* ceremony, I go to call my friends
My son, the bridegroom is having haldi* ceremony, come to apply him haldi*
▷  My (बाळायाला)(हळद)(लागली) am_going (सयांना)(बोलवाया)
▷  My (बाळाला)(हळद)(लागती) let_us_go (हळद)(लावाया)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[5] id = 23343
पाणोत्याच्या बाया मी पदरा घालवते
बाळाया हळद लावाया मी सयांना बोलावीते
pāṇōtyācyā bāyā mī padarā ghālavatē
bāḷāyā haḷada lāvāyā mī sayānnā bōlāvītē
Women going to fetch water, I wave the end of my sari to call you
I call my friends for my son’s, the bridegroom’s haldi* ceremony
▷ (पाणोत्याच्या)(बाया) I (पदरा)(घालवते)
▷ (बाळाया)(हळद)(लावाया) I (सयांना)(बोलावीते)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[15] id = 23353
हळदीच्या दिशी जोगसरी रुसली
बाळायाचा माझ्या चौक भराया बसली
haḷadīcyā diśī jōgasarī rusalī
bāḷāyācā mājhyā cauka bharāyā basalī
On the day of the haldi* ceremony, Goddess Jogeshwari is sulking
She is sitting down to prepare a Chouk for my son
▷ (हळदीच्या)(दिशी)(जोगसरी)(रुसली)
▷ (बाळायाचा) my (चौक)(भराया) sitting
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
Notes =>Chouk - the square formed with wheat, rice, etc. spread on cloth which covers a low stool prepared as a seat for the boy, girl, father, mother etc. (in marriages, thread ceremonies, etc.)
[16] id = 23354
माझ्या बाळाना हळद लावाया भरला माझा वाडा
मधे ना बसे बाळ माझा दुध पेढा
mājhyā bāḷānā haḷada lāvāyā bharalā mājhā vāḍā
madhē nā basē bāḷa mājhā dudha pēḍhā
My whole house is full of people to apply haldi* to my son, the bridegroom
My dear son, my milk sweet, sits in the middle
▷  My (बाळाना)(हळद)(लावाया)(भरला) my (वाडा)
▷ (मधे) * (बसे) son my milk (पेढा)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[17] id = 23355
हळदीच्या दिशी आया बाया देवळात
सांगते बाई तुला देव आल पाषाणात
haḷadīcyā diśī āyā bāyā dēvaḷāta
sāṅgatē bāī tulā dēva āla pāṣāṇāta
On the day of haldi* ceremony, women from the neighbourhood are in the temple
But I tell you, woman, the God in stone came (for the ceremony to bless my son)
▷ (हळदीच्या)(दिशी)(आया)(बाया)(देवळात)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (देव) here_comes (पाषाणात)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[18] id = 23356
हळदीच्या दिशी माझ्या हातात आरती
हळद लावायाला आली इसवराची पार्वती
haḷadīcyā diśī mājhyā hātāta āratī
haḷada lāvāyālā ālī isavarācī pārvatī
On the day of haldi* ceremony, I have Arati* in hand
Goddess Parvati, wife of God Mahadev, has come to apply to my son, the bridegroom
▷ (हळदीच्या)(दिशी) my (हातात) Arati
▷ (हळद)(लावायाला) has_come (इसवराची)(पार्वती)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
AratiPrayer of praise with a ritual of lights waved in front of god; waving a platter with an oil lamp in front of the image of God as a part of worship. Arati is also performed for persons as a symbol of conveying blessings or good wishes
[19] id = 23357
हळदीच्या दिशी आया बाया झाल्या गोळा
बाळाला हळद लावाया साती आसराचा मेळा
haḷadīcyā diśī āyā bāyā jhālyā gōḷā
bāḷālā haḷada lāvāyā sātī āsarācā mēḷā
On the day of haldi* ceremony, women from the neighbourhodd gathered
It was like a fair of Goddess Sati Asra to apply haldi* to my son, the bridegroom
▷ (हळदीच्या)(दिशी)(आया)(बाया)(झाल्या)(गोळा)
▷ (बाळाला)(हळद)(लावाया)(साती)(आसराचा)(मेळा)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[20] id = 23358
हळदीच्या दिशी मी लावते पाच ज्योती
हळद लावाया गणपतीची सरस्वती
haḷadīcyā diśī mī lāvatē pāca jyōtī
haḷada lāvāyā gaṇapatīcī sarasvatī
On thee day of haldi* ceremony, I light a lamp with five wicks
Goddess Saraswati, wife of God Ganapati, has come to apply haldi* to my son, the bridegroom
▷ (हळदीच्या)(दिशी) I (लावते)(पाच)(ज्योती)
▷ (हळद)(लावाया)(गणपतीची) Saraswati
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding

E:XIV-2.2a (E14-02-02a) - Daughter’s marriage / Rituals / Applying turmeric paste on the whole body

[8] id = 25953
हळदीच्या दिशी माझ भरयल घर
लेक माझी बसली त्यात गण गवर
haḷadīcyā diśī mājha bharayala ghara
lēka mājhī basalī tyāta gaṇa gavara
On the day of haldi* ceremony, my house is crowded with people
My daughter is sitting in the crowd like a Gauri (a beautiful goddess)
▷ (हळदीच्या)(दिशी) my (भरयल) house
▷ (लेक) my sitting (त्यात)(गण)(गवर)
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haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding

F:XVI-1.6 (F16-01-06) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Brother’s present at her children’s marriage

[310] id = 112509
मांडवाच्या दारी आहेराची ठेला ठेली
बंधुच पातळ हे झेलीते वरच्या वरी
māṇḍavācyā dārī āhērācī ṭhēlā ṭhēlī
bandhuca pātaḷa hē jhēlītē varacyā varī
At the entrance of the open shed for marriage, there is a heap of aher*
But my brother’s aher* (it is precious), I rush ahead and take it
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(आहेराची)(ठेला)(ठेली)
▷ (बंधुच)(पातळ)(हे)(झेलीते)(वरच्या)(वरी)
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aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.
[311] id = 112510
मांडवाच्या दारी आहेरावरी आली नथ
बाळाच्या माझ्या बघा सोयर्याची चालीरित
māṇḍavācyā dārī āhērāvarī ālī natha
bāḷācyā mājhyā baghā sōyaryācī cālīrita
He brought aher*, a nose-ring with other gifts as aher*
See, how my brother follows the customary practice
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(आहेरावरी) has_come (नथ)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my (बघा)(सोयर्याची)(चालीरित)
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aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.
[312] id = 112511
मांडवाच्या दारी आहेरावर आला येळा
बाळाच्या माझ्या बघा सोयर्याचा पानमळा
māṇḍavācyā dārī āhērāvara ālā yēḷā
bāḷācyā mājhyā baghā sōyaryācā pānamaḷā
I got aher* (from maher*), there is an armlet with the aher*
My brother, father-in-law of my son has a betel-leaf plantation
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(आहेरावर) here_comes (येळा)
▷ (बाळाच्या) my (बघा)(सोयर्याचा)(पानमळा)
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aher ➡ ahersA gift or a present given on an auspicious occasion like a wedding or a religious function, and also given to mark the end of the mourning period. In aher, there is an implied sense of participation, sharing the joy on happy occasions and grief on sad occasions. Aher is generally exchanged by both parties.
maherA married woman’s parental home

F:XVII-2.15 (F17-02-15) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Sweet mutual relation

Cross-references:F:XV-1.1d (F15-01-01d) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / Pounding and cooking rice
F:XV-1.1l (F15-01-01l) - Sister worries for brother / Sister feeding her brother / With milk, sweet, purified butter
F:XVII-2.5a (F17-02-05a) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Blouse
F:XVIII-1.4h (F18-01-04h) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents / Untill my mother is alive
[189] id = 81406
काय सया सांगु माझ्या माहेरचा मळा
काळ्या चोळीवरी भाऊजया लेती राळा
kāya sayā sāṅgu mājhyā māhēracā maḷā
kāḷyā cōḷīvarī bhāūjayā lētī rāḷā
What can I tell you, friends, I can see my maher*’s plantation
Sister-in-law wears an armlet on a black blouse
▷  Why (सया)(सांगु) my (माहेरचा)(मळा)
▷ (काळ्या)(चोळीवरी)(भाऊजया)(लेती)(राळा)
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maherA married woman’s parental home

G:XX-4.7d (G20-04-07d) - With brother-in-law’s wife / Cross relationship / Hatred towards one another’s children

[7] id = 33332
गुजरी जाऊबाई काय पहातीस दुरवरी
पोटीचा तान्हा बाळ सखा बसला पारावरी
gujarī jāūbāī kāya pahātīsa duravarī
pōṭīcā tānhā bāḷa sakhā basalā pārāvarī
My sister-in-law. what are you looking at in the distance
My own son, an important person, is sitting on the platform around the tree
▷ (गुजरी)(जाऊबाई) why (पहातीस)(दुरवरी)
▷ (पोटीचा)(तान्हा) son (सखा)(बसला)(पारावरी)
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H:XXIII-1.2 (H23-01-02) - Murder of Peshve Narayanrao / Gopikabai, his mother, is grieved

[20] id = 34242
मारीला नारायणराव पहिला घास लाग कडू
पडला असेल पिकल पानू दारी लिंबोणीच झाडू
mārīlā nārāyaṇarāva pahilā ghāsa lāga kaḍū
paḍalā asēla pikala pānū dārī limbōṇīca jhāḍū
Narayan Rao is killed, why is my mouth bitter
May be I ate a Neem leaf fallen from the tree near the house
▷ (मारीला)(नारायणराव)(पहिला)(घास)(लाग)(कडू)
▷ (पडला)(असेल)(पिकल)(पानू)(दारी)(लिंबोणीच)(झाडू)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. One feels orphan after her death
  2. Employed in a cotton mill
  3. Applying turmeric on the whole body
  4. Applying turmeric paste on the whole body
  5. Brother’s present at her children’s marriage
  6. Sweet mutual relation
  7. Hatred towards one another’s children
  8. Gopikabai, his mother, is grieved
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