Database design: Bernard Bel
= 254

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Songs in village:
चिखली - Chikhali
(331 records)

164 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:I-1.1 (A01-01-01) - Sītā / Discovery in a furrow

Cross-references:A:I-1.17ai (A01-01-17a01) - Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī / Discovery of Sītā / While ploughing, Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī finds a box
A:I-1.17aii (A01-01-17a02) - Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī / Discovery of Sītā / Khaṅdādyā Vāṇī takes the box home
A:I-1.23c (A01-01-23c) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Sītā is found in a box
A:I-1.23d (A01-01-23d) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Who is the owner of the box?
A:I-1.23e (A01-01-23e) - Sītā / Sītā and god Tātobā / Tātobā takes the box home
[64] id = 54199
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
जलमली सिताबाई कुणाच्या आसीवसी
पेटी नांगराच्या तासी जनक राजाला सापडली
jalamalī sitābāī kuṇācyā āsīvasī
pēṭī nāṅgarācyā tāsī janaka rājālā sāpaḍalī
In which lineage is Sitabai born
King Janak found a chest in a furrow while ploughing
▷ (जलमली) goddess_Sita (कुणाच्या)(आसीवसी)
▷ (पेटी)(नांगराच्या)(तासी) Janak (राजाला)(सापडली)
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[65] id = 54200
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
जनकाने नांगरल शेती अटीतटी
सिता सापडली रत्नपेटी
janakānē nāṅgarala śētī aṭītaṭī
sitā sāpaḍalī ratnapēṭī
King Janak’s fields were ploughed with force
Sita, a gem, was found in a treasure chest
▷ (जनकाने)(नांगरल) furrow (अटीतटी)
▷  Sita (सापडली)(रत्नपेटी)
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A:I-1.3b (A01-01-03b) - Sītā / Groom selection / Demand from kings

Cross-references:A:I-1.2 (A01-01-02) - Sītā / Childhood
[32] id = 54225
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सिताला बघायाला येवू गेली
सिता रामाला देऊ केली
sitālā baghāyālā yēvū gēlī
sitā rāmālā dēū kēlī
Proposals for marriage are coming for Sita
Sita is being given to Ram
▷  Sita (बघायाला)(येवू) went
▷  Sita Ram (देऊ) shouted
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A:I-1.3c (A01-01-03c) - Sītā / Groom selection / Lifting of the bow

Cross-references:A:I-1.2 (A01-01-02) - Sītā / Childhood
[28] id = 54233
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सिताला बघायाला राम गेलेत एकले
बाण भितीशी टेकले
sitālā baghāyālā rāma gēlēta ēkalē
bāṇa bhitīśī ṭēkalē
Ram has gone alone to see
Arrows are kept against the wall
▷  Sita (बघायाला) Ram (गेलेत)(एकले)
▷ (बाण)(भितीशी)(टेकले)
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A:I-1.6jvii (A01-01-06j07) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / in search of Sītā / Sītā found

[6] id = 53431
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
आडलंका सोडून पडलंकला कसा गेला
याने सितेचा शोध केला
āḍalaṅkā sōḍūna paḍalaṅkalā kasā gēlā
yānē sitēcā śōdha kēlā
From this side of Lanka*, how did he (Maruti*) go across to the other side
He went and found Sita’s whereabouts
▷ (आडलंका)(सोडून)(पडलंकला) how has_gone
▷ (याने)(सितेचा)(शोध) did
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LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.
MarutiA Sanskrit word referring to Hanuman, son of Vayudeva, the Hindu Wind God Vayu

A:I-1.6ki (A01-01-06k01) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Rāma, Rāvaṇ war / Rāma’s fight

[23] id = 54493
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सिताला बघाया राम गेलेत एकल
बाण भितीशी टेकलं
sitālā baghāyā rāma gēlēta ēkala
bāṇa bhitīśī ṭēkalaṁ
Ram has gone alone in search of Sita
He kept the arrows against the wall
▷  Sita (बघाया) Ram (गेलेत)(एकल)
▷ (बाण)(भितीशी)(टेकलं)
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A:I-1.7ci (A01-01-07c01) - Sītā / Sītā departs towards vanavās / Sītā is sitting in a chariot / The chariot is decorated

[68] id = 53502
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सिता चालली वनवासा रथा लावील सवळ
सिता रामाची कवळ(नाजुक)
sitā cālalī vanavāsā rathā lāvīla savaḷa
sitā rāmācī kavaḷa (nājuka)
Sita is going in exile to the forest, Savala (A silken garment that ensures cleanliness) is tied to the chariot
Ram’s Sita is delicate
▷  Sita (चालली) vanavas (रथा)(लावील)(सवळ)
▷  Sita of_Ram (कवळ) ( (नाजुक) )
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[73] id = 53507
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सिता चालली वनवासा रथा लावली घुंगर
चालली सिता रामाची सुंदर
sitā cālalī vanavāsā rathā lāvalī ghuṅgara
cālalī sitā rāmācī sundara
Sita is going to the forest in exile, bells are tied to the chariot
Ram’s beautiful wife Sita is going to the forest in exile
▷  Sita (चालली) vanavas (रथा)(लावली)(घुंगर)
▷ (चालली) Sita of_Ram (सुंदर)
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[77] id = 53511
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सृंगारीला रथ रथा लावीले धोतर
सिता रामाची चतुर
sṛṅgārīlā ratha rathā lāvīlē dhōtara
sitā rāmācī catura
The chariot as decorated, the chariot was enclosed with dhotar*
Ram’s Sita is clever
▷ (सृंगारीला)(रथ)(रथा)(लावीले)(धोतर)
▷  Sita of_Ram (चतुर)
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dhotar ➡ dhotarsWhen the singer says that she goes to her village with dhotar, it means that she is just carrying a cloth to bring things from maher (a married woman’s parental home). Similarly, she sometimes means that she is carrying a stole.
[105] id = 54614
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सीता चालली वनवासा रथा लावीलं सवळं
सिता रामाची कवळं(नाजुक )
sītā cālalī vanavāsā rathā lāvīlaṁ savaḷaṁ
sitā rāmācī kavaḷaṁ (nājuka)
Sita is going in exile to the forest, Savala (A silken garment that ensures cleanliness) is tied to the chariot
Ram’s Sita is delicate
▷  Sita (चालली) vanavas (रथा)(लावीलं)(सवळं)
▷  Sita of_Ram (कवळं) ( (नाजुक) )
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A:I-1.15bii (A01-01-15b02) - Sītā / Sītā, Jambu and Mārutī / Māruti wants to meet Jambu / Mārutī gets information about Sītā

[5] id = 94460
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
आड लंका सोडुन पडलंकला कसा गेला
यान सितेचा शोध केला
āḍa laṅkā sōḍuna paḍalaṅkalā kasā gēlā
yāna sitēcā śōdha kēlā
Leaving this side of Lanka*, how did he go to the other side
He searched and found Sita
▷ (आड)(लंका)(सोडुन)(पडलंकला) how has_gone
▷ (यान)(सितेचा)(शोध) did
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LankaThe name given in Hindu epics to the island fortress capital of the legendary asura king Ravana in the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The fortress was situated on a plateau between three mountain peaks known as the Trikuta Mountains. The site of Lanka is identified with Sri Lanka.

A:I-2.2di (A01-02-02d01) - Kṛśṇa / Draupadī’s protector and brother / He comes as a bairāgī

[7] id = 83331
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
धृपता गांजीली पाची दरवाजं लावुनी
यादव तिचं बंधु आलं बैरागी होऊनी
dhṛpatā gāñjīlī pācī daravājaṁ lāvunī
yādava ticaṁ bandhu ālaṁ bairāgī hōūnī
no translation in English
▷ (धृपता)(गांजीली)(पाची)(दरवाजं)(लावुनी)
▷ (यादव)(तिचं) brother (आलं)(बैरागी)(होऊनी)
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[8] id = 83332
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
धृपदा गांजीली पाची दरवाजं लावुनी
यादवाचं बंधु आल बैरागी होऊनी
dhṛpadā gāñjīlī pācī daravājaṁ lāvunī
yādavācaṁ bandhu āla bairāgī hōūnī
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▷ (धृपदा)(गांजीली)(पाची)(दरवाजं)(लावुनी)
▷ (यादवाचं) brother here_comes (बैरागी)(होऊनी)
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[9] id = 83333
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
धृपती गांजीली दोही दरवाजांना कडी
यादव बंधवाच्या आल्या बैराग्याच्या जोडी
dhṛpatī gāñjīlī dōhī daravājānnā kaḍī
yādava bandhavācyā ālyā bairāgyācyā jōḍī
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▷ (धृपती)(गांजीली)(दोही)(दरवाजांना)(कडी)
▷ (यादव)(बंधवाच्या)(आल्या)(बैराग्याच्या)(जोडी)
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[10] id = 83334
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
धृपता गांजीली दोही दरवाजांना कडी
यादव बंधवाचा आल्या बैराग्याच्या जोड्या
dhṛpatā gāñjīlī dōhī daravājānnā kaḍī
yādava bandhavācā ālyā bairāgyācyā jōḍyā
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▷ (धृपता)(गांजीली)(दोही)(दरवाजांना)(कडी)
▷ (यादव)(बंधवाचा)(आल्या)(बैराग्याच्या)(जोड्या)
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A:I-2.2f (A01-02-02f) - Kṛśṇa / Draupadī’s protector and brother / He heaps dresses up to heaven

[31] id = 88235
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
धृपताची वभ्रवैरी फेडीता भागाला
ढिग कैलासी लागला
dhṛpatācī vabhravairī phēḍītā bhāgālā
ḍhiga kailāsī lāgalā
no translation in English
▷ (धृपताची)(वभ्रवैरी)(फेडीता)(भागाला)
▷ (ढिग)(कैलासी)(लागला)
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[41] id = 88392
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
धृपतीचा वस्त्र वैरी फेडीता भागला
ढिग कैलासी लागला
dhṛpatīcā vastra vairī phēḍītā bhāgalā
ḍhiga kailāsī lāgalā
no translation in English
▷ (धृपतीचा)(वस्त्र)(वैरी)(फेडीता)(भागला)
▷ (ढिग)(कैलासी)(लागला)
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A:II-2.5kiii (A02-02-05k03) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Blessing of Fortune / Lakṣmī

[56] id = 88958
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi -> Lakshmi_and_lamp, Lakshmi

आली लक्ष्मी खळ्याच्या पाळीला
पाट्या देती सजनाला
ālī lakṣmī khaḷyācyā pāḷīlā
pāṭyā dētī sajanālā
Goddess Lakshmi has come to the threshing floor
She gives the baskets of grains to my husband
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (खळ्याच्या)(पाळीला)
▷ (पाट्या)(देती)(सजनाला)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
Visit of Lakshmi is auspicious.
[57] id = 88959
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi -> Lakshmi_and_lamp, Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली पिवळी पायाची
नाही इथुन जायाची
lakṣmī ālī pivaḷī pāyācī
nāhī ithuna jāyācī
Goddess Lakshmi has come with yellow feet (bringing prosperity)
She will not go from here
▷  Lakshmi has_come (पिवळी)(पायाची)
▷  Not (इथुन) will_go
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
Visit of Lakshmi is auspicious.

A:II-2.12f (A02-02-12f) - Woman’s social identity / Inadequacies / Weakeness redeemed by Lakṣmī

[13] id = 106551
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली कुणीकड येण केल
मया सख्याच दुबळपण तुला सांगितल
lakṣmī ālī kuṇīkaḍa yēṇa kēla
mayā sakhyāca dubaḷapaṇa tulā sāṅgitala
Goddess Lakshmi has come, how did you happen to come
I told you about my husband’s poverty
▷  Lakshmi has_come (कुणीकड)(येण) did
▷ (मया)(सख्याच)(दुबळपण) to_you (सांगितल)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

A:II-5.3fviii (A02-05-03f08) - Labour / Grinding / “At the grindmill at dawn…” / All other gods

[17] id = 111188
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मातेच्या उसन्यासाय़ी देवाने घेतले लहानपण
वैराग्याचे रुप घेऊन निघाले भगवान
mātēcyā usanyāsāyī dēvānē ghētalē lahānapaṇa
vairāgyācē rupa ghēūna nighālē bhagavāna
no translation in English
▷ (मातेच्या)(उसन्यासाय़ी)(देवाने)(घेतले)(लहानपण)
▷ (वैराग्याचे) form (घेऊन)(निघाले)(भगवान)
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A:II-5.3kvii (A02-05-03k07) - Labour / Grinding / Singing while grinding / Singing to Rām and gods

Cross-references:B:IV-2.3a ???
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
[367] id = 89304
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
कंसाच्या नगरीमधी मुक्काम केला देवाने
पुंडल्याग बायांनीरला जडीताचे लेणं
kansācyā nagarīmadhī mukkāma kēlā dēvānē
puṇḍalyāga bāyānnīralā jaḍītācē lēṇaṁ
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▷ (कंसाच्या)(नगरीमधी)(मुक्काम) did (देवाने)
▷ (पुंडल्याग)(बायांनीरला)(जडीताचे)(लेणं)
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B:III-1.6 (B03-01-06) - Rām cycle / Worship

[110] id = 81292
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
विठ्ठलाच्या झग्यावरी अभंग पडल्यात दाट
राम वाचीतो हरीपाठ
viṭhṭhalācyā jhagyāvarī abhaṅga paḍalyāta dāṭa
rāma vācītō harīpāṭha
no translation in English
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(झग्यावरी)(अभंग)(पडल्यात)(दाट)
▷  Ram (वाचीतो)(हरीपाठ)
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B:III-1.9b (B03-01-09b) - Rām cycle / Ancestors of Rām / Gopīcaṅda

[25] id = 86585
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
सातवी हाळद रोहीदास चांभाराला
शिर जोडा विठ्ठलाला
sātavī hāḷada rōhīdāsa cāmbhārālā
śira jōḍā viṭhṭhalālā
no translation in English
▷ (सातवी)(हाळद)(रोहीदास)(चांभाराला)
▷ (शिर)(जोडा)(विठ्ठलाला)
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B:III-1.10a (B03-01-10a) - Rām cycle / Iṅdrajit: fight and death / Sulocana receives the news of his death

[115] id = 57983
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मारीला इंद्रजीत सरण जळ धडधडा
हाती अमृताचा पुडा सुलोचना घाली वेढा
mārīlā indrajīta saraṇa jaḷa dhaḍadhaḍā
hātī amṛtācā puḍā sulōcanā ghālī vēḍhā
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▷ (मारीला)(इंद्रजीत)(सरण)(जळ)(धडधडा)
▷ (हाती)(अमृताचा)(पुडा)(सुलोचना)(घाली)(वेढा)
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[195] id = 63414
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मारीला इंद्रजीत सरण झळ धडु धडा
हाती अमृताचा पुडा सुलोचना घाली वेढा
mārīlā indrajīta saraṇa jhaḷa dhaḍu dhaḍā
hātī amṛtācā puḍā sulōcanā ghālī vēḍhā
no translation in English
▷ (मारीला)(इंद्रजीत)(सरण)(झळ)(धडु)(धडा)
▷ (हाती)(अमृताचा)(पुडा)(सुलोचना)(घाली)(वेढा)
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B:III-1.10d (B03-01-10d) - Rām cycle / Iṅdrajit: fight and death / Mourning

Cross-references:A:I-1.6hiv (A01-01-06h04) - Sītā / Rāvaṇ / Mandodarī / Mandodarī’s grief for Indrajīta
[12] id = 59557
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मारीला इंद्रजीत सरण जळ दिपी दिपी
हाती अमृताची कुपी
mārīlā indrajīta saraṇa jaḷa dipī dipī
hātī amṛtācī kupī
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▷ (मारीला)(इंद्रजीत)(सरण)(जळ)(दिपी)(दिपी)
▷ (हाती)(अमृताची)(कुपी)
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B:III-2.1aiii (B03-02-01a03) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Gokulpur / Maternal uncles and aunts

[11] id = 90705
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
उठा उठा मामी तुम्ही निरोप सांगा जा मामाला
गोकुळाचा तुमचा भाचा आहे उभा युध्दाला
uṭhā uṭhā māmī tumhī nirōpa sāṅgā jā māmālā
gōkuḷācā tumacā bhācā āhē ubhā yudhdālā
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▷ (उठा)(उठा) maternal_uncle (तुम्ही)(निरोप) with (जा)(मामाला)
▷ (गोकुळाचा)(तुमचा)(भाचा)(आहे) standing (युध्दाला)
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[18] id = 108210
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
उठा उठा मायी तुम्ही निरोप सांगा जा मामाला
गोकुळाचा तुमचा भाचा उभा आहे युध्दाला
uṭhā uṭhā māyī tumhī nirōpa sāṅgā jā māmālā
gōkuḷācā tumacā bhācā ubhā āhē yudhdālā
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▷ (उठा)(उठा)(मायी)(तुम्ही)(निरोप) with (जा)(मामाला)
▷ (गोकुळाचा)(तुमचा)(भाचा) standing (आहे)(युध्दाला)
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B:III-2.1ci (B03-02-01c01) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Devaki-Vasudev / Mother-father

[51] id = 82922
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
कृष्णाची माता म्हणे सात शिर वधले
त्याचे मला दुःख नाही झाले
kṛṣṇācī mātā mhaṇē sāta śira vadhalē
tyācē malā duḥkha nāhī jhālē
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▷ (कृष्णाची)(माता)(म्हणे)(सात)(शिर)(वधले)
▷ (त्याचे)(मला)(दुःख) not become
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B:III-2.1dxi (B03-02-01d11) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Kansa opponent

[2] id = 113278
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
माताजी (कृष्ण) म्हणे सात शिर वधले
त्याचे मला दुःख नाही झाले
mātājī (kṛṣṇa) mhaṇē sāta śira vadhalē
tyācē malā duḥkha nāhī jhālē
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▷ (माताजी) ( (कृष्ण) ) (म्हणे)(सात)(शिर)(वधले)
▷ (त्याचे)(मला)(दुःख) not become
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B:III-2.1dxiii (B03-02-01d13) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Kṛṣṇa in Kansa’s city

[1] id = 38686
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
कंसाच्या नगरीमधी मुक्काम केल देवानं
पुंडंलयाग बायांनो रत्नजडिताचे लेणं
kansācyā nagarīmadhī mukkāma kēla dēvānaṁ
puṇḍanlayāga bāyānnō ratnajaḍitācē lēṇaṁ
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▷ (कंसाच्या)(नगरीमधी)(मुक्काम) did (देवानं)
▷ (पुंडंलयाग)(बायांनो)(रत्नजडिताचे)(लेणं)
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B:III-2.1dxv (B03-02-01d15) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Birth / Kṛṣṇa as bangle seller

[16] id = 38692
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
म्होर दासी मागं वैराळ आलेत वाड्याशी
उटकर बसकर पाट चंदनाचा टाक बसायशी
mhōra dāsī māgaṁ vairāḷa ālēta vāḍyāśī
uṭakara basakara pāṭa candanācā ṭāka basāyaśī
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▷ (म्होर)(दासी)(मागं)(वैराळ)(आलेत)(वाड्याशी)
▷ (उटकर)(बसकर)(पाट)(चंदनाचा)(टाक)(बसायशी)
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[17] id = 38685
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
तुमच्या सारखा एक भाचा नांद गोकुळाशी
कमळाजाने हात दिला त्याव वैराळाशी
tumacyā sārakhā ēka bhācā nānda gōkuḷāśī
kamaḷājānē hāta dilā tyāva vairāḷāśī
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▷ (तुमच्या)(सारखा)(एक)(भाचा)(नांद)(गोकुळाशी)
▷ (कमळाजाने) hand (दिला)(त्याव)(वैराळाशी)
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B:III-2.5b (B03-02-05b) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Mischievous Kṛśṇa / Stealing churning instruments

[17] id = 52919
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
तुमच्या भाचानं काळ खडगाची केली चोरी
भाचा नव्ह काळ खडगाची केली चोरी
tumacyā bhācānaṁ kāḷa khaḍagācī kēlī cōrī
bhācā navha kāḷa khaḍagācī kēlī cōrī
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▷ (तुमच्या)(भाचानं)(काळ)(खडगाची) shouted (चोरी)
▷ (भाचा)(नव्ह)(काळ)(खडगाची) shouted (चोरी)
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B:III-2.7a (B03-02-07a) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Kṛśṇa and relatives / Sister Subhadrā

[2] id = 66891
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भाग्याची कमळजा कंसाची रानी
तशीच जावुनी खबर कळती
bhāgyācī kamaḷajā kansācī rānī
taśīca jāvunī khabara kaḷatī
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▷ (भाग्याची)(कमळजा)(कंसाची)(रानी)
▷ (तशीच)(जावुनी)(खबर)(कळती)
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B:III-2.8 (B03-02-08) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Kṛśṇa and relatives / Sister Subhadrā

[16] id = 110693
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
तुमच्या सारखा एक भाचा नांद गोकुळाशी
कमळजाने हात दिला त्या वैराळाशी
tumacyā sārakhā ēka bhācā nānda gōkuḷāśī
kamaḷajānē hāta dilā tyā vairāḷāśī
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▷ (तुमच्या)(सारखा)(एक)(भाचा)(नांद)(गोकुळाशी)
▷ (कमळजाने) hand (दिला)(त्या)(वैराळाशी)
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[20] id = 110697
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
उठुन कमळजा उठुन गेली पतीच्या महालाशी
उशा खालच घेउनी दिल त्या वैरागाशी
uṭhuna kamaḷajā uṭhuna gēlī patīcyā mahālāśī
uśā khālaca ghēunī dila tyā vairāgāśī
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▷ (उठुन)(कमळजा)(उठुन) went (पतीच्या)(महालाशी)
▷ (उशा)(खालच)(घेउनी)(दिल)(त्या)(वैरागाशी)
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[31] id = 110709
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
निघुन कमळजा निघुन गेली पतीच्या महलाला
उठा उठा काळ झोप काशी लागली तुम्हाला
nighuna kamaḷajā nighuna gēlī patīcyā mahalālā
uṭhā uṭhā kāḷa jhōpa kāśī lāgalī tumhālā
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▷ (निघुन)(कमळजा)(निघुन) went (पतीच्या)(महलाला)
▷ (उठा)(उठा)(काळ)(झोप) how (लागली)(तुम्हाला)
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[63] id = 110741
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
उठ उठ कमळजा आणा खिळा इला सुरी
चुडा कान साईच खंडग राहील ते माझ घरी
uṭha uṭha kamaḷajā āṇā khiḷā ilā surī
cuḍā kāna sāīca khaṇḍaga rāhīla tē mājha gharī
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▷ (उठ)(उठ)(कमळजा)(आणा)(खिळा)(इला)(सुरी)
▷ (चुडा)(कान)(साईच)(खंडग)(राहील)(ते) my (घरी)
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[65] id = 110743
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
पाची पांडव बाळ कर्ण कुणाचा असावा
कुंती मातला पुसावा
pācī pāṇḍava bāḷa karṇa kuṇācā asāvā
kuntī mātalā pusāvā
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▷ (पाची)(पांडव) son (कर्ण)(कुणाचा)(असावा)
▷ (कुंती)(मातला)(पुसावा)
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[74] id = 110752
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
उठुन कमळजा उठुन गेली पतीच्या महलाशी
उशा खालच खडंग घेउन दिल त्या वैराळाशी
uṭhuna kamaḷajā uṭhuna gēlī patīcyā mahalāśī
uśā khālaca khaḍaṅga ghēuna dila tyā vairāḷāśī
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▷ (उठुन)(कमळजा)(उठुन) went (पतीच्या)(महलाशी)
▷ (उशा)(खालच)(खडंग)(घेउन)(दिल)(त्या)(वैराळाशी)
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B:IV-3.1 (B04-03-01) - Dattātraya cycle / Dattātraya and Anūsayā

[25] id = 57273
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मावर गडावरी दह्या दुधाच्या घागरी
दत्त ऋषीच्या शेजारी
māvara gaḍāvarī dahyā dudhācyā ghāgarī
datta ṛṣīcyā śējārī
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▷ (मावर)(गडावरी)(दह्या)(दुधाच्या)(घागरी)
▷ (दत्त)(ऋषीच्या)(शेजारी)
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[61] id = 61896
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
असं सापडलं मला बेलामधी सोनं
मावर गडावरी सोन्याची भरती द्रोण
asaṁ sāpaḍalaṁ malā bēlāmadhī sōnaṁ
māvara gaḍāvarī sōnyācī bharatī drōṇa
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▷ (असं)(सापडलं)(मला)(बेलामधी)(सोनं)
▷ (मावर)(गडावरी)(सोन्याची)(भरती)(द्रोण)
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[139] id = 109081
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मावर गडावरी सव्वा खंडीची घुगरी
बारा गावाची जहागीरी अनुसयाच्या बाळाला
māvara gaḍāvarī savvā khaṇḍīcī ghugarī
bārā gāvācī jahāgīrī anusayācyā bāḷālā
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▷ (मावर)(गडावरी)(सव्वा)(खंडीची)(घुगरी)
▷ (बारा)(गावाची)(जहागीरी)(अनुसयाच्या)(बाळाला)
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B:IV-3.5 (B04-03-05) - Dattatraya cycle / Anusaya

[46] id = 113152
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मावर गडावरी सोन्याची भरती दोन
अंत ऋषीची नावान अनुसया देती वान
māvara gaḍāvarī sōnyācī bharatī dōna
anta ṛṣīcī nāvāna anusayā dētī vāna
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▷ (मावर)(गडावरी)(सोन्याची)(भरती) two
▷ (अंत)(ऋषीची)(नावान)(अनुसया)(देती)(वान)
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B:IV-4.1 (B04-04-01) - God Śaṅkar / Place of residence

[44] id = 60979
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
संभू देवाच शिखर चुण्यान टिपल
गिरजा नारीन जीतल
sambhū dēvāca śikhara cuṇyāna ṭipala
girajā nārīna jītala
no translation in English
▷ (संभू)(देवाच)(शिखर)(चुण्यान)(टिपल)
▷ (गिरजा)(नारीन)(जीतल)
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B:IV-4.2 (B04-04-02) - God Śaṅkar / Worship

[237] id = 107956
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
महादेवाच्या समोर नंदी नाचती अंगणी
उघडा देवाच्या कंगणी देव महादेव माझा
mahādēvācyā samōra nandī nācatī aṅgaṇī
ughaḍā dēvācyā kaṅgaṇī dēva mahādēva mājhā
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▷ (महादेवाच्या)(समोर)(नंदी)(नाचती)(अंगणी)
▷ (उघडा)(देवाच्या)(कंगणी)(देव)(महादेव) my
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B:IV-4.3 (B04-04-03) - God Śaṅkar / The dear one

[57] id = 61462
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भोळा महादेव भोळव तुमचं देवा
मला बेलामधी सोनं
bhōḷā mahādēva bhōḷava tumacaṁ dēvā
malā bēlāmadhī sōnaṁ
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▷ (भोळा)(महादेव)(भोळव)(तुमचं)(देवा)
▷ (मला)(बेलामधी)(सोनं)
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[60] id = 61465
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भोळा महादेव भोळ तुमचं देणं
मला बेलामधी सोनं
bhōḷā mahādēva bhōḷa tumacaṁ dēṇaṁ
malā bēlāmadhī sōnaṁ
no translation in English
▷ (भोळा)(महादेव)(भोळ)(तुमचं)(देणं)
▷ (मला)(बेलामधी)(सोनं)
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B:IV-4.6ai (B04-04-06a01) - God Śaṅkar / Girijā Parvati / Girijā / Māher-Sāsar

[26] id = 60997
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
संभुच शिखर चुण्यान टिपल
गिरजा नारीन जीतील
sambhuca śikhara cuṇyāna ṭipala
girajā nārīna jītīla
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▷ (संभुच)(शिखर)(चुण्यान)(टिपल)
▷ (गिरजा)(नारीन)(जीतील)
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B:IV-4.6aiv (B04-04-06a04) - God Śaṅkar / Girijā Parvati / Girijā / Old Śambhū, young Girijā

[28] id = 47107
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
संभू संभू म्हणू याची हालती मान
गिरजा केवड्याच पान
sambhū sambhū mhaṇū yācī hālatī māna
girajā kēvaḍyāca pāna
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▷ (संभू)(संभू) say (याची)(हालती)(मान)
▷ (गिरजा)(केवड्याच)(पान)
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B:IV-4.6biii (B04-04-06b03) - God Śaṅkar / Girijā Parvati / Parvati / Jewels / Śaṅkar and Pārvatī together

[6] id = 50227
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भोळा महादेव भोळ्या तुमच्या करामती
अर्धा अंगी पारवती
bhōḷā mahādēva bhōḷyā tumacyā karāmatī
ardhā aṅgī pāravatī
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▷ (भोळा)(महादेव)(भोळ्या)(तुमच्या)(करामती)
▷ (अर्धा)(अंगी)(पारवती)
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[37] id = 80276
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भोळा महादेव भोळ्या तुमच्या करामती
अर्धा अंगी पारवती
bhōḷā mahādēva bhōḷyā tumacyā karāmatī
ardhā aṅgī pāravatī
no translation in English
▷ (भोळा)(महादेव)(भोळ्या)(तुमच्या)(करामती)
▷ (अर्धा)(अंगी)(पारवती)
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B:V-3.5 (B05-03-05) - Village deities / Bahīrī / Gosāvī

[8] id = 38687
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
अस ‎ऋषीच्या नावानं अनुसया देती वान
जन्मले दत्त भगवान
asa ‎ṛṣīcyā nāvānaṁ anusayā dētī vāna
janmalē datta bhagavāna
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▷ (अस)(‎ऋषीच्या)(नावानं)(अनुसया)(देती)(वान)
▷ (जन्मले)(दत्त)(भगवान)
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[9] id = 38688
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मावर गडावरी सव्वा खंडीच पुरण
अनुसयाच्या भावानं दिलं नगर भोजन
māvara gaḍāvarī savvā khaṇḍīca puraṇa
anusayācyā bhāvānaṁ dilaṁ nagara bhōjana
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▷ (मावर)(गडावरी)(सव्वा)(खंडीच)(पुरण)
▷ (अनुसयाच्या)(भावानं)(दिलं)(नगर)(भोजन)
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B:V-5.1 (B05-05-01) - Village deities / Maṝāī / Her coming

[17] id = 50209
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मरुआईची जतरा पट्टी बसली पन्नासाची
दारू उडती जीन्हसाची
maruāīcī jatarā paṭṭī basalī pannāsācī
dārū uḍatī jīnhasācī
no translation in English
▷ (मरुआईची)(जतरा)(पट्टी) sitting (पन्नासाची)
▷ (दारू)(उडती)(जीन्हसाची)
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[20] id = 57315
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मरुआयची पालखी येशीत थकली
मान मागती आपली
maruāyacī pālakhī yēśīta thakalī
māna māgatī āpalī
no translation in English
▷ (मरुआयची)(पालखी)(येशीत)(थकली)
▷ (मान)(मागती)(आपली)
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[21] id = 57316
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मरुआयची जतरा पट्टी बसली पन्नासाची
दास उडती जीन्हसाची
maruāyacī jatarā paṭṭī basalī pannāsācī
dāsa uḍatī jīnhasācī
no translation in English
▷ (मरुआयची)(जतरा)(पट्टी) sitting (पन्नासाची)
▷ (दास)(उडती)(जीन्हसाची)
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[23] id = 98634
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
मरुबाईची पुजा कोण करीतो अंधारात
पायी भरला भंडार्यात
marubāīcī pujā kōṇa karītō andhārāta
pāyī bharalā bhaṇḍāryāta
no translation in English
▷ (मरुबाईची) worship who (करीतो)(अंधारात)
▷ (पायी)(भरला)(भंडार्यात)
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B:V-5.3a (B05-05-03a) - Village deities / Maṝāī / Personal portrait / Ornaments

[6] id = 50210
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मरुआईची क्यास आहेत सोन्याच्या तारा
दुनीया कापती थराथरा
maruāīcī kyāsa āhēta sōnyācyā tārā
dunīyā kāpatī tharātharā
no translation in English
▷ (मरुआईची)(क्यास)(आहेत) of_gold wires
▷ (दुनीया)(कापती)(थराथरा)
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B:V-5.4a (B05-05-04a) - Village deities / Maṝāī / Shrine / Temple

[5] id = 84395
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
मरुबाईची पुजा कोण करिती अंधारान
पायी भरला भंडारान
marubāīcī pujā kōṇa karitī andhārāna
pāyī bharalā bhaṇḍārāna
no translation in English
▷ (मरुबाईची) worship who asks_for (अंधारान)
▷ (पायी)(भरला)(भंडारान)
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B:V-5.7b (B05-05-07b) - Village deities / Maṝāī / Vow / Fulfilling

[6] id = 50208
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मरुआईची पालखी येशीत थकली
मान मागती आपली
maruāīcī pālakhī yēśīta thakalī
māna māgatī āpalī
no translation in English
▷ (मरुआईची)(पालखी)(येशीत)(थकली)
▷ (मान)(मागती)(आपली)
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B:V-51 (B05-51) - Village deities / Nārāyaṇa / Nārāyaṇa

[22] id = 57068
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
काशीमधी वड प्रयागामधी फाटा
देव नारायण सांग कैलाशीच्या चारी वाटा
kāśīmadhī vaḍa prayāgāmadhī phāṭā
dēva nārāyaṇa sāṅga kailāśīcyā cārī vāṭā
no translation in English
▷ (काशीमधी)(वड)(प्रयागामधी)(फाटा)
▷ (देव)(नारायण) with (कैलाशीच्या)(चारी)(वाटा)
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B:V-70 (B05-70) - Village deities / Nāgīyā, Nāganāth / Nāgīyā, Nāganāth

[3] id = 57105
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
देवात देवा म्हणू देव नागिया खरा
त्याच्या पायरी यकाली झरा (वडवलच्या)
dēvāta dēvā mhaṇū dēva nāgiyā kharā
tyācyā pāyarī yakālī jharā (vaḍavalacyā)
no translation in English
▷ (देवात)(देवा) say (देव)(नागिया)(खरा)
▷ (त्याच्या)(पायरी)(यकाली) Jhara ( (वडवलच्या) )
pas de traduction en français
[10] id = 71806
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
देवास देव म्हणु देव नागिया खरा
त्याच्या पायरी खाली झरा (वडवळच्या)
dēvāsa dēva mhaṇu dēva nāgiyā kharā
tyācyā pāyarī khālī jharā (vaḍavaḷacyā)
no translation in English
▷ (देवास)(देव) say (देव)(नागिया)(खरा)
▷ (त्याच्या)(पायरी)(खाली) Jhara ( (वडवळच्या) )
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B:V-79 (B05-79) - Village deities / Sāvatāmāḷī / Sāvatāmāḷī

[1] id = 48866
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
जन जात जतरला आपण आरणाला
सावत्या माळ्याच्या करणाला
jana jāta jataralā āpaṇa āraṇālā
sāvatyā māḷyācyā karaṇālā
no translation in English
▷ (जन) class (जतरला)(आपण)(आरणाला)
▷ (सावत्या)(माळ्याच्या)(करणाला)
pas de traduction en français
[2] id = 48868
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
जन जात जतरला आपण जाऊ उटीला
सावत्या माळ्याच्या भेटीला
jana jāta jataralā āpaṇa jāū uṭīlā
sāvatyā māḷyācyā bhēṭīlā
no translation in English
▷ (जन) class (जतरला)(आपण)(जाऊ)(उटीला)
▷ (सावत्या)(माळ्याच्या)(भेटीला)
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B:V-93 (B05-93) - Village deities / Munjā / Munjā

[3] id = 108920
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मेंढ्या बाया मोर मुंजाबाकुड दाढीवाला
धनगर तोळ्याची बाळी त्याला
mēṇḍhyā bāyā mōra muñjābākuḍa dāḍhīvālā
dhanagara tōḷyācī bāḷī tyālā
no translation in English
▷ (मेंढ्या)(बाया)(मोर)(मुंजाबाकुड)(दाढीवाला)
▷ (धनगर)(तोळ्याची)(बाळी)(त्याला)
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B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi

Cross-references:B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
B:VI-2.3d (B06-02-03d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Son
B:VI-2.20 ???
VI-2.7d24 ???
VI-2.25 ???
B:VI-2.825 ???
B:VI-2.38 ???
B:VI-2.11fi (B06-02-11f01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Special dishes for fast prepared for Viṭṭhal
[81] id = 38694
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बारा महिन्याच्या चोवीस एकादशी
वैराळ दादा नाव तुझ ईश्वनाथ
bārā mahinyācyā cōvīsa ēkādaśī
vairāḷa dādā nāva tujha īśvanātha
Twenty-four Ekadashi* in twelve months
Brother Vairal* (bangle seller), your name is Isvanath
▷ (बारा)(महिन्याच्या)(चोवीस)(एकादशी)
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा)(नाव) your (ईश्वनाथ)
pas de traduction en français
EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month

B:VI-2.4dix (B06-02-04d09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / Viṭṭhal receives

[3] id = 46782
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीला जाते मी भेटते गरुड खांबा
कवा आलीस लेकी रंभा
paṇḍharīlā jātē mī bhēṭatē garuḍa khāmbā
kavā ālīsa lēkī rambhā
I go to Pandhari, I visit Garud Khamb*
Daughter Rambha*, when did you come (asks Vitthal*)
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going I (भेटते)(गरुड)(खांबा)
▷ (कवा)(आलीस)(लेकी)(रंभा)
pas de traduction en français
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex
RambhaA courtesan in the court of God Indra
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[12] id = 75033
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीला जाते मी भेटते गरुड खांबा
कवा आलीस लेकी रंभा
paṇḍharīlā jātē mī bhēṭatē garuḍa khāmbā
kavā ālīsa lēkī rambhā
I go to Pandhari, I visit Garud Khamb*
Daughter Rambha*, when did you come (asks Vitthal*)
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going I (भेटते)(गरुड)(खांबा)
▷ (कवा)(आलीस)(लेकी)(रंभा)
pas de traduction en français
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex
RambhaA courtesan in the court of God Indra
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.4dxii (B06-02-04d12) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Irresistible wish to meet Viṭṭhal, Rakhumai / “When will you take me to Paṅḍharpur?”

[2] id = 58886
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीला जाते नदीच्या अलीकडे
सावळ्या पांडुरंगा मला न्यावा पलीकडे
paṇḍharīlā jātē nadīcyā alīkaḍē
sāvaḷyā pāṇḍuraṅgā malā nyāvā palīkaḍē
I go to Pandhari on this side of the river
Dark-complexioned Pandurang*, take me to the other side
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going (नदीच्या)(अलीकडे)
▷ (सावळ्या)(पांडुरंगा)(मला)(न्यावा)(पलीकडे)
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B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ

Cross-references:B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi
B:VI-2.7a17 ???
B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan
B:VI-2.32 ???
B:VI-2.7c136 ???
B:VI-2.155 ???
B:VI-2.220 ???
[54] id = 53193
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीला जाते गरुड खांबाला माझी भुज
रुप न्याहाळीत देवा तुझं
paṇḍharīlā jātē garuḍa khāmbālā mājhī bhuja
rupa nyāhāḷīta dēvā tujhaṁ
I go to Pandhari, my hand rests on Garud Khamb*
Observing and absorbing your form, oh God
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going (गरुड)(खांबाला) my (भुज)
▷  Form (न्याहाळीत)(देवा)(तुझं)
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Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.5a (B06-02-05a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Figure
[104] id = 74837
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीला जाते गरुडखांबाला माझी भुज
रुप न्याहाळीते देवा तुझ
paṇḍharīlā jātē garuḍakhāmbālā mājhī bhuja
rupa nyāhāḷītē dēvā tujha
I go to Pandhari, my hand rests on Garud Khamb*
Observing and absorbing your form, oh God
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going (गरुडखांबाला) my (भुज)
▷  Form (न्याहाळीते)(देवा) your
pas de traduction en français
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex

B:VI-2.6b (B06-02-06b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ

Cross-references:B:VI-2.4a (B06-02-04a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Prompts / Ekadashi
B:VI-2.7a17 ???
B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan
B:VI-2.32 ???
B:VI-2.7c136 ???
B:VI-2.155 ???
B:VI-2.220 ???
[54] id = 53193
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीला जाते गरुड खांबाला माझी भुज
रुप न्याहाळीत देवा तुझं
paṇḍharīlā jātē garuḍa khāmbālā mājhī bhuja
rupa nyāhāḷīta dēvā tujhaṁ
I go to Pandhari, my hand rests on Garud Khamb*
Observing and absorbing your form, oh God
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going (गरुड)(खांबाला) my (भुज)
▷  Form (न्याहाळीत)(देवा)(तुझं)
pas de traduction en français
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex
Cross references for this song:B:VI-2.5a (B06-02-05a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal / Figure
[104] id = 74837
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीला जाते गरुडखांबाला माझी भुज
रुप न्याहाळीते देवा तुझ
paṇḍharīlā jātē garuḍakhāmbālā mājhī bhuja
rupa nyāhāḷītē dēvā tujha
I go to Pandhari, my hand rests on Garud Khamb*
Observing and absorbing your form, oh God
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going (गरुडखांबाला) my (भुज)
▷  Form (न्याहाळीते)(देवा) your
pas de traduction en français
Garud KhambPillar of Garud (the eagle) in Pandharpur temple complex

B:VI-2.7e (B06-02-07e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Varkari

Cross-references:B:VI-2.832 ???
[1] id = 38684
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
विठु विठु म्हणून हाक मारीतो वारकरी
विठ वार्याच्या घरी टाळ विण्याला तारा करी
viṭhu viṭhu mhaṇūna hāka mārītō vārakarī
viṭha vāryācyā gharī ṭāḷa viṇyālā tārā karī
Vithu*, Vithu*, Varkari* is calling out
He is attaching the strings of the lute in Varkari*’s house
▷ (विठु)(विठु)(म्हणून)(हाक)(मारीतो)(वारकरी)
▷ (विठ)(वार्याच्या)(घरी)(टाळ)(विण्याला) wires (करी)
pas de traduction en français
VithuVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place
[5] id = 60121
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
विठू विठू म्हणून हाक मारितो वारकरी
विज वार्याच्या घरी टाळ विण्याच्या तारा करी
viṭhū viṭhū mhaṇūna hāka māritō vārakarī
vija vāryācyā gharī ṭāḷa viṇyācyā tārā karī
Vithu*, Vithu*, Varkari* is calling out
He is attaching the strings of the lute in Varkari*’s house
▷ (विठू)(विठू)(म्हणून)(हाक)(मारितो)(वारकरी)
▷ (विज)(वार्याच्या)(घरी)(टाळ)(विण्याच्या) wires (करी)
pas de traduction en français
VithuVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
Varkari ➡ VarkarisA person who makes a periodical pilgrimage to a sacred place

B:VI-2.7g (B06-02-07g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Harīpāṭh

[3] id = 38705
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
विठ्ठलाच्या झग्यावरी अभंग पडल्यात दाट
राम वाचीतो हरिपाठ
viṭhṭhalācyā jhagyāvarī abhaṅga paḍalyāta dāṭa
rāma vācītō haripāṭha
Vitthal*’s robe is crowded with Abhang* (written) on it
Ram reads Haripath*
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(झग्यावरी)(अभंग)(पडल्यात)(दाट)
▷  Ram (वाचीतो)(हरिपाठ)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
AbhangReligious songs or hymns, a hymn in praise of a deity.
HaripathAbhang-poetry composed in the praise of Vishnu

B:VI-2.9d (B06-02-09d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Standing on brick

[19] id = 53062
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
विठ्ठल विटेवरी बासूदेवाचा मुलगा
पाया पडला खलगा
viṭhṭhala viṭēvarī bāsūdēvācā mulagā
pāyā paḍalā khalagā
Vasudev’s son Vitthal* is standing on the brick
He has a depression on his foot
▷  Vitthal (विटेवरी)(बासूदेवाचा)(मुलगा)
▷ (पाया)(पडला)(खलगा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[24] id = 60703
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
विठ्ठल विटेवरी वासुदेवाचा मुलगा
पाया पडला खोलगा
viṭhṭhala viṭēvarī vāsudēvācā mulagā
pāyā paḍalā khōlagā
Vasudev’s son is standing on the brick
He has a depression on his foot
▷  Vitthal (विटेवरी)(वासुदेवाचा)(मुलगा)
▷ (पाया)(पडला)(खोलगा)
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B:VI-2.9e (B06-02-09e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Rich household

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
[1] id = 38698
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीच्या देवा नाही लागत निवद बोण
चौकटीला चांदी सोनं
paṇḍharīcyā dēvā nāhī lāgata nivada bōṇa
caukaṭīlā cāndī sōnaṁ
Pandhari’s God does not need an offering of eatables
He has silver and gold to his doorframe
▷ (पंढरीच्या)(देवा) not (लागत)(निवद)(बोण)
▷ (चौकटीला)(चांदी)(सोनं)
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B:VI-2.9g (B06-02-09g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Katha, Kirtan, Vina

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7b (B06-02-07b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Bhajan, kirtan
[56] id = 89552
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरी जाते रावळी जाते निट
सावळ्या विठ्ठलाचा त्याच्या धजचा दिट
paṇḍharī jātē rāvaḷī jātē niṭa
sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalācā tyācyā dhajacā diṭa
I go to Pandhari, I go straight to the temple
I can see the flag of the dark-complexioned Vitthal*
▷ (पंढरी) am_going (रावळी) am_going (निट)
▷ (सावळ्या)(विठ्ठलाचा)(त्याच्या)(धजचा)(दिट)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.9i (B06-02-09i) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Paṅḍharpur Kingdom of Viṭṭhal

[20] id = 89589
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरपुरात वड कवळ्या पानाचा
हरी निर्मळ मनाचा
paṇḍharapurāta vaḍa kavaḷyā pānācā
harī nirmaḷa manācā
In Pandharpur, there is a Banyan* tree with tender leaves
Hari*’s mind is so transparent and pure
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(वड)(कवळ्या)(पानाचा)
▷ (हरी)(निर्मळ)(मनाचा)
pas de traduction en français
BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India
HariName of God Vishnu
[22] id = 89591
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
हत्तीच्या पायाखाली मोत्याचं झाल पानी
देव आले आनवानी
hattīcyā pāyākhālī mōtyācaṁ jhāla pānī
dēva ālē ānavānī
Under the elephant’s feet, pearls got crushed
God came bare-footed
▷ (हत्तीच्या)(पायाखाली)(मोत्याचं)(झाल) water,
▷ (देव) here_comes (आनवानी)
pas de traduction en français
[23] id = 89592
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
हत्तीच्या पायाखाली मोत्याचं झाला चुरा
विठ्ठल देव गेले झराझरा
hattīcyā pāyākhālī mōtyācaṁ jhālā curā
viṭhṭhala dēva gēlē jharājharā
Under the elephant’s feet, pearls got crushed
God Vitthal* went away quickly
▷ (हत्तीच्या)(पायाखाली)(मोत्याचं)(झाला)(चुरा)
▷  Vitthal (देव) has_gone (झराझरा)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[24] id = 89593
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
हत्तीच्या पायाखाली मोत्याची झाली माती
देव गेले रातोराती
hattīcyā pāyākhālī mōtyācī jhālī mātī
dēva gēlē rātōrātī
Under the elephant’s feet, pearls got crushed
God Vitthal* went away in the night
▷ (हत्तीच्या)(पायाखाली)(मोत्याची) has_come (माती)
▷ (देव) has_gone (रातोराती)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[34] id = 91853
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
हत्तीच्या पायाखाली मोत्यांची झाली माती
देव गेले रातोराती
hattīcyā pāyākhālī mōtyāñcī jhālī mātī
dēva gēlē rātōrātī
Under the elephant’s feet, pearls got crushed
God (Vitthal*) went away quickly at night
▷ (हत्तीच्या)(पायाखाली)(मोत्यांची) has_come (माती)
▷ (देव) has_gone (रातोराती)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[35] id = 91855
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरी जाते रावळी निट
सावळ्या विठ्ठलाचा त्याच्या ध्वजचा दिवा दिस
paṇḍharī jātē rāvaḷī niṭa
sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalācā tyācyā dhvajacā divā disa
I go straight to the temple at Pandhari
I can see the lamp of my dark-complexioned Vitthal*’s flag
▷ (पंढरी) am_going (रावळी)(निट)
▷ (सावळ्या)(विठ्ठलाचा)(त्याच्या)(ध्वजचा) lamp (दिस)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[38] id = 93617
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
हात्तीच्या पायाखाली मोत्याचं झालं पानी
देव गेले आनवानी
hāttīcyā pāyākhālī mōtyācaṁ jhālaṁ pānī
dēva gēlē ānavānī
Under the elephant’s feet, pearls got crushed
God walked bare-footed
▷ (हात्तीच्या)(पायाखाली)(मोत्याचं)(झालं) water,
▷ (देव) has_gone (आनवानी)
pas de traduction en français

B:VI-2.10bii (B06-02-10b02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal father

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10eii (B06-02-10e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Viṭṭhal’s meals
[118] id = 75032
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
घराला पाव्हणा खडी साखर पुराना
सावळया विठ्ठलाला तुप वाढीते द्रोणान
gharālā pāvhaṇā khaḍī sākhara purānā
sāvaḷayā viṭhṭhalālā tupa vāḍhītē drōṇāna
A guest in the house, the lump-sugar at home is not enough
I serve ghee* to dark-complexioned Vitthal* in a leaf bowl
▷ (घराला)(पाव्हणा)(खडी)(साखर)(पुराना)
▷ (सावळया)(विठ्ठलाला)(तुप)(वाढीते)(द्रोणान)
pas de traduction en français
gheeclarified butter
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.10ei (B06-02-10e01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Guest

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10eii (B06-02-10e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Viṭṭhal’s meals
[2] id = 38697
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
घराला पाव्हणा पंढरीचा पांडूरंग
मुक्ता ज्ञानोबा त्याचे संग
gharālā pāvhaṇā paṇḍharīcā pāṇḍūraṅga
muktā jñānōbā tyācē saṅga
Pandurang* of Pandhari is a guest in my house
Mukta* and Dnyanoba* have come along with him
▷ (घराला)(पाव्हणा)(पंढरीचा)(पांडूरंग)
▷ (मुक्ता)(ज्ञानोबा)(त्याचे) with
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
[3] id = 38712
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
घराला पाव्हणा पंढरीचा पांडुरंग
पंढरीचा पांडुरंग बसाया टाकिला चवरंग
gharālā pāvhaṇā paṇḍharīcā pāṇḍuraṅga
paṇḍharīcā pāṇḍuraṅga basāyā ṭākilā cavaraṅga
Pandurang* of Pandhari is a guest in the house
I gave him a stool to sit
▷ (घराला)(पाव्हणा)(पंढरीचा)(पांडुरंग)
▷ (पंढरीचा)(पांडुरंग) come_and_sit (टाकिला)(चवरंग)
pas de traduction en français
[7] id = 58356
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
घरचा पाव्हना पंढरीचा पांडुरंग
पंढरीचा पांडुरंग बसाय टाकीला चवरंग
gharacā pāvhanā paṇḍharīcā pāṇḍuraṅga
paṇḍharīcā pāṇḍuraṅga basāya ṭākīlā cavaraṅga
Pandurang* of Pandhari is a guest in the house
I give him a stool to sit
▷ (घरचा)(पाव्हना)(पंढरीचा)(पांडुरंग)
▷ (पंढरीचा)(पांडुरंग) come_and_sit (टाकीला)(चवरंग)
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B:VI-2.10eii (B06-02-10e02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Viṭṭhal comes to her house / Viṭṭhal’s meals

Cross-references:B:VI-2.10bii (B06-02-10b02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Paṅḍharpur māhēra / Viṭṭhal father
[8] id = 38706
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
घराला पाव्हणा खडी साखर पुराना
सावळ्या विठ्ठलाला तुप वाढीते द्रोणानं
gharālā pāvhaṇā khaḍī sākhara purānā
sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalālā tupa vāḍhītē drōṇānaṁ
Guest at home, lump-sugar is not enough
I serve ghee* to dark-complexioned Vitthal* from a bowl made of leaves
▷ (घराला)(पाव्हणा)(खडी)(साखर)(पुराना)
▷ (सावळ्या)(विठ्ठलाला)(तुप)(वाढीते)(द्रोणानं)
pas de traduction en français
gheeclarified butter
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[9] id = 38707
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
घराला पाव्हणा खडीसाखरेच्या करते लाह्या
सावळ्या विठ्ठलाला तुप देत हात धुया
gharālā pāvhaṇā khaḍīsākharēcyā karatē lāhyā
sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalālā tupa dēta hāta dhuyā
Guest in my house, I make sweet popcorn
Dark-complexioned Pandurang*, I give you ghee* to wash your hands
▷ (घराला)(पाव्हणा)(खडीसाखरेच्या)(करते)(लाह्या)
▷ (सावळ्या)(विठ्ठलाला)(तुप)(देत) hand (धुया)
pas de traduction en français
gheeclarified butter
[24] id = 58357
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
घरचा पाव्हना खडी साखरेच्या करते लाह्या
सावळ्या विठ्ठलाला तुप देते हात धुया
gharacā pāvhanā khaḍī sākharēcyā karatē lāhyā
sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalālā tupa dētē hāta dhuyā
Guest in my house, I make sweet popcorn
Dark-complexioned Vitthal*, I give you ghee* to wash your hands
▷ (घरचा)(पाव्हना)(खडी)(साखरेच्या)(करते)(लाह्या)
▷ (सावळ्या)(विठ्ठलाला)(तुप) give hand (धुया)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
gheeclarified butter

B:VI-2.11ai (B06-02-11a01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Father and clan

[33] id = 52929
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरपुरात गल्लोगल्लीला गायमुख
भिमक राजान कुण्या हावशानं दिली लेक
paṇḍharapurāta gallōgallīlā gāyamukha
bhimaka rājāna kuṇyā hāvaśānaṁ dilī lēka
There is Gaymukh* in each lane of Pandharpur
King Bhimak gave his daughter in marriage to a worthy person
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(गल्लोगल्लीला)(गायमुख)
▷ (भिमक)(राजान)(कुण्या)(हावशानं)(दिली)(लेक)
pas de traduction en français
GaymukhGaymukh literally means cow’s mouth. Each temple has a Gaymukh of wood metal or stone through which water used for the idol of God is coming and hence supposed to be sacred water.

B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
B:III-2.2f (B03-02-02f) - Kṛśṇa cycle / Fond and Pride / Kṛṣṇa marriage
A:II-5.3biii (A02-05-03b03) - Labour / Grinding / God’s company / Together with other gods, holy places
[55] id = 46780
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पहिली हळद रुखमीणीच्या हाताला
जरी पताका रताला (रथाला)
pahilī haḷada rukhamīṇīcyā hātālā
jarī patākā ratālā (rathālā)
First halad* is applied to Rukhmini*’s hands
There are brocade flags to the chariot
▷ (पहिली)(हळद) of_Rukhmini (हाताला)
▷ (जरी)(पताका)(रताला) ( (रथाला) )
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[117] id = 58115
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पहिली हळद रुखमीणीच्या हाताला
जरी पताका रथाला
pahilī haḷada rukhamīṇīcyā hātālā
jarī patākā rathālā
First halad* is applied to Rukhmini*’s hands
There are brocade flags to the chariot
▷ (पहिली)(हळद) of_Rukhmini (हाताला)
▷ (जरी)(पताका)(रथाला)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[118] id = 58116
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
दुसरी हाळद रावळा बरोबरी
जरी वस्र लेला हारी
dusarī hāḷada rāvaḷā barōbarī
jarī vasra lēlā hārī
Second halad* for Vitthal* took in the temple
Hari* wore a brocade dress
▷ (दुसरी)(हाळद)(रावळा)(बरोबरी)
▷ (जरी)(वस्र)(लेला)(हारी)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
HariName of God Vishnu
[122] id = 58120
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
चवथी हाळद हिर काकराच मोती
स्वारी गोपाळपुरा जाती
cavathī hāḷada hira kākarāca mōtī
svārī gōpāḷapurā jātī
For fourth halad*, there are diamonds and pearls
(Vitthal*) is going to Gopalpur
▷ (चवथी)(हाळद)(हिर)(काकराच)(मोती)
▷ (स्वारी)(गोपाळपुरा) caste
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[123] id = 58121
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
तीसरी हाळद सारी पंढरी पिवळी
ध्वज मोत्याच्या रावळी
tīsarī hāḷada sārī paṇḍharī pivaḷī
dhvaja mōtyācyā rāvaḷī
Third halad*, the whole of Pandhari has become yellow
A pearl flag is flying on the temple
▷ (तीसरी)(हाळद)(सारी)(पंढरी)(पिवळी)
▷ (ध्वज)(मोत्याच्या)(रावळी)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[125] id = 58123
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पाचवी हाळद आळ तुटला मांडवाचा
झाला जावई भिमकाचा
pācavī hāḷada āḷa tuṭalā māṇḍavācā
jhālā jāvaī bhimakācā
For the fifth halad*, string of the canopy is broken
(Vitthal*) becomes the son-in-law of Bhimak
▷ (पाचवी)(हाळद) here_comes (तुटला)(मांडवाचा)
▷ (झाला)(जावई)(भिमकाचा)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[127] id = 58125
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
गोपाळपुराची लोक बोलत्यात एक
रात्री बांधली देवक
gōpāḷapurācī lōka bōlatyāta ēka
rātrī bāndhalī dēvaka
People from Gopalpur say this
At night, the family deity is was worshipped tied at night
▷ (गोपाळपुराची)(लोक)(बोलत्यात)(एक)
▷ (रात्री)(बांधली)(देवक)
pas de traduction en français
[128] id = 58126
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
गोपाळपुराची लोक बोलती घरात
सावळ्या विठ्ठलाची राती निघाली वरात
gōpāḷapurācī lōka bōlatī gharāta
sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalācī rātī nighālī varāta
People from Gopalpur talk at home
Dark-complexioned Vitthal*’s procession began at night
▷ (गोपाळपुराची)(लोक)(बोलती)(घरात)
▷ (सावळ्या) of_Vitthal (राती)(निघाली)(वरात)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[129] id = 58127
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
गोपाळपुराची लोक बोलती मंजुळ
विठ्ठलाच्या अंगावर राती पडल तांदुळ
gōpāḷapurācī lōka bōlatī mañjuḷa
viṭhṭhalācyā aṅgāvara rātī paḍala tānduḷa
People from Gopalpur talk nicely
Rice was showered on Vitthal* at night (at the time of the wedding)
▷ (गोपाळपुराची)(लोक)(बोलती)(मंजुळ)
▷ (विठ्ठलाच्या)(अंगावर)(राती)(पडल)(तांदुळ)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[191] id = 62232
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
विठ्ठल नवरा झाला बस पंढरीच्या पारी
मोत्याचं मुंडावळ त्याच्या सावळ्या तोंडावरी
viṭhṭhala navarā jhālā basa paṇḍharīcyā pārī
mōtyācaṁ muṇḍāvaḷa tyācyā sāvaḷyā tōṇḍāvarī
Vitthal* is the bridegroom, sits on the platform in Pandhari
A pearl mundaval* is tied on his forehead
▷  Vitthal (नवरा)(झाला)(बस)(पंढरीच्या)(पारी)
▷ (मोत्याचं)(मुंडावळ)(त्याच्या)(सावळ्या)(तोंडावरी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
mundavalFlowers, pearls, etc. tied around the forehead of the bride and the groom at the time of marriage
[192] id = 62233
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
गोपाळपुराची लोक बोलती बाळ बितरी
हाळद लागली रातरी
gōpāḷapurācī lōka bōlatī bāḷa bitarī
hāḷada lāgalī rātarī
People from Gopalpur say this boy (Vitthal*) is naughty
His halad* took place at night
▷ (गोपाळपुराची)(लोक)(बोलती) son (बितरी)
▷ (हाळद)(लागली)(रातरी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[193] id = 62234
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
विठ्ठल नवरा झाला बस पंढरीच्या पारी
मोत्याच मुंडावळ त्याच्या सावळ्या तोंडावरी
viṭhṭhala navarā jhālā basa paṇḍharīcyā pārī
mōtyāca muṇḍāvaḷa tyācyā sāvaḷyā tōṇḍāvarī
Vitthal* is the bridegroom, sits on the platform in Pandhari
A pearl mundaval* is tied on his forehead
▷  Vitthal (नवरा)(झाला)(बस)(पंढरीच्या)(पारी)
▷ (मोत्याच)(मुंडावळ)(त्याच्या)(सावळ्या)(तोंडावरी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
mundavalFlowers, pearls, etc. tied around the forehead of the bride and the groom at the time of marriage
[228] id = 67946
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
दुसरी हाळद रावळी बरोबरी
जरी वस्त्र लेला हारी
dusarī hāḷada rāvaḷī barōbarī
jarī vastra lēlā hārī
Second halad* takes place in the temple
Hari* wore a brocade dress
▷ (दुसरी)(हाळद)(रावळी)(बरोबरी)
▷ (जरी)(वस्त्र)(लेला)(हारी)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
HariName of God Vishnu
[229] id = 67947
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
तिसरी हाळद सारी पंढरी पिवळी
ध्वज मोत्याच्या रावळी
tisarī hāḷada sārī paṇḍharī pivaḷī
dhvaja mōtyācyā rāvaḷī
Third halad*, the whole of Pandhari has become yellow
A pearl flag is flying on the temple
▷ (तिसरी)(हाळद)(सारी)(पंढरी)(पिवळी)
▷ (ध्वज)(मोत्याच्या)(रावळी)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[230] id = 67948
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पाचवी हाळद आळा तुटला मांडवाचा
झाला जावई भिमकाचा
pācavī hāḷada āḷā tuṭalā māṇḍavācā
jhālā jāvaī bhimakācā
For the fifth halad*, string of the canopy is broken
Dark-complexioned Pandurang* became the son-in-law of Bhimak
▷ (पाचवी)(हाळद) here_comes (तुटला)(मांडवाचा)
▷ (झाला)(जावई)(भिमकाचा)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[349] id = 89780
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
गोपाळ पुराची लोक बोलती घरात
सावळ्या विठ्ठलाची राती निघाली वरात
gōpāḷa purācī lōka bōlatī gharāta
sāvaḷyā viṭhṭhalācī rātī nighālī varāta
People from Gopalpur are talking at home
Dark-complexioned Vitthal*’s post-wedding took place at night
▷ (गोपाळ)(पुराची)(लोक)(बोलती)(घरात)
▷ (सावळ्या) of_Vitthal (राती)(निघाली)(वरात)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[355] id = 89786
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
चवथी हळद हिर कंकराच मोती
स्वारी गोपाळपुर्या जाती
cavathī haḷada hira kaṅkarāca mōtī
svārī gōpāḷapuryā jātī
For fourth halad*, there are diamonds and pearls
(Vitthal*) is going to Gopalpur
▷ (चवथी)(हळद)(हिर)(कंकराच)(मोती)
▷ (स्वारी)(गोपाळपुर्या) caste
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
[74] id = 43939
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
आठवी हाळद नरहारी सोनाराला
मंगळसुत्र रुकमीनीला
āṭhavī hāḷada narahārī sōnārālā
maṅgaḷasutra rukamīnīlā
Eighth halad* for Narahari, the goldsmith
He makes a Mangalsutra* for Rukhmini*
▷  Eight (हाळद)(नरहारी)(सोनाराला)
▷ (मंगळसुत्र)(रुकमीनीला)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[328] id = 90335
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
पंढरपुरामधी बुक्कयाचा भडिमार
रुक्मीनबाईचा साडीवर रुक्मीन चढती सिडीवर
paṇḍharapurāmadhī bukkayācā bhaḍimāra
rukmīnabāīcā sāḍīvara rukmīna caḍhatī siḍīvara
In Pandharpur, bukka* is thrown around
It falls on Rukhminbai*’s sari, she climbs the staircase
▷ (पंढरपुरामधी)(बुक्कयाचा)(भडिमार)
▷ (रुक्मीनबाईचा)(साडीवर)(रुक्मीन)(चढती)(सिडीवर)
pas de traduction en français
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances
Rukhminbai(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11d (B06-02-11d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s saris

Cross-references:B:VI-2.7g (B06-02-07g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Ceremonies / Harīpāṭh
B:VI-2.2 (B06-02-02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Means of transport
B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments
[93] id = 61621
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
रुखमीनीची चोळी कोण्या शिंप्यानी शिवीली
वर आळंदी लिहीली
rukhamīnīcī cōḷī kōṇyā śimpyānī śivīlī
vara āḷandī lihīlī
Which tailor has stitched Rukhmini*’s blouse
Namdev*, the tailor, has drawn a picture of Alandi* on it
▷ (रुखमीनीची) blouse (कोण्या)(शिंप्यानी)(शिवीली)
▷ (वर) Alandi (लिहीली)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[95] id = 62178
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
रुखमीनीची चोळी कुण्या शिंप्यानी शिवीली
वर आळंदी लिहिली
rukhamīnīcī cōḷī kuṇyā śimpyānī śivīlī
vara āḷandī lihilī
Which tailor has stitched Rukhmini*’s blouse
He has drawn a picture of Alandi* on it
▷ (रुखमीनीची) blouse (कुण्या)(शिंप्यानी)(शिवीली)
▷ (वर) Alandi (लिहिली)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra

B:VI-2.11eiv (B06-02-11e04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s anger / Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc

[53] id = 43882
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
रुकमीन रुसली चालल्या बापवाड्या
हिला समजवया पुढ रथ माग गाड्या
rukamīna rusalī cālalyā bāpavāḍyā
hilā samajavayā puḍha ratha māga gāḍyā
Rukhmin* is sulking, she goes to her father’s house
To pacify her, chariots in the front and bullock-carts behind
▷ (रुकमीन)(रुसली)(चालल्या)(बापवाड्या)
▷ (हिला)(समजवया)(पुढ)(रथ)(माग)(गाड्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[54] id = 43883
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
रुकमीन रुसली चालली बापवाड्या
दिस नवरा पुढ रथ माग गाड्या
rukamīna rusalī cālalī bāpavāḍyā
disa navarā puḍha ratha māga gāḍyā
Rukhmin* is sulking, she goes to her father’s house
Husband’s chariot in the front, bullock-carts behind
▷ (रुकमीन)(रुसली)(चालली)(बापवाड्या)
▷ (दिस)(नवरा)(पुढ)(रथ)(माग)(गाड्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.11fii (B06-02-11f02) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s work / Cooking

[32] id = 87882
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
रुखमीण करिता साखरेचे लाडु तळीता
वाकडीच्या वाड्यावरी ज्ञानुबा घोडा टाकी रिंगणाला वेढा
rukhamīṇa karitā sākharēcē lāḍu taḷītā
vākaḍīcyā vāḍyāvarī jñānubā ghōḍā ṭākī riṅgaṇālā vēḍhā
Sugar sweets are being fried for Rukhmini*
Dnyanoba*’s horse circles around the ringan* near Wakhari stream
▷ (रुखमीण)(करिता)(साखरेचे)(लाडु)(तळीता)
▷ (वाकडीच्या)(वाड्यावरी)(ज्ञानुबा)(घोडा)(टाकी)(रिंगणाला)(वेढा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra
ringanHorses dancing in a circle on way to Pandharpur

B:VI-2.11oi (B06-02-11o01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Sixteen, seventeen, three hundred sixty, thousand women etc

Cross-references:B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description
[34] id = 43949
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा खोल्या
कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā khōlyā
kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen rooms
(Rukhmin* says,) where has the sweet-tongued (Vitthal*) gone
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(खोल्या)
▷ (कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[35] id = 43950
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा कवाड
देवा कोणाची आवड बोलती रुकमीन
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā kavāḍa
dēvā kōṇācī āvaḍa bōlatī rukamīna
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen doors
Rukmin* asks, God, whom do you like most
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(कवाड)
▷ (देवा)(कोणाची)(आवड)(बोलती)(रुकमीन)
pas de traduction en français
Rukmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[154] id = 83903
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सोळा सतरा नारी सोळा सतरा खोल्या
कुठ गेला गोडबोल्या सावळा विठ्ठल माझा
sōḷā satarā nārī sōḷā satarā khōlyā
kuṭha gēlā gōḍabōlyā sāvaḷā viṭhṭhala mājhā
Sixteen-seventeen women, sixteen-seventeen rooms
Rukhmin* says, where have you gone, my dark-complexioned sweet-tounged Vitthal*
▷ (सोळा)(सतरा)(नारी)(सोळा)(सतरा)(खोल्या)
▷ (कुठ) has_gone (गोडबोल्या)(सावळा) Vitthal my
pas de traduction en français
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.11oix (B06-02-11o09) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Differential treatment

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11oiv (B06-02-11o04) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women / Tuḷas
[48] id = 63232
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
रखमीणीची चोळी सत्यभामाला दोरवा
तुळशीबाईला थंड पाण्याचा वलावा
rakhamīṇīcī cōḷī satyabhāmālā dōravā
tuḷaśībāīlā thaṇḍa pāṇyācā valāvā
A fine sari and blouse for Rukhmini*, an ordinary sari for Satyabhama
The coolness of cool water for Tulasabai*
▷ (रखमीणीची) blouse (सत्यभामाला)(दोरवा)
▷ (तुळशीबाईला)(थंड)(पाण्याचा)(वलावा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[53] id = 60928
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
रुखमीनीची चोळी सत्यभामाला दोरवा
तुळशीला थंड पाण्याचा गारवा
rukhamīnīcī cōḷī satyabhāmālā dōravā
tuḷaśīlā thaṇḍa pāṇyācā gāravā
A blouse for Rukhmini*, an ordinary sari for Satyabhama
The coolness of cool water for tulasi*
▷ (रुखमीनीची) blouse (सत्यभामाला)(दोरवा)
▷ (तुळशीला)(थंड)(पाण्याचा)(गारवा)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.

B:VI-2.11q (B06-02-11q) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Dear

[4] id = 43940
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
पंढरपुरामधी बुक्याचा भडीमार रुकमीन बाईचा
तेलंग्या साडीवर रुकमीन पडती सिडीवर
paṇḍharapurāmadhī bukyācā bhaḍīmāra rukamīna bāīcā
tēlaṅgyā sāḍīvara rukamīna paḍatī siḍīvara
In Pandharpur, bukka* is showered profusely on Rukhminibai’s telangi sari
Rukhmin* is climbing the ladder
▷ (पंढरपुरामधी)(बुक्याचा)(भडीमार)(रुकमीन)(बाईचा)
▷ (तेलंग्या)(साडीवर)(रुकमीन)(पडती)(सिडीवर)
pas de traduction en français
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances
Rukhmin(Rukhmini) is the principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.12c (B06-02-12c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s bath

[38] id = 70515
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
जना बसली न्हायाला पाणी जळत पोळत
तिला अंतरी कळत
janā basalī nhāyālā pāṇī jaḷata pōḷata
tilā antarī kaḷat
Jana* has sat down for her bath, the water is scorching hot
(God) He knows everything in his mind
▷ (जना) sitting (न्हायाला) water, (जळत)(पोळत)
▷ (तिला)(अंतरी)(कळत)
pas de traduction en français
JanaSaint Janabai
[50] id = 71122
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
जना बसली न्हायाला पाणी जळत पोळत
देवा अंतरी कळत
janā basalī nhāyālā pāṇī jaḷata pōḷata
dēvā antarī kaḷat
Jana* has sat down for her bath, the water is scorching hot
God knows it in his mind
▷ (जना) sitting (न्हायाला) water, (जळत)(पोळत)
▷ (देवा)(अंतरी)(कळत)
pas de traduction en français
JanaSaint Janabai

B:VI-2.12d (B06-02-12d) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Jani’s plait

Cross-references:B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev
[15] id = 38703
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
विठ्ठल म्हणे जनाईला नाही कोणी
सोड बुचडा घाल वेणी
viṭhṭhala mhaṇē janāīlā nāhī kōṇī
sōḍa bucaḍā ghāla vēṇī
Vitthal* says, Jani has no one
Undoes the bun, and makes a plait
▷  Vitthal (म्हणे)(जनाईला) not (कोणी)
▷ (सोड)(बुचडा)(घाल)(वेणी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.12i (B06-02-12i) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Theft in Jani’s house

[14] id = 38704
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
रावळी चोरी झाली रुखमीनीचा गेला मनी
जनी शिवाय नव्हतं कोणी
rāvaḷī cōrī jhālī rukhamīnīcā gēlā manī
janī śivāya navhataṁ kōṇī
There was a theft in the temple, Rukhmini*’s necklace with the bead was lost
There was no one besides Jani
▷ (रावळी)(चोरी) has_come (रुखमीनीचा) has_gone (मनी)
▷ (जनी)(शिवाय)(नव्हतं)(कोणी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.12l (B06-02-12l) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Gokulpur

[21] id = 76963
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
गोपाळपुराची लोक बोलत्यात मंजुळ
राती पडल तांदुळ
gōpāḷapurācī lōka bōlatyāta mañjuḷa
rātī paḍala tānduḷa
People from Gopalpur say nice things
They say, rice was thrown (on the married couple) at night
▷ (गोपाळपुराची)(लोक)(बोलत्यात)(मंजुळ)
▷ (राती)(पडल)(तांदुळ)
pas de traduction en français
[22] id = 76964
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
गोपाळ पुराची लोक बोलत्यात ऐक
राती बांधील देवक
gōpāḷa purācī lōka bōlatyāta aika
rātī bāndhīla dēvaka
People from Gopalpur say anything
They say, deity (worshipped at the time of marriage) was installed at night
▷ (गोपाळ)(पुराची)(लोक)(बोलत्यात)(ऐक)
▷ (राती)(बांधील)(देवक)
pas de traduction en français
[23] id = 76966
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
गोपाळ पुराची लोक बोलती बाळबिदी
हाळद लागली राती
gōpāḷa purācī lōka bōlatī bāḷabidī
hāḷada lāgalī rātī
People from Gopalpur speak in simple language
They say, halad* ceremony took place at night
▷ (गोपाळ)(पुराची)(लोक)(बोलती)(बाळबिदी)
▷ (हाळद)(लागली)(राती)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding

B:VI-2.12r (B06-02-12r) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Vīṭṭhal and Jani / Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11h (B06-02-11h) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / She suspects Viṭṭhal
[240] id = 81746
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
विठ्ठल म्हणे जनाईला नाही कोणी
रुक्मीणीला म्हण सोड बुचडा घाल वेणी
viṭhṭhala mhaṇē janāīlā nāhī kōṇī
rukmīṇīlā mhaṇa sōḍa bucaḍā ghāla vēṇī
Vitthal* says, Janai has no one
He tells Rukhmini*, undo her bun and make a plait
▷  Vitthal (म्हणे)(जनाईला) not (कोणी)
▷ (रुक्मीणीला)(म्हण)(सोड)(बुचडा)(घाल)(वेणी)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[243] id = 81750
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
रावळी चोरी झाली रुखमीनीचा गेला मनी
जनी शिवाय नव्हतं कोणी
rāvaḷī cōrī jhālī rukhamīnīcā gēlā manī
janī śivāya navhataṁ kōṇī
There was a theft in the temple, Rukhmini* lost her locket
There was no one besides Jani
▷ (रावळी)(चोरी) has_come (रुखमीनीचा) has_gone (मनी)
▷ (जनी)(शिवाय)(नव्हतं)(कोणी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.14 (B06-02-14) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Namdev

[12] id = 38689
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नामदेवाचं लगीन जग बोल नावमदी
राती लागल्या हाळदी
nāmadēvācaṁ lagīna jaga bōla nāvamadī
rātī lāgalyā hāḷadī
Namdev*’s wedding, people talk about it in the boat
Haldi* ceremony was held at night
▷ (नामदेवाचं)(लगीन)(जग) says (नावमदी)
▷ (राती)(लागल्या) turmeric
pas de traduction en français
haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[13] id = 38690
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नामदेवाचं लगीन जग बोलत मजुंळ
राती पडल तांदूळ
nāmadēvācaṁ lagīna jaga bōlata majunḷa
rātī paḍala tāndūḷa
Namdev*’s wedding, the world is saying nice things about it
Auspicious rice was thrown on the couple at night (at the time of wedding)
▷ (नामदेवाचं)(लगीन)(जग) speak (मजुंळ)
▷ (राती)(पडल)(तांदूळ)
pas de traduction en français
[14] id = 38693
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नामदेवाचं लगीन वर्हाड नाही कोणी
सावळा पांडुरंग आवर म्हणे तू रखमिणी
nāmadēvācaṁ lagīna varhāḍa nāhī kōṇī
sāvaḷā pāṇḍuraṅga āvara mhaṇē tū rakhamiṇī
Namdev*’s wedding, there is no one in the marriage party
Dark-complexioned Pandurang* says, Rukhmini*, get ready fast
▷ (नामदेवाचं)(लगीन)(वर्हाड) not (कोणी)
▷ (सावळा)(पांडुरंग)(आवर)(म्हणे) you (रखमिणी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[68] id = 58425
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नामदेवाच लगीन मग बोल माववादी
राती लागल्या हाळदी
nāmadēvāca lagīna maga bōla māvavādī
rātī lāgalyā hāḷadī
Namdev*’s wedding, people say to each other in the boat
Haldi* ceremony took place at night
▷ (नामदेवाच)(लगीन)(मग) says (माववादी)
▷ (राती)(लागल्या) turmeric
pas de traduction en français
haldiTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
[120] id = 63327
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नामदेवाच लगीन जन बोलत मंजुळ
राती पडल तांदुळ
nāmadēvāca lagīna jana bōlata mañjuḷa
rātī paḍala tānduḷa
Namdev*’s wedding, the world is saying nice things about it
Auspicious rice is thrown on the couple at night (at the time of wedding)
▷ (नामदेवाच)(लगीन)(जन) speak (मंजुळ)
▷ (राती)(पडल)(तांदुळ)
pas de traduction en français
[140] id = 66364
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नामदेवाच वर्हाड नाही कोणी
सावळा पांडुरंग आवर म्हणे रुखमीणी
nāmadēvāca varhāḍa nāhī kōṇī
sāvaḷā pāṇḍuraṅga āvara mhaṇē rukhamīṇī
Namdev*’s wedding, there is no one in the marriage party
Dark-complexioned Pandurang* says, Rukhmini*, get ready fast
▷ (नामदेवाच)(वर्हाड) not (कोणी)
▷ (सावळा)(पांडुरंग)(आवर)(म्हणे)(रुखमीणी)
pas de traduction en français
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.

B:VI-2.18 (B06-02-18) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Other saints

[6] id = 38701
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
जन जात जतरला बाळ आत आरणाला
सावत्या माळ्याच्या भरणाला
jana jāta jataralā bāḷa āta āraṇālā
sāvatyā māḷyācyā bharaṇālā
People go for the pilgrimage, my son goes to draw water
To lend a hand to Savata* Mali*
▷ (जन) class (जतरला) son (आत)(आरणाला)
▷ (सावत्या)(माळ्याच्या)(भरणाला)
pas de traduction en français
SavataSavat Mali, a saint. He is a famous devotee of God Vitthal.
MaliA caste whose traditional occupation was plantation of vegetables and flowers
[19] id = 61593
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
आठवी हाळद नरहारी सोनाराला
मंगलसुत्र रुखमीनीला
āṭhavī hāḷada narahārī sōnārālā
maṅgalasutra rukhamīnīlā
Eighth halad* for Narhari, the goldsmith
A Mangalsutra* for Rukhmini*
▷  Eight (हाळद)(नरहारी)(सोनाराला)
▷ (मंगलसुत्र)(रुखमीनीला)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
MangalsutraA necklace of black beads given to the wife by her husband as a mark of marriage alliance which she always wears around her neck and which is removed only in case she becomes a widow. This is often called ‘dorala’ in the ovis.
RukhminiThe principal wife and queen of the God Krishna, the prince of Dwaraka. Krishna heroically kidnapped her and eloped with her to prevent an unwanted marriage at her request and saved her from evil Shishupala.
[61] id = 38700
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
जन जाते जतरला आपण जाऊ उटीला
सावत्या माळ्याच्या भेटीला
jana jātē jataralā āpaṇa jāū uṭīlā
sāvatyā māḷyācyā bhēṭīlā
Jani goes for the pilgrimage, let’s go to Uti
To meet Savata* Mali*
▷ (जन) am_going (जतरला)(आपण)(जाऊ)(उटीला)
▷ (सावत्या)(माळ्याच्या)(भेटीला)
pas de traduction en français
SavataSavat Mali, a saint. He is a famous devotee of God Vitthal.
MaliA caste whose traditional occupation was plantation of vegetables and flowers
[97] id = 81517
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
सहावी हाळद नरहारी सोनाराला
शिर जोडा विठ्ठलाला (नमस्कार)
sahāvī hāḷada narahārī sōnārālā
śira jōḍā viṭhṭhalālā (namaskāra)
Sixth halad* is for Narhari, the goldsmith
Fold your hands and bow to Vitthal*
▷ (सहावी)(हाळद)(नरहारी)(सोनाराला)
▷ (शिर)(जोडा)(विठ्ठलाला) ( (नमस्कार) )
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[157] id = 85749
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
सहावी हळद नरहरी सोनाराला
शिर जोडा विठ्ठलाला
sahāvī haḷada naraharī sōnārālā
śira jōḍā viṭhṭhalālā
Sixth halad* is for Narhari, the goldsmith
Fold your hands and bow to Vitthal*
▷ (सहावी)(हळद)(नरहरी)(सोनाराला)
▷ (शिर)(जोडा)(विठ्ठलाला)
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[215] id = 93900
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
सातवी हाळद रोहीदास चांभाराला
शिर जोडा विठ्ठलाला (नमस्कार)
sātavī hāḷada rōhīdāsa cāmbhārālā
śira jōḍā viṭhṭhalālā (namaskāra)
Seventh halad* for Rohidas, the cobbler
Fold your hands and bow to Vitthal*
▷ (सातवी)(हाळद)(रोहीदास)(चांभाराला)
▷ (शिर)(जोडा)(विठ्ठलाला) ( (नमस्कार) )
pas de traduction en français
haladTurmeric. Also application of turmeric, Haladi ceremony, forms a part of the rites of marriage which generally take place a day before the wedding
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.

B:VI-2.19b (B06-02-19b) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / Description

Cross-references:B:VI-2.11o (B06-02-11o) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Viṭṭhal’s relation with other women
B:VI-2.9e (B06-02-09e) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Rich household
B:VI-2.9f (B06-02-09f) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal - the dear one / Viṭṭhal and devotees work for each other, mutual intimacy
B:VI-2.11aiii (B06-02-11a03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Māher of Rukhmini / Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
B:VI-2.10c (B06-02-10c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Support expected / Sansāra prapañca
B:VI-2.11c (B06-02-11c) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Viṭṭhal and Rukhmini / Rukhmini’s ornaments
B:VI-2.7b35 ???
B:VI-2.7c23 ???
B:VI-2.70 ???
B:VI-2.98 ???
B:VI-2.182 ???
B:VI-2.9f24 ???
[62] id = 38695
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरपुरात गल्लोगल्ली गायमुख
भिमक राजानं कुण्या हावश्यानं दिली लेक
paṇḍharapurāta gallōgallī gāyamukha
bhimaka rājānaṁ kuṇyā hāvaśyānaṁ dilī lēka
There is a Gaymukh* in each lane in Pandharpur
Bhimak Raja willingly married his daughter in Pandhari
▷ (पंढरपुरात)(गल्लोगल्ली)(गायमुख)
▷ (भिमक)(राजानं)(कुण्या)(हावश्यानं)(दिली)(लेक)
pas de traduction en français
GaymukhGaymukh literally means cow’s mouth. Each temple has a Gaymukh of wood metal or stone through which water used for the idol of God is coming and hence supposed to be sacred water.
[63] id = 38708
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरी पंढरी दिसती पसार्याची
उंच माडी कासाराची
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī disatī pasāryācī
uñca māḍī kāsārācī
Pandhari, Pandhari is spread far and wide
The maker of bangles has a high storey
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(दिसती)(पसार्याची)
▷ (उंच)(माडी)(कासाराची)
pas de traduction en français
[64] id = 38710
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरपूरात वड कवळ्या पानाचा
हरी निर्मळ मनाचा
paṇḍharapūrāta vaḍa kavaḷyā pānācā
harī nirmaḷa manācā
There is a Banyan* with tender leaves in Pandharpur
My Hari* has a pure mind
▷ (पंढरपूरात)(वड)(कवळ्या)(पानाचा)
▷ (हरी)(निर्मळ)(मनाचा)
pas de traduction en français
BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India
HariName of God Vishnu
[65] id = 38711
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरी पंढरी दिसती दगडाची
उंच माडी बेगडाची
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī disatī dagaḍācī
uñca māḍī bēgaḍācī
Pandhari appears to be made of stone
The high storey is glittering with mirrors and decorations
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(दिसती)(दगडाची)
▷ (उंच)(माडी)(बेगडाची)
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[112] id = 61242
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरी पंढरी दिसती दगडाची
उंच माडी बेगडाची
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī disatī dagaḍācī
uñca māḍī bēgaḍācī
Pandhari, Pandhari, Pandhari is built with stone
The tall temple is glittering with mirrors and decorations
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(दिसती)(दगडाची)
▷ (उंच)(माडी)(बेगडाची)
pas de traduction en français
[121] id = 61251
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरी पंढरी दिसती पसार्याची
उंच माडी कासाराची
paṇḍharī paṇḍharī disatī pasāryācī
uñca māḍī kāsārācī
From here, one can see the expanse of Pandhari
The maker of bangles has a tall storeyed building (temple)
▷ (पंढरी)(पंढरी)(दिसती)(पसार्याची)
▷ (उंच)(माडी)(कासाराची)
pas de traduction en français

B:VI-2.19ci (B06-02-19c01) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Help for crossing the river

Cross-references:D:X2.2b ???
F:XVI-2.10 (F16-02-10) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Brother helps to cross river
F:XVI-2.23 ???
F:XVI-2.30 ???
F:XVI-2.31 ???
B:VI-2.3a (B06-02-03a) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Parents
B:VI-2.5 (B06-02-05) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal
B:VI-2.6 (B06-02-06) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Temple of Viṭṭhal
[45] id = 75001
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरीला जाते नदीच्या आलीकडे
सावळ्या पांडुरंगा मला न्यावा पलीकडे
paṇḍharīlā jātē nadīcyā ālīkaḍē
sāvaḷyā pāṇḍuraṅgā malā nyāvā palīkaḍē
I go to Pandhari, on this side of the river
Oh dark-complexioned Pandurang*, take me to the other side
▷ (पंढरीला) am_going (नदीच्या)(आलीकडे)
▷ (सावळ्या)(पांडुरंगा)(मला)(न्यावा)(पलीकडे)
pas de traduction en français

B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani

Cross-references:B:VI-3.3 (B06-03-03) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / After Alandi let us go to Dehu
[9] id = 57275
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
देहुचा पाटील आळंदीचा देशमुख
दोन्हीच्या आंघोळीला इंद्रायणी समाईक
dēhucā pāṭīla āḷandīcā dēśamukha
dōnhīcyā āṅghōḷīlā indrāyaṇī samāīka
Patil* from Dehu, Deshmukh* from Alandi*
Indrayani is common for the bath of both of them
▷ (देहुचा)(पाटील)(आळंदीचा)(देशमुख)
▷ (दोन्हीच्या)(आंघोळीला)(इंद्रायणी)(समाईक)
pas de traduction en français
Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
DeshmukhHereditary officer, head of a Pargana. Surname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[17] id = 57448
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
आळंदी करुनी देहूला जायाच
शेंडीचं नारळ इंद्रायणीला वहायाचं
āḷandī karunī dēhūlā jāyāca
śēṇḍīcaṁ nāraḷa indrāyaṇīlā vahāyācaṁ
After visiting Alandi*, I want to go to Dehu
And offer a coconut with a tuft to Indrayani
▷  Alandi (करुनी) to_Dehu (जायाच)
▷ (शेंडीचं)(नारळ)(इंद्रायणीला)(वहायाचं)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[27] id = 66508
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
देहुचा पाटील आळंदीचा देशमुख
दोहीच्या आंघोळीला इंद्रायणी समाईक
dēhucā pāṭīla āḷandīcā dēśamukha
dōhīcyā āṅghōḷīlā indrāyaṇī samāīka
Patil* from Dehu, Deshmukh* from Alandi*
Indrayani is common for the bath of both of them
▷ (देहुचा)(पाटील)(आळंदीचा)(देशमुख)
▷ (दोहीच्या)(आंघोळीला)(इंद्रायणी)(समाईक)
pas de traduction en français
Patil ➡ PatilsThe head of a village, holding an important position in the village
DeshmukhHereditary officer, head of a Pargana. Surname of a reputed family. But is also used for one’s father or uncle by the singers.
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra

B:VI-3.2a (B06-03-02a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Visiting idols in temple

[7] id = 38699
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरी वरुनी पाहू आळंदीचा पार
जन्म नाही वारंवार
paṇḍharī varunī pāhū āḷandīcā pāra
janma nāhī vāramvāra
From Pandhari, let’s see the extent of Alandi*
This birth does not come every now and then
▷ (पंढरी)(वरुनी)(पाहू)(आळंदीचा)(पार)
▷ (जन्म) not (वारंवार)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[15] id = 66533
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
दुरुन वळखिते हाये आळंदी चुनगती (चुन्याच्या रंगाची
तिथ हाय सोपान निवृत्ती दोघ किर्तन करीती
duruna vaḷakhitē hāyē āḷandī cunagatī (cunyācyā raṅgācī
titha hāya sōpāna nivṛttī dōgha kirtana karītī
I can recognise from a distance, Alandi* has the colour of limestone
Sopan and Nivrutti* are there, they are both performing kirtan*
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखिते)(हाये) Alandi (चुनगती) ( (चुन्याच्या)(रंगाची)
▷ (तिथ)(हाय)(सोपान)(निवृत्ती)(दोघ)(किर्तन) asks_for
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God
[16] id = 78253
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पंढरी पासुनी पाहु आळंदीचा पार
जन्म नाही वारंवार
paṇḍharī pāsunī pāhu āḷandīcā pāra
janma nāhī vāramvāra
From Pandhari, let’s see the extent of Alandi*
This birth does not come every now and then
▷ (पंढरी)(पासुनी)(पाहु)(आळंदीचा)(पार)
▷ (जन्म) not (वारंवार)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra

B:VI-3.3 (B06-03-03) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / After Alandi let us go to Dehu

Cross-references:B:VI-3.1b (B06-03-01b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Along the way to Alandi / The river Indrayani
B:VI-3.5 (B06-03-05) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar
[55] id = 38709
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
आळंदीवरुनी देहूला जायाचं
शेंडीच नारळ इंद्रायणीला वहायाचं
āḷandīvarunī dēhūlā jāyācaṁ
śēṇḍīca nāraḷa indrāyaṇīlā vahāyācaṁ
After visiting Alandi*, I want to go to Dehu
I want to offer a coconut with the tuft to Indrayani
▷ (आळंदीवरुनी) to_Dehu (जायाचं)
▷ (शेंडीच)(नारळ)(इंद्रायणीला)(वहायाचं)
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
[117] id = 66434
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
दुरुन वळखीते हाये आळंदी चुनगती
तिथ हाय सोपान निवृती दोघी किर्तन करीती
duruna vaḷakhītē hāyē āḷandī cunagatī
titha hāya sōpāna nivṛtī dōghī kirtana karītī
From far, I can recognize Alandi*, made of limestone
Sopan and Nivrutti* are there, both are performing kirtan*
▷ (दुरुन)(वळखीते)(हाये) Alandi (चुनगती)
▷ (तिथ)(हाय)(सोपान)(निवृती)(दोघी)(किर्तन) asks_for
pas de traduction en français
AlandiA town and a municipal council in the Pune district in the state of Maharashtra
kirtanSinging the praises of God

B:VI-3.5b (B06-03-05b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / Muktabai

Cross-references:B:VI-3.2b (B06-03-02b) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Let us go to Alandi / Golden Pipal
B:VI-3.5a (B06-03-05a) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar / The dear one
B:VI-3.4 (B06-03-04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Dnyāneśvar and Tukārām, Pālkhī
[103] id = 81915
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
घरचा पाव्हणा पंढरीचा पांडुरंग
मुक्ता ज्ञानोबा त्यांच्या संग
gharacā pāvhaṇā paṇḍharīcā pāṇḍuraṅga
muktā jñānōbā tyāñcyā saṅga
Pandurang* from Pandhari is a family guest
Mukta* and Dnyanoba* are along with him
▷ (घरचा)(पाव्हणा)(पंढरीचा)(पांडुरंग)
▷ (मुक्ता)(ज्ञानोबा)(त्यांच्या) with
pas de traduction en français
DnyanobaThe great saint of Maharashtra

B:VI-3.6eiv (B06-03-06e04) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / Refuses to go with him

[35] id = 81934
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
तुकारामाच्या इमानात करंडा ठेवीलेला दोनदा
नव्हत जीजाच्या मनामधी
tukārāmācyā imānāta karaṇḍā ṭhēvīlēlā dōnadā
navhata jījācyā manāmadhī
The box kunku* was kept twice in Tukaram*’s plane
Jijabai had no desire to go to Vaikunth* now
▷ (तुकारामाच्या)(इमानात)(करंडा)(ठेवीलेला)(दोनदा)
▷ (नव्हत)(जीजाच्या)(मनामधी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VI-3.6evi (B06-03-06e06) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven -, Tukā and Jijā / She wishes to be in Prapaca

Cross-references:B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai
[71] id = 62179
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
तुकारामाच्या इमानात कारंड ठेविलेली दोनदा
नव्हत जीजाच्या मनामधी
tukārāmācyā imānāta kāraṇḍa ṭhēvilēlī dōnadā
navhata jījācyā manāmadhī
The box kunku* was kept twice in Tukaram*’s plane
Jijabai had no desire to go to Vaikunth* now
▷ (तुकारामाच्या)(इमानात)(कारंड)(ठेविलेली)(दोनदा)
▷ (नव्हत)(जीजाच्या)(मनामधी)
pas de traduction en français
kunkuA red spot applied on the forehead by married women whose husband is alive as a mark of good fortune. This powder is also applied to God as a part of worship. It is prepared from turmeric, lemon juice, alum etc.
TukaramA 17th-century Hindu poet and sant of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu
Cross references for this song:B:VI-3.6c (B06-03-06c) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Tukārām and Jijabai

B:VI-4.12g (B06-04-12g) - Jejuri cycle / Maludev, Dhangar and Bāṇāī / Dhangar caste

[7] id = 57681
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मेंढ्या बायाच्या म्होर मुंजा बोकुड दाढीवाला
धनगर तोळ्याची बाळी ल्याला
mēṇḍhyā bāyācyā mhōra muñjā bōkuḍa dāḍhīvālā
dhanagara tōḷyācī bāḷī lyālā
A goat with beard is in front leading the sheep
Dhangar* is wearing a ten gram gold bracelet
▷ (मेंढ्या)(बायाच्या)(म्होर)(मुंजा)(बोकुड)(दाढीवाला)
▷ (धनगर)(तोळ्याची)(बाळी)(ल्याला)
pas de traduction en français
Dhangar ➡ DhangarsShepherds

B:VI-6.1 (B06-06-01) - Satyanārāyaṅa / Satyanārāyaṅa comes home

Cross-references:F:XV-4.1k (F15-04-01k) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a big personage / He is wealthy
[13] id = 59757
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले तीन
देव आले नारायण
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē tīna
dēva ālē nārāyaṇa
Satyanarayan*’s Pothi* was read three times in my house
God Narayan himself came (for it)
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (तीन)
▷ (देव) here_comes (नारायण)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
[14] id = 59758
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले नऊ
असे स्वार झाले नंदीवर नारायण
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē naū
asē svāra jhālē nandīvara nārāyaṇa
Satyanarayan*’s Pothi* was read nine times in my house
God Narayan himself came (for it) riding on Nandi*, the bullock
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (नऊ)
▷ (असे)(स्वार) become (नंदीवर)(नारायण)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
NandiGod Shiva's bullock
[15] id = 59759
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

सत्यनारायणाची माझ्या घरी झाले बारा
आली लक्ष्मी सुंदरा
satyanārāyaṇācī mājhyā gharī jhālē bārā
ālī lakṣmī sundarā
Satyanarayan*’s Pothi* was read twelve times in my house
The beautiful goddess Lakshmi came (for it)
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) my (घरी) become (बारा)
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (सुंदरा)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[16] id = 59760
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले सात
मी लावली चंद्रज्योत
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē sāta
mī lāvalī candrajyōta
Satyanarayan*’s Pothi* was read seven times in my house
I lit the oil lamp
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (सात)
▷  I (लावली) moon_light
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
[17] id = 59761
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले दाह
आली लक्ष्मी घरा
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē dāha
ālī lakṣmī gharā
Satyanarayan*’s Pothi* was read ten times in my house
Goddess Lakshmi came to my house
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (दाह)
▷  Has_come Lakshmi house
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[18] id = 59762
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी चार
देव लेले चंद्रहार
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī cāra
dēva lēlē candrahāra
Satyanarayan*’s Pothi* was read four times in my house
God wears a chandrahar*
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी)(चार)
▷ (देव)(लेले)(चंद्रहार)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold

B:VI-6.2a (B06-06-02a) - Satyanārāyaṅa / Celebrations / Preparation

[25] id = 49731
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले अकरा
हाती उदबत्त्या साखरा
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē akarā
hātī udabattyā sākharā
I had eleven Satyanarayan* pujas* in my house
I have incense sticks and sugar in hand
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (अकरा)
▷ (हाती)(उदबत्त्या)(साखरा)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[29] id = 57111
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले आठ
आणा केळीचे खुट
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē āṭha
āṇā kēḷīcē khuṭa
I had eight Satyanarayan* pujas* in my house
Bring banana stalks (to tie around the low stool for puja*)
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become eight
▷ (आणा)(केळीचे)(खुट)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[33] id = 59768
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायण माझ्या घरी झाले अकरा
हाती उदबत्या साखरा
satyanārāyaṇa mājhyā gharī jhālē akarā
hātī udabatyā sākharā
I had eleven Satyanarayan* pujas* in my house
I have incense sticks and sugar in hand
▷  Satyanarayan my (घरी) become (अकरा)
▷ (हाती)(उदबत्या)(साखरा)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[38] id = 59773
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले पाच
टाका चंदनाचे पाट
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē pāca
ṭākā candanācē pāṭa
I had five Satyanarayan* pujas* in my house
Place flat low sandalwood stools
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (पाच)
▷ (टाका)(चंदनाचे)(पाट)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods

B:VI-6.2b (B06-06-02b) - Satyanārāyaṅa / Celebrations / Worship

Cross-references:B:VI-6.6 (B06-06-06) - Satyanārāyaṅa / Vow
[36] id = 49730
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले चार
देव लेले चंद्रहार
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē cāra
dēva lēlē candrahāra
I had four Satyanarayan* Pothi* in my house in a year
God is wearing a chandrahar*
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (चार)
▷ (देव)(लेले)(चंद्रहार)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
chandraharNecklace made of bits of gold
[37] id = 57112
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले पाच
टाका चंदनाचे पाट
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē pāca
ṭākā candanācē pāṭa
I had five Satyanarayan* Pothi* in my house in a year
Place flat low sandalwood stools
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (पाच)
▷ (टाका)(चंदनाचे)(पाट)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
[38] id = 57113
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले बारा
आली लक्ष्मी सुंदरा
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē bārā
ālī lakṣmī sundarā
I had twelve Satyanarayan* Pothi* in my house in a year
Wealth and prosperity have come in plenty
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (बारा)
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (सुंदरा)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[39] id = 57114
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले दहा
आली लक्ष्मी सुंदरा
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē dahā
ālī lakṣmī sundarā
I had ten Satyanarayan* Pothi* in my house in a year
Wealth and prosperity have come in plenty
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (दहा)
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (सुंदरा)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[40] id = 57115
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले नऊ
असे स्वार झाले नंदीवर नारायण
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē naū
asē svāra jhālē nandīvara nārāyaṇa
I had nineSatyanarayan Pothi* in my house in a year
Narayan came riding on Nandi*, the bullock
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (नऊ)
▷ (असे)(स्वार) become (नंदीवर)(नारायण)
pas de traduction en français
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
NandiGod Shiva's bullock
[41] id = 57116
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले सहा
कुंडलीक बंधू यावत
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē sahā
kuṇḍalīka bandhū yāvata
I had six Satyanarayan* Pothi* in my house in a year
Brother Kundalik*, please come
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (सहा)
▷ (कुंडलीक) brother (यावत)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
KundalikPopular name of Pundalik, devotee of Vitthal
[42] id = 57117
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले सात
मी लावली चंद्रज्योत
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē sāta
mī lāvalī candrajyōta
I had seven Satyanarayan* Pothi* in my house in a year
I light an oil lamp
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (सात)
▷  I (लावली) moon_light
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
[43] id = 57118
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले तीन
देव आले नारायण पुजेसाठी
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē tīna
dēva ālē nārāyaṇa pujēsāṭhī
I had three Satyanarayan* Pothi* in my house in a year
God Narayan came for puja*
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (तीन)
▷ (देव) here_comes (नारायण)(पुजेसाठी)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods

B:VI-6.3a (B06-06-03a) - Satyanārāyaṅa / Reading of pothī, religious stories / Son

[28] id = 57131
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी एक
पुजाला बसली राजा दशरथाचा ल्योक
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī ēka
pujālā basalī rājā daśarathācā lyōka
I had one Satyanarayan* puja*, the Pothi* was read
King Dashrath’s son is sitting down for puja*
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी)(एक)
▷ (पुजाला) sitting king (दशरथाचा)(ल्योक)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities

B:VI-6.3b (B06-06-03b) - Satyanārāyaṅa / Reading of pothī, religious stories / Brother

[8] id = 57135
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणाची पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले सहा
कुंडलीक बंधू धावत आले पहा
satyanārāyaṇācī pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē sahā
kuṇḍalīka bandhū dhāvata ālē pahā
I had six Satyanarayan* Pothi* in my house
Look, brother Kundalik* comes running
▷ (सत्यनारायणाची) pothi my (घरी) become (सहा)
▷ (कुंडलीक) brother (धावत) here_comes (पहा)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
KundalikPopular name of Pundalik, devotee of Vitthal

B:VI-6.3f (B06-06-03f) - Satyanārāyaṅa / Reading of pothī, religious stories / Daughter-in-law

[7] id = 57139
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
विठ्ठलाचे पोथी माझ्या घरी झाले दोन
पुजेला बसली दशरथाची सुन
viṭhṭhalācē pōthī mājhyā gharī jhālē dōna
pujēlā basalī daśarathācī suna
In my house, I had two readings of Vitthal*’s Pothi*
King Dashrath’s daughter-in-law had sat down to perform puja*
▷ (विठ्ठलाचे) pothi my (घरी) become two
▷ (पुजेला) sitting (दशरथाची)(सुन)
pas de traduction en français
VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
PothiA book telling the story about Gods and deities
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods
[9] id = 59827
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सत्यनारायणा माझ्या घरी झाले दोन
पुजेला बसली राजा दशरथाची सुन
satyanārāyaṇā mājhyā gharī jhālē dōna
pujēlā basalī rājā daśarathācī suna
In my house, I have two Satyanarayan* pujas* a year
King Dashrath’s daughter-in-law sits down to perform puja*
▷  Satyanarayan my (घरी) become two
▷ (पुजेला) sitting king (दशरथाची)(सुन)
pas de traduction en français
SatyanarayanA deity which is commonly worshipped by all castes and communities on auspicious occasions, weddings, etc. and also after a vow made is fulfilled.
puja ➡ pujasRitual worship or adoration of the idol of Gods

B:VI-15.1 (B06-15-01) - Fire sacrifice / Rājasuya / The decision of Dharmaraja

Cross-references:B:VI-15.7 (B06-15-07) - Fire sacrifice / Rājasuya / Main ritual
[26] id = 80183
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सोन्याचा नांगराचा पृथमीला येढा
यज्ञाला जागा सोडा
sōnyācā nāṅgarācā pṛthamīlā yēḍhā
yajñālā jāgā sōḍā
no translation in English
▷  Of_gold (नांगराचा)(पृथमीला)(येढा)
▷ (यज्ञाला)(जागा)(सोडा)
pas de traduction en français
[86] id = 98835
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सोन्याच्या नांगराचा पृथमीला येढा
यज्ञाला जागा सोडा
sōnyācyā nāṅgarācā pṛthamīlā yēḍhā
yajñālā jāgā sōḍā
no translation in English
▷  Of_gold (नांगराचा)(पृथमीला)(येढा)
▷ (यज्ञाला)(जागा)(सोडा)
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B:VI-16 (B06-16) - Rememberance of different gods

[63] id = 98629
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
पाठीवरती गोण्या नंदी नाचती अंगणी
उघडा देवाच्या कंगनी
pāṭhīvaratī gōṇyā nandī nācatī aṅgaṇī
ughaḍā dēvācyā kaṅganī
no translation in English
▷ (पाठीवरती)(गोण्या)(नंदी)(नाचती)(अंगणी)
▷ (उघडा)(देवाच्या)(कंगनी)
pas de traduction en français

B:VII-1.2g (B07-01-02g) - Sun and moon / Devotion to sun, an ideal personage / Singers confident of his support

[18] id = 74793
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
कासीमधी वड प्रयागमधी फाटा
देव नारायण सांग कैलासीच्या चारी वाटा
kāsīmadhī vaḍa prayāgamadhī phāṭā
dēva nārāyaṇa sāṅga kailāsīcyā cārī vāṭā
no translation in English
▷ (कासीमधी)(वड)(प्रयागमधी)(फाटा)
▷ (देव)(नारायण) with (कैलासीच्या)(चारी)(वाटा)
pas de traduction en français

B:VII-2.3a (B07-02-03a) - Basil / Basil and bhakti / Worship, reading of pothi

[12] id = 38702
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पहाटच्या पार्यात का ग तुळसे दहीवरंली
भाग्यवंतीने शेवा केली
pahāṭacyā pāryāta kā ga tuḷasē dahīvaranlī
bhāgyavantīnē śēvā kēlī
no translation in English
▷ (पहाटच्या)(पार्यात)(का) * (तुळसे)(दहीवरंली)
▷ (भाग्यवंतीने)(शेवा) shouted
pas de traduction en français

B:VII-2.4f (B07-02-04f) - Basil / Related representations / Pativratā, absolute dedication to husband

[62] id = 79330
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
महापतीव्रता तुळस माझ्या ग दारात
घालते पाणी लागते चरणी पुरवी माझ हेत
mahāpatīvratā tuḷasa mājhyā ga dārāta
ghālatē pāṇī lāgatē caraṇī puravī mājha hēta
no translation in English
▷ (महापतीव्रता)(तुळस) my * (दारात)
▷ (घालते) water, (लागते)(चरणी)(पुरवी) my (हेत)
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[68] id = 85439
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
तुळशीला घाली पाणी तुळशीच्या झाला मिडी
पतीवर्तीची पहा माडी
tuḷaśīlā ghālī pāṇī tuḷaśīcyā jhālā miḍī
patīvartīcī pahā māḍī
no translation in English
▷ (तुळशीला)(घाली) water, (तुळशीच्या)(झाला)(मिडी)
▷ (पतीवर्तीची)(पहा)(माडी)
pas de traduction en français

B:VII-5.2b (B07-05-02b) - Surrounding Nature / Village / Pride of ones village

[52] id = 88123
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
पुण ग झाल जुन सातारा आला मोडी
बारामती तालतोडी
puṇa ga jhāla juna sātārā ālā mōḍī
bārāmatī tālatōḍī
no translation in English
▷ (पुण) * (झाल)(जुन)(सातारा) here_comes (मोडी)
▷ (बारामती)(तालतोडी)
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[123] id = 97911
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
कोण गाव कोण नाव तुम्ही कुठले रहिवासी
गाव नाही नाव नाही आम्ही फिरते रहिवाशी
kōṇa gāva kōṇa nāva tumhī kuṭhalē rahivāsī
gāva nāhī nāva nāhī āmhī phiratē rahivāśī
no translation in English
▷  Who (गाव) who (नाव)(तुम्ही)(कुठले)(रहिवासी)
▷ (गाव) not (नाव) not (आम्ही)(फिरते)(रहिवाशी)
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[215] id = 98516
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
कोन गाव कोन नाव तुम्ही कुठले रहिवासी
गाव नाही नाव नाही आम्ही फिरते रहिवासी
kōna gāva kōna nāva tumhī kuṭhalē rahivāsī
gāva nāhī nāva nāhī āmhī phiratē rahivāsī
no translation in English
▷  Who (गाव) who (नाव)(तुम्ही)(कुठले)(रहिवासी)
▷ (गाव) not (नाव) not (आम्ही)(फिरते)(रहिवासी)
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B:VII-8.2 (B07-08-02) - Religious concepts / Ethical norms

Cross-references:A:II-5.2a (A02-05-02a) - Labour / Worthless work / No value
[44] id = 72686
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सरगीच्या वाट यम धरी मनगट
काय केला दान धर्म त्याचे सांगा खरं खोटं
saragīcyā vāṭa yama dharī managaṭa
kāya kēlā dāna dharma tyācē sāṅgā kharaṁ khōṭaṁ
no translation in English
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट)(यम)(धरी)(मनगट)
▷  Why did (दान)(धर्म)(त्याचे) with (खरं)(खोटं)
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B:VII-9.10 (B07-09-10) - Religious institutions / Guru / Bhagavānbaba

[16] id = 66890
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मातेच्या उसन्यासाठी देवाने घेतले लहानपण
वैराग्याचे रुप घेऊन निघाले भगवान
mātēcyā usanyāsāṭhī dēvānē ghētalē lahānapaṇa
vairāgyācē rupa ghēūna nighālē bhagavāna
no translation in English
▷ (मातेच्या)(उसन्यासाठी)(देवाने)(घेतले)(लहानपण)
▷ (वैराग्याचे) form (घेऊन)(निघाले)(भगवान)
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C:VIII-6.1 (C08-06-01) - Mother / Respect for her / She is like Bhāgīrṭ Kāśī

[19] id = 38691
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
कासी कासी म्हणू कासी कुन्या खंडामधी
बाई गवळण माझी अखंड तोंडामधी
kāsī kāsī mhaṇū kāsī kunyā khaṇḍāmadhī
bāī gavaḷaṇa mājhī akhaṇḍa tōṇḍāmadhī
Kashi*, Kashi* (a place of pilgrimage), in which region is Kashi*
I keep taking the name of my dear mother all the time
I keep taking the name of my dear mother all the time
▷  How how say how (कुन्या)(खंडामधी)
▷  Woman (गवळण) my (अखंड)(तोंडामधी)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
[51] id = 71195
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
काशी म्हणुन काशी तिचा प्रयागामधी फाटा
तिच्या चालते दाही वाटा
kāśī mhaṇuna kāśī ticā prayāgāmadhī phāṭā
ticyā cālatē dāhī vāṭā
Kashi*, Kashi* (a place of pilgrimage), it has an offshoot in Prayag
I follow her in ten direction
▷  How (म्हणुन) how (तिचा)(प्रयागामधी)(फाटा)
▷ (तिच्या)(चालते)(दाही)(वाटा)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.
[74] id = 87449
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
काशी काशी म्हणु काशी कुण्या खंडामधी
बाई गवळण माझी अखंड तोंडामधी
kāśī kāśī mhaṇu kāśī kuṇyā khaṇḍāmadhī
bāī gavaḷaṇa mājhī akhaṇḍa tōṇḍāmadhī
Kashi*, Kashi* (a place of pilgrimage), in which region is Kashi*
I keep taking the name of my dear mother all the time
▷  How how say how (कुण्या)(खंडामधी)
▷  Woman (गवळण) my (अखंड)(तोंडामधी)
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KashiName of a place of pilgrimage. In the songs, mother is many times referred to or called Kashi.

C:VIII-6.5ci (C08-06-05c01) - Mother / Respect for her / Compared to trees / Banian

[35] id = 108782
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मेंढ्या बाया रातरीला वडाच्या सावलीला
गोंड राखा मावलीला
mēṇḍhyā bāyā rātarīlā vaḍācyā sāvalīlā
gōṇḍa rākhā māvalīlā
Sheep are in the shelter of the Banyan* tree at night
Keep a tuft of wool while shearing them
▷ (मेंढ्या)(बाया)(रातरीला)(वडाच्या)(सावलीला)
▷ (गोंड) ash (मावलीला)
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BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India

C:VIII-8.11 (C08-08-11) - Mother / Feelings and representations / No affection parallel to mothers love

Cross-references:C:VIII-7 (C08-07) - Mother / Her concern for children / Mother’s concern for children
[38] id = 69724
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
आई आई करु सार्या संसाराची आई
भरला मला काटा तिथ आली तुझी सई
āī āī karu sāryā sansārācī āī
bharalā malā kāṭā titha ālī tujhī saī
I keep saying mother, mother, you are the mother of the whole world
Whenever I suffer and my sorrow and suffering pricks like a thorn, mother, I remember you
▷ (आई)(आई)(करु)(सार्या)(संसाराची)(आई)
▷ (भरला)(मला)(काटा)(तिथ) has_come (तुझी)(सई)
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D:X-2.5dv (D10-02-05d05) - Mother worries for son / Son away from mother / With bullock-cart / Son is tired but admirable

[7] id = 80689
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
गाडीच्या बैलाला नको मारु धपाधपा
त्याने बाईच्या केल्या खेपा
gāḍīcyā bailālā nakō māru dhapādhapā
tyānē bāīcyā kēlyā khēpā
Don’t keep beating the bullock of the cart
In difficult times (especially at the time of deliveries), he has taken your mother to and fro
▷ (गाडीच्या)(बैलाला) not (मारु)(धपाधपा)
▷ (त्याने)(बाईच्या)(केल्या)(खेपा)
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D:X-3.2ai (D10-03-02a01) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / While contemplating son’s plays / Many children play with him

[19] id = 100522
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
समोरल्या सोप्यामधी जोड कंदील जळत्यात
डाव सोपटयाच खेळत्यात
samōralyā sōpyāmadhī jōḍa kandīla jaḷatyāta
ḍāva sōpaṭayāca khēḷatyāta
In the veranda in the front, a pair of lanterns is burning
They are playing a game of dice
▷ (समोरल्या)(सोप्यामधी)(जोड)(कंदील)(जळत्यात)
▷ (डाव)(सोपटयाच)(खेळत्यात)
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D:X-3.2bii (D10-03-02b02) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son worships / Practicing Rām bhakti

[30] id = 79174
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पहाटच्या पार्यामधी कोण करतो हारीहारी
देवाचा नाद भारी
pahāṭacyā pāryāmadhī kōṇa karatō hārīhārī
dēvācā nāda bhārī
Getting up in the morning, who is chanting the name of Hari*
My son is a great devotee of God
▷ (पहाटच्या)(पार्यामधी) who (करतो)(हारीहारी)
▷ (देवाचा)(नाद)(भारी)
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HariName of God Vishnu
[33] id = 100493
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
पहाटच्या पार्यामदी कोण करिती हारी हारी
देवाचा नाद भारी
pahāṭacyā pāryāmadī kōṇa karitī hārī hārī
dēvācā nāda bhārī
Early in the morning, who is chanting the name of Hari*
My son is a great devotee of God
▷ (पहाटच्या)(पार्यामदी) who asks_for (हारी)(हारी)
▷ (देवाचा)(नाद)(भारी)
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HariName of God Vishnu

D:X-3.2cv (D10-03-02c05) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son keeps cows / Cow-keeping suits him

[24] id = 99427
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
गाईच्या गाई राख्या काडी मागतोय बेलाची
गाई नंदीच्या तोलाची
gāīcyā gāī rākhyā kāḍī māgatōya bēlācī
gāī nandīcyā tōlācī
The cowherd is asking for a stick made of wood from Bel* tree
Its value and importance is as much as cow and bullock
▷  Of_cows (गाई)(राख्या)(काडी)(मागतोय)(बेलाची)
▷ (गाई)(नंदीच्या)(तोलाची)
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BelName of a tree

D:X-3.3k (D10-03-03k) - Mother attached to son / Wonders at his personality / Ornaments

[24] id = 100447
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मेंदीच्या या मावली कुणाच्या यमा जाती
संग माझ सोन नेती
mēndīcyā yā māvalī kuṇācyā yamā jātī
saṅga mājha sōna nētī
Mother sheep, behind whom are you going
You are taking my dear son along
▷ (मेंदीच्या)(या)(मावली)(कुणाच्या)(यमा) caste
▷  With my gold (नेती)
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[39] id = 102284
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नगरीच्या नारी मिळुन चुड्याच करीती खंडन
एका लाखाला सव्वा तोळ सोन
nagarīcyā nārī miḷuna cuḍyāca karītī khaṇḍana
ēkā lākhālā savvā tōḷa sōna
All the women from the village are guessing the price of my Chuda (bangles)
It is very valuable at a tola* and a quarter of gold for a lakh* of rupees
▷ (नगरीच्या)(नारी)(मिळुन)(चुड्याच) asks_for (खंडन)
▷ (एका)(लाखाला)(सव्वा)(तोळ) gold
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tola ➡ tolasWeight of gold or silver, approx. 11-12 gm.
lakh ➡ lakhsOne hundred thousand

D:X-4.2a (D10-04-02a) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Permanent backing

Test entry
[22] id = 68020
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
आंगड्याचा धोता घोंगड्याचा आला
पांग फेडाया लागला
āṅgaḍyācā dhōtā ghōṅgaḍyācā ālā
pāṅga fēḍāyā lāgalā
My little son has now become big
He is now being a support to me
▷ (आंगड्याचा)(धोता)(घोंगड्याचा) here_comes
▷ (पांग)(फेडाया)(लागला)
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[23] id = 68022
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
शेजीच्या फिटला पांग
माझा आला थोड्या वरी
śējīcyā phiṭalā pāṅga
mājhā ālā thōḍyā varī
Neighbour woman’s son has grown up, it’s good for her
For me, my son will be my support in a short while
▷ (शेजीच्या)(फिटला)(पांग)
▷  My here_comes (थोड्या)(वरी)
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D:X-4.2i (D10-04-02i) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / He keeps her honour

Test entry
[4] id = 68021
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मेंढ्या बाया कातरीला वडाच्या सावलीला
गोंड राखावा मावलीला
mēṇḍhyā bāyā kātarīlā vaḍācyā sāvalīlā
gōṇḍa rākhāvā māvalīlā
Sheep were sheared in the shade of the Banyan* tree
Keep a patch of wool on each seep
▷ (मेंढ्या)(बाया)(कातरीला)(वडाच्या)(सावलीला)
▷ (गोंड)(राखावा)(मावलीला)
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BanyanFicus benghalensis (the “Indian banyan“), the national tree of the Republic of India
Notes =>When sheep are sheared, a patch of wool in a particular fashion, is deliberately kept on the back of each of them to be able to recognise them.

D:XI-1.1biv (D11-01-01b04) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Mother’s concern / For son’s ploughing and sowing

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.4a (E13-01-04a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Daughter is virtuous
[173] id = 101195
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
तिपणी बाईच्या चाड दोराला दिला रंग
माग रासण्या झाला दंग
tipaṇī bāīcyā cāḍa dōrālā dilā raṅga
māga rāsaṇyā jhālā daṅga
The cord attached to the grain-box of the drill-plough is painted
The driver of the bullock behind is engrossed in his work
▷ (तिपणी)(बाईच्या)(चाड)(दोराला)(दिला)(रंग)
▷ (माग)(रासण्या)(झाला)(दंग)
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D:XI-1.1bvi (D11-01-01b06) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Mother’s concern / Field to be watered

[18] id = 80684
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मळ्यामधी हाय वलाण चिरबंदी
माझ्या माहेरा चार नंदी
maḷyāmadhī hāya valāṇa cirabandī
mājhyā māhērā cāra nandī
In the plantation there is a shed in chiseled stone
There are four bullocks in my maher*
▷ (मळ्यामधी)(हाय)(वलाण)(चिरबंदी)
▷  My (माहेरा)(चार)(नंदी)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[25] id = 99316
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
पाठीवर गोण्यामंदी आले झुल्या देते
कवाडीच्या तलफा सोडत
pāṭhīvara gōṇyāmandī ālē jhulyā dētē
kavāḍīcyā talaphā sōḍata
With sacks on their back, they are walking with a swaying gait
I open the door to take the sacks in
▷ (पाठीवर)(गोण्यामंदी) here_comes (झुल्या) give
▷ (कवाडीच्या)(तलफा)(सोडत)
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[29] id = 101413
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मोटच्या मोटकरी तुझ्या मोटाला नवी काणी
म्होर दारुळ्या माग पाणी
mōṭacyā mōṭakarī tujhyā mōṭālā navī kāṇī
mhōra dāruḷyā māga pāṇī
The driver of the leather buckets drawing water from the draw-well has a new handle
The one who distributes water to the furrows is ahead, water is flowing behind
▷ (मोटच्या)(मोटकरी) your (मोटाला)(नवी)(काणी)
▷ (म्होर)(दारुळ्या)(माग) water,
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D:XI-1.1div (D11-01-01d04) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Son, the ploughman / The dear one

When the singer says Ploughman Narayan, she imagines that God Narayan is actually participating in the work in the field. Even though her son or husband are ploughing, she imagines that God is making it happen. Farming is also looked upon by her as God’s worship.
[63] id = 79614
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नांगर्या आगळ्याचा दोघांचा एक गळा
सवता नांगरीला मळा
nāṅgaryā āgaḷyācā dōghāñcā ēka gaḷā
savatā nāṅgarīlā maḷā
The ploughman (son) and my husband have the same good voice
(My son) ploughed the field himself
▷ (नांगर्या)(आगळ्याचा)(दोघांचा)(एक)(गळा)
▷ (सवता)(नांगरीला)(मळा)
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D:XI-1.1dxi (D11-01-01d11) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Son, the ploughman / Bullock and the ploughman

When the singer says Ploughman Narayan, she imagines that God Narayan is actually participating in the work in the field. Even though her son or husband are ploughing, she imagines that God is making it happen. Farming is also looked upon by her as God’s worship.
Cross-references:D:XI-1.2a (D11-01-02a) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Mother reminds son how to care for bullocks
[14] id = 71805
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
नवीन नांगरात जमीनीच पाणी पाणी
चारी बईल नंदीवानी नांगर्याची घरयानी
navīna nāṅgarāta jamīnīca pāṇī pāṇī
cārī bīla nandīvānī nāṅgaryācī gharayānī
With the new plough, the land is being ploughed effortlessly as if it’s water
As all the four bullocks are big like Nandi*, thanks to them, he has his house
▷ (नवीन)(नांगरात)(जमीनीच) water, water!
▷ (चारी)(बईल)(नंदीवानी)(नांगर्याची)(घरयानी)
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NandiGod Shiva's bullock

D:XI-1.1fxviii (D11-01-01f18) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Thrashing ground / Gods on thrashing ground

[15] id = 72890
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
आली लक्ष्मी खळ्याच्या पाळीला
पाट्या देती सजनाला
ālī lakṣmī khaḷyācyā pāḷīlā
pāṭyā dētī sajanālā
Goddess Lakshmi has come to the thrashing floor
She gives basketful of grains to my son
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (खळ्याच्या)(पाळीला)
▷ (पाट्या)(देती)(सजनाला)
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D:XI-1.2e (D11-01-02e) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Son and bullock, the dear ones

[96] id = 71817
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बैल मोहस्याचा सुपाएवढा पाऊल
माही धन्याचा डौल
baila mōhasyācā supāēvaḍhā pāūla
māhī dhanyācā ḍaula
Mohasya bullock has a big step
His master, my son, is very proud
▷ (बैल)(मोहस्याचा)(सुपाएवढा)(पाऊल)
▷ (माही)(धन्याचा)(डौल)
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D:XI-1.2f (D11-01-02f) - Son expert in farming / Rearing bullocks / Bullock sits down, bending knees

[17] id = 72661
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नंदी मेट मोडुन बसला
विचार पुसतो मातला
nandī mēṭa mōḍuna basalā
vicāra pusatō mātalā
The bullock sat down tired, bending knees
(Son) asks his mother what to do
▷ (नंदी)(मेट)(मोडुन)(बसला)
▷ (विचार) asks (मातला)
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D:XI-2.1i (D11-02-01i) - Son’s prosperous farm / Land in plenty / Plenty of crops

[58] id = 98747
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
शेली नव्हती शेलाटी
ढवळ्या मेंढीच्या खिल्लाटी
śēlī navhatī śēlāṭī
ḍhavaḷyā mēṇḍhīcyā khillāṭī
Shelati trees were not there in the field
He had white-coloured sheep
(Shelati trees provide fodder for the sheep)
▷ (शेली)(नव्हती)(शेलाटी)
▷ (ढवळ्या)(मेंढीच्या)(खिल्लाटी)
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D:XI-2.2e (D11-02-02e) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Twelve bullocks

[28] id = 71975
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बारानं बैल हाय तेरावी वाघट
धन घर खेड्याला जबर
bārānaṁ baila hāya tērāvī vāghaṭa
dhana ghara khēḍyālā jabara
There are twelve bullocks, my tigerlike son is the thirteenth
He is a shepherd who is held in awe in the village
▷ (बारानं)(बैल)(हाय)(तेरावी)(वाघट)
▷ (धन) house (खेड्याला)(जबर)
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[43] id = 97465
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बारान बैल हय तेरावी वाघर
धनवर खेड्याला वावर
bārāna baila haya tērāvī vāghara
dhanavara khēḍyālā vāvara
You have twelve bullocks, and the protective net around them is the thirteenth
Your farming land is in a prosperous village
▷ (बारान)(बैल)(हय)(तेरावी)(वाघर)
▷ (धनवर)(खेड्याला)(वावर)
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[62] id = 102014
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
शेळी नव्हती शेलारी ढवळ्या मेंढ्याचा खिलारी
बारान बैल हाय तेरावी वाघर
śēḷī navhatī śēlārī ḍhavaḷyā mēṇḍhyācā khilārī
bārāna baila hāya tērāvī vāghara
Not one or two, but you have an entire flock of white sheep
You have twelve bullocks and the protective net around them is the thirteenth
▷ (शेळी)(नव्हती)(शेलारी)(ढवळ्या)(मेंढ्याचा)(खिलारी)
▷ (बारान)(बैल)(हाय)(तेरावी)(वाघर)
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D:XI-2.2j (D11-02-02j) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Foot-steps of bullocks

[20] id = 102029
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बैल मोटर्याचा सुपाएवढा पाऊल
माझ्या धन्याचा डौल
baila mōṭaryācā supāēvaḍhā pāūla
mājhyā dhanyācā ḍaula
Motarya bullock has a foot as big as a sifting fan
My son, his master, is proudly walking behind
▷ (बैल)(मोटर्याचा)(सुपाएवढा)(पाऊल)
▷  My (धन्याचा)(डौल)
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D:XI-2.2li (D11-02-02l01) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Taking pride / Stable is full of them

[8] id = 62510
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बाराव बैल हाय तेरावी म्हैस
धरा वाड्या पैस
bārāva baila hāya tērāvī mhaisa
dharā vāḍyā paisa
Twelve bullocks, buffalo is the thirteenth
Make a spacious cowshed in the house
▷ (बाराव)(बैल)(हाय)(तेरावी)(म्हैस)
▷ (धरा)(वाड्या)(पैस)
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D:XI-2.2lii (D11-02-02l02) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / Taking pride / Khilari breed

[9] id = 72663
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बारान बैल हाय तेरावी म्हैस
बैल माझ्या सरज्यान बैठक मांडली ऐसपैस
bārāna baila hāya tērāvī mhaisa
baila mājhyā sarajyāna baiṭhaka māṇḍalī aisapaisa
Twelve bullocks, buffalo is the thirteenth
My Sarja bullock is sitting comfortably, occupying a lot of space
▷ (बारान)(बैल)(हाय)(तेरावी)(म्हैस)
▷ (बैल) my (सरज्यान)(बैठक)(मांडली)(ऐसपैस)
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D:XI-2.2n (D11-02-02n) - Son’s prosperous farm / Hefty bullocks / “The bullock, my wealth”

[6] id = 102727
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
तुझ्या गाडीचं नंदी त्याला तांदळ्याच चंदी
हायतं रतीबा जोग
tujhyā gāḍīcaṁ nandī tyālā tāndaḷyāca candī
hāyataṁ ratībā jōga
The bullocks of your cart have rice straw as fodder to eat
They deserve to have a daily feed of the same
▷  Your (गाडीचं)(नंदी)(त्याला)(तांदळ्याच)(चंदी)
▷ (हायतं)(रतीबा)(जोग)
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D:XI-2.3ai (D11-02-03a01) - Son’s prosperous farm / Munificent Lakṣmī / Lakṣmī enters the house / Lamp is lit, āratī, pujā are performed

[67] id = 79597
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi -> Lakshmi_and_lamp, Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली पिवळ्या पायाची
नाही इथुन जायाचा
lakṣmī ālī pivaḷyā pāyācī
nāhī ithuna jāyācā
Goddess Lakshmi arrives with feet coloured yellow
She is here to stay
▷  Lakshmi has_come yellow (पायाची)
▷  Not (इथुन)(जायाचा)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
Visit of Lakshmi is auspicious.
[68] id = 79610
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi -> Lakshmi_and_lamp, Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली इथुन जाऊ नको
धरला पालव सोडु नको
lakṣmī ālī ithuna jāū nakō
dharalā pālava sōḍu nakō
O Goddess Lakshmi, do not leave from here
Stay in your new found home, do not go
▷  Lakshmi has_come (इथुन)(जाऊ) not
▷ (धरला)(पालव)(सोडु) not
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
Visit of Lakshmi is auspicious.
[69] id = 79611
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi -> Lakshmi_and_lamp, Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली देव्हार्याचे कोणी
हंडे भरलेत दोन्ही
lakṣmī ālī dēvhāryācē kōṇī
haṇḍē bharalēta dōnhī
Goddess Lakshmi has arrived in her shrine
Who has filled both the jars?
▷  Lakshmi has_come (देव्हार्याचे)(कोणी)
▷ (हंडे)(भरलेत) both
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
Visit of Lakshmi is auspicious.

D:XI-2.3aii (D11-02-03a02) - Son’s prosperous farm / Munificent Lakṣmī / Lakṣmī enters the house / Lakṣmī is Fortune

[34] id = 97045
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi -> Lakshmi_and_lamp, Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली देव्हर्याचे कोणी
हंडा भरलेत दोन्ही
lakṣmī ālī dēvharyācē kōṇī
haṇḍā bharalēta dōnhī
Goddess Lakshmi has come home
The two pots are filled in the worship room
▷  Lakshmi has_come (देव्हर्याचे)(कोणी)
▷ (हंडा)(भरलेत) both
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
Visit of Lakshmi is auspicious.

D:XI-2.3aiv (D11-02-03a04) - Son’s prosperous farm / Munificent Lakṣmī / Lakṣmī enters the house / She knocks at the door

[22] id = 102079
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi -> Lakshmi_and_lamp, Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली कवाडाला दिली थाप
उठा उठा मोठे लोक बाळा माझा
lakṣmī ālī kavāḍālā dilī thāpa
uṭhā uṭhā mōṭhē lōka bāḷā mājhā
Here comes Goddess Lakshmi and taps the door
Wake up all you elders and you too my dear son
▷  Lakshmi has_come (कवाडाला)(दिली)(थाप)
▷ (उठा)(उठा)(मोठे)(लोक) child my
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
Visit of Lakshmi is auspicious.

D:XI-2.3d (D11-02-03d) - Son’s prosperous farm / Munificent Lakṣmī / Lakṣmī goes into my son’s fields

[58] id = 68883
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली इथुन जावु नको
धरला पालव सोडु नको
lakṣmī ālī ithuna jāvu nakō
dharalā pālava sōḍu nakō
Goddess Lakshmi has come, don’t leave from here
(My son) is holding you by the end of your sari, don’t leave him
▷  Lakshmi has_come (इथुन)(जावु) not
▷ (धरला)(पालव)(सोडु) not
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[61] id = 71816
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी बाईन शेताला येढा केला
बांधानी डेरा दिला
lakṣmī bāīna śētālā yēḍhā kēlā
bāndhānī ḍērā dilā
Goddess Lakshmi went round in the whole field
And then she stopped on the field bund
▷  Lakshmi (बाईन)(शेताला)(येढा) did
▷ (बांधानी)(डेरा)(दिला)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[135] id = 97321
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मीबाईन शेताला चहा केला
बांधावरी डेरा दिला बाळ राजसाच्या माझ्या
lakṣmībāīna śētālā cahā kēlā
bāndhāvarī ḍērā dilā bāḷa rājasācyā mājhyā
Goddess Lakshmi made tea in the field
She has camped on my dear son’s field bund
▷  Goddess_Lakshmi_* (शेताला)(चहा) did
▷ (बांधावरी)(डेरा)(दिला) son (राजसाच्या) my
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

D:XI-2.3gi (D11-02-03g01) - Son’s prosperous farm / Munificent Lakṣmī / Lakṣmī in the cow-shed / Cow and cow-dung signal Lakṣmī

[14] id = 72000
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

आली लक्ष्मी गायीच्या गोठ्यामधी
झाली नंदीला दाटी
ālī lakṣmī gāyīcyā gōṭhyāmadhī
jhālī nandīlā dāṭī
Goddess Lakshmi has come to the cowshed
Bullocks find it too crowded has come to the cowshed
Bullocks find it too crowded
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (गायीच्या)(गोठ्यामधी)
▷  Has_come (नंदीला)(दाटी)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[16] id = 79570
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

आली लक्ष्मी गायीच्या गोठ्यामधी
झाली नंदीला दाटी
ālī lakṣmī gāyīcyā gōṭhyāmadhī
jhālī nandīlā dāṭī
Goddess Lakshmi has come to the cowshed
Bullocks find it too crowded
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (गायीच्या)(गोठ्यामधी)
▷  Has_come (नंदीला)(दाटी)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

D:XII-1.1 (D12-01-01) - Son, a man in society / Household / “Build up a huge house”

[28] id = 98882
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
चौसोपी वाडा वाडा बांधीला लवणाला
सवती डेलझ पाव्हण्याला
causōpī vāḍā vāḍā bāndhīlā lavaṇālā
savatī ḍēlajha pāvhaṇyālā
A big house with four inner courtyards built on a slope
It has a separate room to receive relatives and visitors
▷ (चौसोपी)(वाडा)(वाडा)(बांधीला)(लवणाला)
▷ (सवती)(डेलझ)(पाव्हण्याला)
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[36] id = 98938
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
चव सुपी वाडा वाडा बांधीला लवणाला
सवती पाव्हण्याला
cava supī vāḍā vāḍā bāndhīlā lavaṇālā
savatī pāvhaṇyālā
A big house with four inner courtyards built on a slope
There is a separate room to receive guests and visitors
▷ (चव)(सुपी)(वाडा)(वाडा)(बांधीला)(लवणाला)
▷ (सवती)(पाव्हण्याला)
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D:XII-4.2f (D12-04-02f) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Articles, requirements / Shed erected on poles with mango, plaintain pillars

[43] id = 38682
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडव गुंफीला माईच्या एल तराने
नवर देवाच्या मैतराने
māṇḍava gumphīlā māīcyā ēla tarānē
navara dēvācyā maitarānē
The shed for marriage is erected using creepers and trees
All this work has been done by the bridegroom’s friends
▷ (मांडव)(गुंफीला)(माईच्या)(एल)(तराने)
▷ (नवर)(देवाच्या)(मैतराने)
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[44] id = 38683
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडवाला छत नका देऊ बाभळीच्या
केळी आना कंबळाच्या
māṇḍavālā chata nakā dēū bābhaḷīcyā
kēḷī ānā kambaḷācyā
Don’t fix Acacia poles for the shed for marriage
Bring banana stems with the flowering head
▷ (मांडवाला)(छत)(नका)(देऊ)(बाभळीच्या)
▷  Shouted (आना)(कंबळाच्या)
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[126] id = 99141
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडवाला छत नका देऊ बाभळीच्या
केळी आणा कंबळाच्या
māṇḍavālā chata nakā dēū bābhaḷīcyā
kēḷī āṇā kambaḷācyā
Don’t fix Acacia poles for the shed for marriage
Bring banana stems with the flowering head
▷ (मांडवाला)(छत)(नका)(देऊ)(बाभळीच्या)
▷  Shouted (आणा)(कंबळाच्या)
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[180] id = 109939
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडव गुंफीला माईच्या एक तराने
नवर देवाच्या मैतराने
māṇḍava gumphīlā māīcyā ēka tarānē
navara dēvācyā maitarānē
The shed for marriage is interwoven with trees
The bridegroom’s friends have participated in erecting it
▷ (मांडव)(गुंफीला)(माईच्या)(एक)(तराने)
▷ (नवर)(देवाच्या)(मैतराने)
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D:XII-4.6aii (D12-04-06a02) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī / Her wish is fulfilled

[11] id = 99168
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भाऊ तरी म्हणे बहिण वरमाई होयाची
चोळी पातळ गाडी येऊलया जायाची
bhāū tarī mhaṇē bahiṇa varamāī hōyācī
cōḷī pātaḷa gāḍī yēūlayā jāyācī
Brother says, my sister is going to be Varmai*
I will go to Yevale in the cart to get her a sari and a blouse
▷  Brother (तरी)(म्हणे) sister (वरमाई)(होयाची)
▷  Blouse (पातळ)(गाडी)(येऊलया) will_go
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Varmaimother of the groom
[12] id = 99169
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भरीतार म्हणे बोल कामीनी दुधड
बाळाच लगीन साडी घेऊका लुगड
bharītāra mhaṇē bōla kāmīnī dudhaḍa
bāḷāca lagīna sāḍī ghēūkā lugaḍa
Husband says, wife, tell me which one of two
It is our son’s marriage, shall I buy you a fashionale sari or a traditional one
▷ (भरीतार)(म्हणे) says (कामीनी)(दुधड)
▷ (बाळाच)(लगीन)(साडी)(घेऊका)(लुगड)
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D:XII-4.7d (D12-04-07d) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s father, varbāp / Honour

[1] id = 54268
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडवाच्या दारी चरवी सांडली तुपाची
धन नवर्याच्या बापाची
māṇḍavācyā dārī caravī sāṇḍalī tupācī
dhana navaryācyā bāpācī
A vessel with ghee* turned over and spilt at the entrance of the shed for marriage
Bride’s father has spent so much, it’s very creditable
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(चरवी)(सांडली)(तुपाची)
▷ (धन)(नवर्याच्या) of_father
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gheeclarified butter

D:XII-4.8ai (D12-04-08a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s party, varhāḍī / Anger ritual / Maternal aunt

[35] id = 88410
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडवाच्या दारी हिंडती हावशी
नवर्या बाळाची मावशी
māṇḍavācyā dārī hiṇḍatī hāvaśī
navaryā bāḷācī māvaśī
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, who is this person going around and taking the lead in demanding
She is the bridegroom’s maternal aunt
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(हिंडती)(हावशी)
▷ (नवर्या)(बाळाची) maternal_aunt
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D:XII-4.8aii (D12-04-08a02) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Groom’s party, varhāḍī / Anger ritual / Paternal aunt

[5] id = 38681
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडवाच्या दारी कोण बसली गवळण
नवर्या बाळाची मावळण
māṇḍavācyā dārī kōṇa basalī gavaḷaṇa
navaryā bāḷācī māvaḷaṇa
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, who is this person sitting
She is the bridegroom’s paternal aunt (father’s sister)
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी) who sitting (गवळण)
▷ (नवर्या)(बाळाची)(मावळण)
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[12] id = 50362
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडवाच्या दारी कोण बसली गवळण
नवर्या बाळाची मावळण
māṇḍavācyā dārī kōṇa basalī gavaḷaṇa
navaryā bāḷācī māvaḷaṇa
Who is this woman sitting at the entrance of the shed for marriage
She is the bridegroom’s paternal aunt (father’s sister)
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी) who sitting (गवळण)
▷ (नवर्या)(बाळाची)(मावळण)
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E:XIII-1.3g (E13-01-03g) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter’s play

[54] id = 65371
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सुप न कुरकुलं बुरडी दादाच्या काठीला
नेनंत्या साळुईन मामा रस्त्याला गाठीला
supa na kurakulaṁ buraḍī dādācyā kāṭhīlā
nēnantyā sāḷuīna māmā rastyālā gāṭhīlā
no translation in English
▷ (सुप) * (कुरकुलं)(बुरडी)(दादाच्या)(काठीला)
▷ (नेनंत्या)(साळुईन) maternal_uncle (रस्त्याला)(गाठीला)
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E:XIII-1.4n (E13-01-04n) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality / Like Brahman

[7] id = 105594
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
आठ दिसाच्या शुक्रवारी नाही भेटन गाव तर
हिच्या बामणी अवतार
āṭha disācyā śukravārī nāhī bhēṭana gāva tara
hicyā bāmaṇī avatāra
Friday coming after eight days, no possibility of meeting in the village
She looks like a brahman woman
▷  Eight (दिसाच्या)(शुक्रवारी) not (भेटन)(गाव) wires
▷ (हिच्या)(बामणी)(अवतार)
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E:XIII-2.1b (E13-02-01b) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / In-laws’ house stands accross the river

[44] id = 102974
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सांगुनी झाडीती माझा सांगावा आदी मधी
पडला पाऊस भरली नदी
sāṅgunī jhāḍītī mājhā sāṅgāvā ādī madhī
paḍalā pāūsa bharalī nadī
no translation in English
▷ (सांगुनी)(झाडीती) my (सांगावा)(आदी)(मधी)
▷ (पडला) rain (भरली)(नदी)
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E:XIII-2.1l (E13-02-01l) - Mother worries for daughter / Daughter at in-laws’ / Mother remembers her / Mother remembers her

[75] id = 62629
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सासरवासनीला बस म्हणीती वसरी
तुझ्या शिनची सासरी
sāsaravāsanīlā basa mhaṇītī vasarī
tujhyā śinacī sāsarī
Sasurvashin*, come and sit in my veranda
My daughter, who is of your age, is married and lives with her in-laws
▷ (सासरवासनीला)(बस)(म्हणीती)(वसरी)
▷  Your (शिनची)(सासरी)
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sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family
[89] id = 74332
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सासर वासनीला बस म्हणीती वसरी
तुझ्या शिनची सासरी
sāsara vāsanīlā basa mhaṇītī vasarī
tujhyā śinacī sāsarī
Sasurvashin*, come and sit in my veranda
My daughter, who is of your age, is married and lives with her in-laws
▷ (सासर)(वासनीला)(बस)(म्हणीती)(वसरी)
▷  Your (शिनची)(सासरी)
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sasurvashin ➡ sasurvashinsA girl dwelling in the house of her husband’s father. Figuratively, a person absolutely at the beck and call of the in-law family

E:XIII-2.2d (E13-02-02d) - Mother worries for daughter / Mother’s concerns for daughter / Letter to and from her

[40] id = 102954
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भरल्या देशाचा मला कळना आनुभव
चंद्रकळा ती माझी तान्ही नी बाळ घाल कागदी तुझ नाव
bharalyā dēśācā malā kaḷanā ānubhava
candrakaḷā tī mājhī tānhī nī bāḷa ghāla kāgadī tujha nāva
I don’t know what is happening in the distant land
Chandrakal, my little daughter, write your name on the paper/write me letter
▷ (भरल्या)(देशाचा)(मला)(कळना)(आनुभव)
▷ (चंद्रकळा)(ती) my (तान्ही)(नी) son (घाल)(कागदी) your (नाव)
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[41] id = 102955
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
कोण सागित गेला सांग्या मोहर
टपाल माग टांग्या
kōṇa sāgita gēlā sāṅgyā mōhara
ṭapāla māga ṭāṅgyā
Who went ahead to give the message
He came with the letter and went behind the horse-cart
▷  Who (सागित) has_gone (सांग्या)(मोहर)
▷ (टपाल)(माग)(टांग्या)
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E:XIII-3.1cvi (E13-03-01c06) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Bangles / The bangle man is called vairal

[131] id = 99866
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मैना दादा नाव तुझ ईश्वनाथ (विश्वनाथ)
मैना माझी चुडा भरी पुसाच्या महिण्यात
mainā dādā nāva tujha īśvanātha (viśvanātha)
mainā mājhī cuḍā bharī pusācyā mahiṇyāta
no translation in English
▷  Mina (दादा)(नाव) your (ईश्वनाथ) ( (विश्वनाथ) )
▷  Mina my (चुडा)(भरी)(पुसाच्या)(महिण्यात)
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[150] id = 99885
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
वैराळ दादा तुझी पैटारी खचली
माझी मालन बाईन लेली
vairāḷa dādā tujhī paiṭārī khacalī
mājhī mālana bāīna lēlī
no translation in English
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा)(तुझी)(पैटारी)(खचली)
▷  My (मालन)(बाईन)(लेली)
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[152] id = 99887
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
चुडा भराणा आम्ही जावा लई जनी
वैराळ दादा तुई पेटारी रुसली मालन माझी
cuḍā bharāṇā āmhī jāvā laī janī
vairāḷa dādā tuī pēṭārī rusalī mālana mājhī
no translation in English
▷ (चुडा)(भराणा)(आम्ही)(जावा)(लई)(जनी)
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा)(तुई)(पेटारी)(रुसली)(मालन) my
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[153] id = 99888
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मैना माझी व्हली पुसाच्या महिन्यात
वैराळ दादा उतर महता मेडामधीन
mainā mājhī vhalī pusācyā mahinyāta
vairāḷa dādā utara mahatā mēḍāmadhīna
no translation in English
▷  Mina my (व्हली)(पुसाच्या)(महिन्यात)
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा)(उतर)(महता)(मेडामधीन)
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[167] id = 99902
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
वैराळ दादा उतर माझा पेडामधी
चुडा भाराजा आम्ही जावा लई जनी
vairāḷa dādā utara mājhā pēḍāmadhī
cuḍā bhārājā āmhī jāvā laī janī
no translation in English
▷ (वैराळ)(दादा)(उतर) my (पेडामधी)
▷ (चुडा)(भाराजा)(आम्ही)(जावा)(लई)(जनी)
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E:XIV-1.2e (E14-01-02e) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / She eats with him at his place

[32] id = 60642
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मामाच्या पंगतीला भाची जेवली चपाती
कासी घडली सभागती
māmācyā paṅgatīlā bhācī jēvalī capātī
kāsī ghaḍalī sabhāgatī
no translation in English
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (पंगतीला)(भाची)(जेवली)(चपाती)
▷  How (घडली)(सभागती)
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[33] id = 60643
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मामाच्या पंगतीला भाची जेवली अनुसया
मामा गरी देव दया
māmācyā paṅgatīlā bhācī jēvalī anusayā
māmā garī dēva dayā
no translation in English
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (पंगतीला)(भाची)(जेवली)(अनुसया)
▷  Maternal_uncle (गरी)(देव)(दया)
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[61] id = 110798
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मामाच्या पंगतीला भाची जेवली अनुसया
मामा घरी देव दया
māmācyā paṅgatīlā bhācī jēvalī anusayā
māmā gharī dēva dayā
no translation in English
▷  Of_maternal_uncle (पंगतीला)(भाची)(जेवली)(अनुसया)
▷  Maternal_uncle (घरी)(देव)(दया)
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E:XIV-2.5a (E14-02-05a) - Daughter’s marriage / Bride’s father / He spends a lot

[115] id = 107412
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मांडवाच्या दारी चरवी सांडली तुपाची
धन नवर्याच्या बापाची
māṇḍavācyā dārī caravī sāṇḍalī tupācī
dhana navaryācyā bāpācī
A jar of ghee* spilt at the entrance of the shed for marriage
Bride’s father has spent a lot
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(चरवी)(सांडली)(तुपाची)
▷ (धन)(नवर्याच्या) of_father
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gheeclarified butter

F:XV-2.3c (F15-02-03c) - Sister worries for brother / When he is out with bullock-cart / Brother is driving the cart

[9] id = 80686
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
गाडीच्या गाडीवानी गाडी जाऊदी दमानी
बंडी भिजली घामानी
gāḍīcyā gāḍīvānī gāḍī jāūdī damānī
baṇḍī bhijalī ghāmānī
Cartman of the bullock-cart, let the cart go slowly
(Brother’s) jacket is wet with sweat
▷ (गाडीच्या)(गाडीवानी)(गाडी)(जाऊदी)(दमानी)
▷ (बंडी)(भिजली)(घामानी)
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F:XV-3.2d (F15-03-02d) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother’s qualities

[11] id = 67733
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बहिणीला घेतो साडी भाचीला घेती चिट
शहाणा जन्माला एवडा कुठं
bahiṇīlā ghētō sāḍī bhācīlā ghētī ciṭa
śahāṇā janmālā ēvaḍā kuṭhaṁ
He buys a sari for his sister, printed material for his niece
From where did he get this wisdom
▷  To_sister (घेतो)(साडी)(भाचीला)(घेती)(चिट)
▷ (शहाणा)(जन्माला)(एवडा)(कुठं)
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F:XV-3.2l (F15-03-02l) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Brother is “the dear one”

Cross-references:A:II-3.4 (A02-03-04) - Constraints on behaviour / Charity to Gosāvī mendicant
A:II-3.82 ???
[152] id = 80687
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सासवडच्या वाटानी सायकल हाणीतो जोरानी
इंग्लीश उडती वार्यानी बंधवाच माझ्या
sāsavaḍacyā vāṭānī sāyakala hāṇītō jōrānī
iṅglīśa uḍatī vāryānī bandhavāca mājhyā
He is riding fast on his bicycle on the road to Saswad
His stylishly cut hair are flying in the wind
▷ (सासवडच्या)(वाटानी)(सायकल)(हाणीतो)(जोरानी)
▷ (इंग्लीश)(उडती)(वार्यानी)(बंधवाच) my
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F:XV-3.2q (F15-03-02q) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Mutual Intimacy / Lakṣmī enters brother’s house

[12] id = 42107
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली वाडा सोडून दुकानाला
सोन माग काकणाला बाई माझ्या बंधवाला
lakṣmī ālī vāḍā sōḍūna dukānālā
sōna māga kākaṇālā bāī mājhyā bandhavālā
Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, left the house and came to the shop
She asks my brother to give her gold for her bracelet
▷  Lakshmi has_come (वाडा)(सोडून)(दुकानाला)
▷  Gold (माग)(काकणाला) woman my (बंधवाला)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[39] id = 42108
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली कवाडाला दिली थाप
उठा उठा मोठे लोक
lakṣmī ālī kavāḍālā dilī thāpa
uṭhā uṭhā mōṭhē lōka
Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, has come, she knocked on the door
Get up, get up, you, rich people
▷  Lakshmi has_come (कवाडाला)(दिली)(थाप)
▷ (उठा)(उठा)(मोठे)(लोक)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[40] id = 42109
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आई आली आली धुर्या बांधूर्यानी
वळती केली वंजार्यानी
lakṣmī āī ālī ālī dhuryā bāndhūryānī
vaḷatī kēlī vañjāryānī
Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, has come, with a weight tied to her foot
Vanjari (a nomad livestock owning community) made her turn to his side
▷  Lakshmi (आई) has_come has_come (धुर्या)(बांधूर्यानी)
▷ (वळती) shouted (वंजार्यानी)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[41] id = 42110
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली का ग इथ उभी
बंधवाच्या तिथ माझ्या चल जाऊ दोघी
lakṣmī ālī kā ga itha ubhī
bandhavācyā titha mājhyā cala jāū dōghī
Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, has come, why are you standing here
Let’s both go to my brother’s house
▷  Lakshmi has_come (का) * (इथ) standing
▷ (बंधवाच्या)(तिथ) my let_us_go (जाऊ)(दोघी)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[88] id = 73783
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

आली आली लक्ष्मी बंधुच्या वावरी
पाण्या कोर्या घागरी
ālī ālī lakṣmī bandhucyā vāvarī
pāṇyā kōryā ghāgarī
Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, has come to brother’s fields
New vessels are kept for water
▷  Has_come has_come Lakshmi (बंधुच्या)(वावरी)
▷ (पाण्या)(कोर्या)(घागरी)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[117] id = 83276
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली का ग इथ तिथ उभी
बंधवाच्या माझ्या चल जाऊ दोघी
lakṣmī ālī kā ga itha titha ubhī
bandhavācyā mājhyā cala jāū dōghī
Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, has come, why are you standing here and there
Let’s both go to my prosperous brother’s house
▷  Lakshmi has_come (का) * (इथ)(तिथ) standing
▷ (बंधवाच्या) my let_us_go (जाऊ)(दोघी)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[125] id = 103996
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आई आली कुणीकड येण केल
मया सख्याचं दुबळपण तुला सांगितलं
lakṣmī āī ālī kuṇīkaḍa yēṇa kēla
mayā sakhyācaṁ dubaḷapaṇa tulā sāṅgitalaṁ
Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, has come, how did you come here
I have told you about the poverty of my brother
▷  Lakshmi (आई) has_come (कुणीकड)(येण) did
▷ (मया)(सख्याचं)(दुबळपण) to_you (सांगितलं)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[126] id = 103998
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली वाडा सोडुनी दुकानाला
सोन माझ्या कंकणाला
lakṣmī ālī vāḍā sōḍunī dukānālā
sōna mājhyā kaṅkaṇālā
Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth, has left the house and come to the shop
She asks my brother to give her gold for her bracelet
▷  Lakshmi has_come (वाडा)(सोडुनी)(दुकानाला)
▷  Gold my (कंकणाला)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

F:XV-3.3g (F15-03-03g) - Sister’s attachment to brother / Sister’s frustrations / He visits wife’s parents but not his sister

[22] id = 80685
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
माझ्या ग दारावरन कोण गेल झराझरा
बुट वाजतो कराकरा
mājhyā ga dārāvarana kōṇa gēla jharājharā
buṭa vājatō karākarā
Who passed so quickly in front of my house
His shoes were making a noise
▷  My * (दारावरन) who gone (झराझरा)
▷ (बुट)(वाजतो)(कराकरा)
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[23] id = 80688
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
माझ्या ग दारावरन कोण गेल रागराग
हात जोडीतो माग बघ
mājhyā ga dārāvarana kōṇa gēla rāgarāga
hāta jōḍītō māga bagha
Who passed in front of my door angrily
I fold my hands to you, look back
▷  My * (दारावरन) who gone (रागराग)
▷  Hand (जोडीतो)(माग)(बघ)
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F:XV-4.2f (F15-04-02f) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Ploughing

[14] id = 42144
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
नांगर्या आगळ्याचा दोघाचा एक गळा
सवता नांगरीला मळा
nāṅgaryā āgaḷyācā dōghācā ēka gaḷā
savatā nāṅgarīlā maḷā
The ploughman and his team-mate both sing in the same voice
He ploughed the field all by himself
▷ (नांगर्या)(आगळ्याचा)(दोघाचा)(एक)(गळा)
▷ (सवता)(नांगरीला)(मळा)
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F:XV-4.2h (F15-04-02h) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s large field

[18] id = 42148
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
आपल्या बंधवाच शेत काजळाची वडी
राबल्यात बारा बैल चौघ गडी
āpalyā bandhavāca śēta kājaḷācī vaḍī
rābalyāta bārā baila caugha gaḍī
Our brother’s field is like a black square
Four persons and twelve bullocks have toiled on it
▷ (आपल्या)(बंधवाच)(शेत)(काजळाची)(वडी)
▷ (राबल्यात)(बारा)(बैल)(चौघ)(गडी)
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[19] id = 42149
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बारा बैलांचा नांगर चालतो वाटवरी
माझा पक्का बंधवाचा ह्या कुलंबाचा कूठवरी
bārā bailāñcā nāṅgara cālatō vāṭavarī
mājhā pakkā bandhavācā hyā kulambācā kūṭhavarī
A plough with twelve bullocks is going on the road
My hard-working brother, the farmer, has his fields extending to the horizon
▷ (बारा)(बैलांचा)(नांगर)(चालतो)(वाटवरी)
▷  My (पक्का)(बंधवाचा)(ह्या)(कुलंबाचा)(कूठवरी)
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F:XV-4.2m (F15-04-02m) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s beautiful bullocks

[28] id = 42167
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
पाठीवरी गोण्या नंदी आले झुल्या देत
कवाडाच्या तलाफा सोड
pāṭhīvarī gōṇyā nandī ālē jhulyā dēta
kavāḍācyā talāphā sōḍa
Sacks on the back, bullocks sway from side to side
Open the door fully
▷ (पाठीवरी)(गोण्या)(नंदी) here_comes (झुल्या)(देत)
▷ (कवाडाच्या)(तलाफा)(सोड)
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[29] id = 42168
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
पाठीवरी गोण्या नंदी मेड मोडून बसला
विहार पूसणे मातला
pāṭhīvarī gōṇyā nandī mēḍa mōḍūna basalā
vihāra pūsaṇē mātalā
Sacks on the back, the bullock refused to walk
He was just being obstinate
▷ (पाठीवरी)(गोण्या)(नंदी)(मेड)(मोडून)(बसला)
▷ (विहार)(पूसणे)(मातला)
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[32] id = 42171
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बारा बैलाचा नांगर चालतो वाटवरी
माझ्या जामाच्या बंधवाचा ह्याचा कुलंबाचा कुठवरी
bārā bailācā nāṅgara cālatō vāṭavarī
mājhyā jāmācyā bandhavācā hyācā kulambācā kuṭhavarī
A plough with twelve bullocks is going on the road
My good brother’s, the farmer’s plough is far away
▷ (बारा)(बैलाचा)(नांगर)(चालतो)(वाटवरी)
▷  My (जामाच्या)(बंधवाचा)(ह्याचा)(कुलंबाचा)(कुठवरी)
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F:XV-4.2o (F15-04-02o) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Many bullocks in brother’s stable

[11] id = 38468
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बारा तुझी बैल आहे चौघजण गडी
बंधु माझा होय पुढी
bārā tujhī baila āhē caughajaṇa gaḍī
bandhu mājhā hōya puḍhī
You have twelve bullocks and four helpers
My brother walks ahead of them
▷ (बारा)(तुझी)(बैल)(आहे)(चौघजण)(गडी)
▷  Brother my (होय)(पुढी)
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[51] id = 104227
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मपल्या बंधवाच शेत काजळाची वडी
राबात्यात बारा बैल चौघ गडी
mapalyā bandhavāca śēta kājaḷācī vaḍī
rābātyāta bārā baila caugha gaḍī
My brother’s field is like (as black as) a tablet of eyeliner
Twelve bullocks and four helpers are working in the field
▷ (मपल्या)(बंधवाच)(शेत)(काजळाची)(वडी)
▷ (राबात्यात)(बारा)(बैल)(चौघ)(गडी)
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[55] id = 104231
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
उठल आभाळ उठल गडद बाज
माझ्या राजस बंधवाच्या तिफणीला नवा साज
uṭhala ābhāḷa uṭhala gaḍada bāja
mājhyā rājasa bandhavācyā tiphaṇīlā navā sāja
The sky is overcast, it is crowded with black clouds
The drill-plough with three tubes belonging to my brother has new fittings
▷ (उठल)(आभाळ)(उठल)(गडद)(बाज)
▷  My (राजस)(बंधवाच्या)(तिफणीला)(नवा)(साज)
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[57] id = 104297
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बारा तुझी बैल आहे चौघजन गडी
आसामी बंधु माझा पुढी
bārā tujhī baila āhē caughajana gaḍī
āsāmī bandhu mājhā puḍhī
You have twelve bullocks and four helpers
My rich brother is ahead of them
▷ (बारा)(तुझी)(बैल)(आहे)(चौघजन)(गडी)
▷ (आसामी) brother my (पुढी)
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F:XV-4.2p (F15-04-02p) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Lakshmi-prosperity enters the stable

[4] id = 42177
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

आली आली लक्ष्मी बंधूच्या वावरी
पाण्या कोर्या घागरी
ālī ālī lakṣmī bandhūcyā vāvarī
pāṇyā kōryā ghāgarī
Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, has come to my brother’s field
There are new vessels for water
▷  Has_come has_come Lakshmi (बंधूच्या)(वावरी)
▷ (पाण्या)(कोर्या)(घागरी)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[5] id = 42178
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

बंधूच्या शेता जाया आल्या बैलाचं औत
आली लक्ष्मी धावत
bandhūcyā śētā jāyā ālyā bailācaṁ auta
ālī lakṣmī dhāvata
A plough with bullock has come to go to brother’s field
Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, has come running
▷ (बंधूच्या)(शेता)(जाया)(आल्या)(बैलाचं)(औत)
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (धावत)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[15] id = 103629
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

बंधु न्याया आल्यात बैलाच औत
आली लक्ष्मी धावत
bandhu nyāyā ālyāta bailāca auta
ālī lakṣmī dhāvata
Brother has come to take the plough with bullock
Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, comes running
▷  Brother (न्याया)(आल्यात)(बैलाच)(औत)
▷  Has_come Lakshmi (धावत)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.
[17] id = 104233
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
Group(s) = Lakshmi

लक्ष्मी आली धुर्या बांधुर्यानी
वळती केली वंजार्यान
lakṣmī ālī dhuryā bāndhuryānī
vaḷatī kēlī vañjāryāna
Cow came with a clog tied
The caretaker brought her round to the house
▷  Lakshmi has_come (धुर्या)(बांधुर्यानी)
▷ (वळती) shouted (वंजार्यान)
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Notes =>लक्ष्मी संपत्ती, दैव आणि समृद्धीची हिंदू देवी आहेLakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity.

F:XVI-1.4b (F16-01-04b) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / Common sari

Cross-references:F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
[46] id = 42202
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बहिणीला घेतो साडी भाचीला घेती चिट
शहाणा जन्माला एव्हडा कुठ
bahiṇīlā ghētō sāḍī bhācīlā ghētī ciṭa
śahāṇā janmālā ēvhaḍā kuṭha
He buys a sari for his sister, printed material for his niece
Where is he born, such a clever person
▷  To_sister (घेतो)(साडी)(भाचीला)(घेती)(चिट)
▷ (शहाणा)(जन्माला)(एव्हडा)(कुठ)
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F:XVII-1.2 (F17-01-02) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Niece taken as daughter-in-law

[29] id = 42254
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भाची सून केली आन मी करिना तान्ह केस
नाही दादाला इसवास
bhācī sūna kēlī āna mī karinā tānha kēsa
nāhī dādālā isavāsa
I make my niece my daughter-in-law, I will not give her any trouble
My brother doesn’t believe it
▷ (भाची)(सून) shouted (आन) I (करिना)(तान्ह)(केस)
▷  Not (दादाला)(इसवास)
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[30] id = 42320
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भाची करते सुन झाडू देईना आंगण
बंधवाची लेक मी मोठ्याची सांगण
bhācī karatē suna jhāḍū dēīnā āṅgaṇa
bandhavācī lēka mī mōṭhyācī sāṅgaṇa
I make my niece my daughter-in-law, I will not let her sweep the courtyard
She is my brother’s daughter, I will tell others she comes from a rich family
▷ (भाची)(करते)(सुन)(झाडू)(देईना)(आंगण)
▷ (बंधवाची)(लेक) I (मोठ्याची)(सांगण)
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[121] id = 95476
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भाची करते सुन नव्हत माझ मन
भरी घातली दिरान
bhācī karatē suna navhata mājha mana
bharī ghātalī dirāna
I made my niece my daughter-in-law, I was not very keen
My brother-in-law insisted
▷ (भाची)(करते)(सुन)(नव्हत) my (मन)
▷ (भरी)(घातली)(दिरान)
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F:XVII-1.4e (F17-01-04e) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Paternal aunt and niece / In the same village and same house

[39] id = 91151
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मावळण भाशी कुठ गेलीय गवळण
तिची गावात मावळण
māvaḷaṇa bhāśī kuṭha gēlīya gavaḷaṇa
ticī gāvāta māvaḷaṇa
Paternal aunt and niece, where has the niece gone
Her paternal aunt lives in the same village
▷ (मावळण)(भाशी)(कुठ)(गेलीय)(गवळण)
▷ (तिची)(गावात)(मावळण)
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F:XVII-4.3 (F17-04-03) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Nephew welcomed at uncle’s house

[8] id = 42295
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मामाला भाचा घालीतो सलाम
बाळ बहीणीचं गुलाम
māmālā bhācā ghālītō salāma
bāḷa bahīṇīcaṁ gulāma
Nephew salutes his maternal uncle
Son is sister’s slave
▷ (मामाला)(भाचा)(घालीतो)(सलाम)
▷  Son (बहीणीचं)(गुलाम)
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F:XVII-4.4 (F17-04-04) - Maternal uncle and nephew / Nephew eating at uncle’s house

[41] id = 64715
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
मामाचं पंगतीला भाचं जेव गणपती
वर बनारसीची टोपी
māmācaṁ paṅgatīlā bhācaṁ jēva gaṇapatī
vara banārasīcī ṭōpī
Ganapati, nephew sits with maternal uncle for a meal
He is wearing a Banarasi cap
▷ (मामाचं)(पंगतीला)(भाचं)(जेव)(गणपती)
▷ (वर)(बनारसीची)(टोपी)
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F:XVII-7.1 (F17-07-01) - Guru-Bhāū / More intimate relation than with brother

[27] id = 38696
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
सख्या भावापरीस गुरु भावाची करणी
गंगा द्वारच्या पायर्या चढी हाताला धरुनी
sakhyā bhāvāparīsa guru bhāvācī karaṇī
gaṅgā dvāracyā pāyaryā caḍhī hātālā dharunī
More than my real brother, gurubhau* does a lot for me
He holds my hands to climb the steps at the source of the sacred river at Trimbakeshwar
▷ (सख्या)(भावापरीस)(गुरु)(भावाची) doing
▷  The_Ganges (द्वारच्या)(पायर्या)(चढी)(हाताला)(धरुनी)
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gurubhauMale disciple of the same Guru, considered as brother
[33] id = 42804
चौधरी शामल - Chaudhari Shamal
सख्या भावापरास गुरु भावाची करणी
गंगा द्वाराच्या पायर्या चढी हाताला धरुनी
sakhyā bhāvāparāsa guru bhāvācī karaṇī
gaṅgā dvārācyā pāyaryā caḍhī hātālā dharunī
More than my real brother, Guru bhau* does a lot for me
He holds my hands to climb the steps at the source of the sacred river at Trimbakeshwar
▷ (सख्या)(भावापरास)(गुरु)(भावाची) doing
▷  The_Ganges (द्वाराच्या)(पायर्या)(चढी)(हाताला)(धरुनी)
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Guru bhau ➡ Guru bhausMale disciple of the same Guru, considered as brother

F:XVIII-1.7 (F18-01-07) - Parents’ home, māher / Intimate relation with father

[20] id = 42311
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
म्हतार्या ज्वानी लागली उताराला
सांगा पलंग सुताराला
mhatāryā jvānī lāgalī utārālā
sāṅgā palaṅga sutārālā
The old man (my father), is getting old
Ask the carpenter to make a cot for him
▷ (म्हतार्या)(ज्वानी)(लागली)(उताराला)
▷  With (पलंग)(सुताराला)
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[21] id = 42312
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सकाळच्या पारी एक्या बादलीची खून
माझी गवळी नानाजीचं पाणी इसनीती सून
sakāḷacyā pārī ēkyā bādalīcī khūna
mājhī gavaḷī nānājīcaṁ pāṇī isanītī sūna
Early in the morning, a bucket is the sign
Daughter-in-law adjusts bath water for my father, the milkman
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(एक्या)(बादलीची)(खून)
▷  My (गवळी)(नानाजीचं) water, (इसनीती)(सून)
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G:XIX-2.1 (G19-02-01) - Husband and wife, mutual love / They are for each other

Cross-references:G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
[68] id = 68245
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
भ्रतार म्हणता म्हण खाली बैस वेडी जाती
काळी चंद्रकळा तु पाहा दिल्या जोती
bhratāra mhaṇatā mhaṇa khālī baisa vēḍī jātī
kāḷī candrakaḷā tu pāhā dilyā jōtī
Husband says, sit down, you simple woman
Black Chandrakala* sari, or whatever I have given you is there for everybody to see
▷ (भ्रतार)(म्हणता)(म्हण)(खाली)(बैस)(वेडी) caste
▷  Kali (चंद्रकळा) you (पाहा)(दिल्या)(जोती)
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Chandrakala ➡ chandrakalasA black sari with stars woven or printed on it, resembling a starry sky at night, very popular with women

G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber

Cross-references:D:X-4.1bii (D10-04-01b02) - Mother’s expectations from son / Sari / Chandrakala, black sari
E:XIII-3.1bi (E13-03-01b01) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects material support / Sari / Candrakala or black sari
F:XVI-1.4a (F16-01-04a) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Sari / A black sari called chandrakala
F:XVII-2.5b (F17-02-05b) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Denies gifts to husband’s sister / Black sari - chandrakala
F:XVII-3 (F17-03) - Feast of bhāubij
F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother
F:XVII-3.1 (F17-03-01) - Feast of bhāubij / Meal served to brother
F:XVII-5.3 (F17-05-03) - Children of brother / Niece, dear to maternal uncle
F:XVII-5.7 (F17-05-07) - Children of brother / Nephew’s marriage
F:XVII-6.6 (F17-06-06) - Brother’s marriage / Gifts to sister
F:XVII-6.1 (F17-06-01) - Brother’s marriage / Purchase of articles, preparations
F:XVIII-1.3 (F18-01-03) - Parents’ home, māher / Presents expected from, given to māher
F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher
F:XVIII-1.2 (F18-01-02) - Parents’ home, māher / Attraction for house of mother’s grand-parents
F:XVIII-1.4 (F18-01-04) - Parents’ home, māher / Māher alien after the death of parents
F:XVIII-1.5 (F18-01-05) - Parents’ home, māher / Parents are dead
F:XVIII-1.8 ???
F:XVIII-1.9 ???
F:XVIII-1.10 ???
F:XVIII-1.15 ???
F:XVIII-1.16 ???
F:XVIII-2.1b (F18-02-01b) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / She receives presents from them
F:XVIII-2.1 (F18-02-01) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.2 (F18-02-02) - Other relatives / Maternal uncles, aunts
F:XVIII-2.3 ???
G:XIX-2.5 (G19-02-05) - Husband and wife, mutual love / He fulfills expectations
G:XIX-2.6 (G19-02-06) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Wife obstinately demanding
G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber
G:XIX-2.7 (G19-02-07) - Husband and wife, mutual love / Sleeping chamber
G:XIX-5.4b (G19-05-04b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / Wife under two rules / No place in son’s regime
G:XIX-5.9 (G19-05-09) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband
G:XIX-5.10 (G19-05-10) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / And Lakṣmī
G:XX-1.6 (G20-01-06) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Parents-in-law give presents to daughter-in-law
G:XX-1.2 (G20-01-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law remembers in-laws gone to heaven
G:XX-2.17 (G20-02-17) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law’s husband take wife’s side
G:XX-2.2 (G20-02-02) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Kuṅku, their mutual relation
G:XX-3.3 (G20-03-03) - With husband’s brother / Present demanded from him / Presents demanded from him
G:XX-3.6 (G20-03-06) - With husband’s brother / His children
G:XX-3.7 ???
G:XX-3.8 ???
[2] id = 38481
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
निघून कमळजा निघून गेली पतीच्या महालाला
उठा उठा काळ झोप कशी लागला
nighūna kamaḷajā nighūna gēlī patīcyā mahālālā
uṭhā uṭhā kāḷa jhōpa kaśī lāgalā
Kamalaja, the wife went to her husband’s room
Get up, how have you fallen fast asleep
▷ (निघून)(कमळजा)(निघून) went (पतीच्या)(महालाला)
▷ (उठा)(उठा)(काळ)(झोप) how (लागला)
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[7] id = 95688
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
निघुन कमळजा निघुन गेली पतीच्या महालाला
उठा उठा काळ झोप कशी लागला
nighuna kamaḷajā nighuna gēlī patīcyā mahālālā
uṭhā uṭhā kāḷa jhōpa kaśī lāgalā
Kamalaja, the wife went to her husband’s room
Get up, how have you fallen fast asleep
▷ (निघुन)(कमळजा)(निघुन) went (पतीच्या)(महालाला)
▷ (उठा)(उठा)(काळ)(झोप) how (लागला)
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G:XIX-6.2 (G19-06-02) - Wife’s contempt for husband / Making fun of a husband with two wives

[123] id = 75861
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
वाटवरला मळा मळा कोण्या नाईकाचा
विस्तार दोन्ही बायकांचा
vāṭavaralā maḷā maḷā kōṇyā nāīkācā
vistāra dōnhī bāyakāñcā
To which important person does the plantation on the road belong
He has two wives
▷ (वाटवरला)(मळा)(मळा)(कोण्या)(नाईकाचा)
▷ (विस्तार) both (बायकांचा)
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[125] id = 75863
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
वाटवरला मळा मळा कोण्या जाईचा
विस्तार दोन्ही बायकांचा
vāṭavaralā maḷā maḷā kōṇyā jāīcā
vistāra dōnhī bāyakāñcā
To which important person does the plantation on the road belong
He has two wives
▷ (वाटवरला)(मळा)(मळा)(कोण्या)(जाईचा)
▷ (विस्तार) both (बायकांचा)
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G:XIX-7.1 (G19-07-01) - Wife’s death before husband / Received with pomp and ceremony in heaven

Cross-references:B:VII-9.1g (B07-09-01g) - Religious institutions / Guru / Support
[84] id = 84867
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सरगीच्या वाट यम धरी मनगट
काय केला दानधर्म तिचे सांगा खरखोट
saragīcyā vāṭa yama dharī managaṭa
kāya kēlā dānadharma ticē sāṅgā kharakhōṭa
Woman, on the way to heaven, Yama holds by the wrist
What charity did you do, tell the truth
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट)(यम)(धरी)(मनगट)
▷  Why did (दानधर्म)(तिचे) with (खरखोट)
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[110] id = 87735
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सरगीच्या वाट यमाचा घोळका
देव पांडूरंग बोलले आपला आसामी ओळखा
saragīcyā vāṭa yamācā ghōḷakā
dēva pāṇḍūraṅga bōlalē āpalā āsāmī ōḷakhā
On the way to heaven, there is a team of Yama
God Pandurang* says, recognise my devotee
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट)(यमाचा)(घोळका)
▷ (देव)(पांडूरंग) says (आपला)(आसामी)(ओळखा)
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[130] id = 95842
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सरगीच्या वाट यमाचा घोळका
देव पांडुरंग बोलले आपला आसामी ओळखा
saragīcyā vāṭa yamācā ghōḷakā
dēva pāṇḍuraṅga bōlalē āpalā āsāmī ōḷakhā
On the way to heaven, there is a team of Yama
God Pandurang* says, recognise my devotee
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट)(यमाचा)(घोळका)
▷ (देव)(पांडुरंग) says (आपला)(आसामी)(ओळखा)
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[182] id = 108720
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सरगीच्या वाट यमाच आड वज
जीच्या माथी सोडवत पंधरवडी एकादश
saragīcyā vāṭa yamāca āḍa vaja
jīcyā māthī sōḍavata pandharavaḍī ēkādaśa
On the way to heaven, Yama blocks the way
The one who has observed fortnightly Ekadashi*, her life is liberated
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाट)(यमाच)(आड)(वज)
▷ (जीच्या)(माथी)(सोडवत)(पंधरवडी)(एकादश)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month
[202] id = 109465
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सरगीच्या वाटवर यमाच आडवन
जीवा मया सोडवन पंधरवडी एकादस
saragīcyā vāṭavara yamāca āḍavana
jīvā mayā sōḍavana pandharavaḍī ēkādasa
On the way to heaven, Yama blocks the way
It is fortnightly Ekadashi*, my life is liberated
▷ (सरगीच्या)(वाटवर)(यमाच)(आडवन)
▷  Life (मया)(सोडवन)(पंधरवडी)(एकादस)
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EkadashiEleventh day in the new moon or full moon fortnight every month

G:XX-1.3 (G20-01-03) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law

[86] id = 53741
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सासु ना सासर्याची पुण्याई घ्याव सुन
पोटी फळाला काय उन
sāsu nā sāsaryācī puṇyāī ghyāva suna
pōṭī phaḷālā kāya una
You take all that is good from them, daughter-in-law
You will get nothing but happiness
▷ (सासु) * (सासर्याची)(पुण्याई)(घ्याव)(सुन)
▷ (पोटी)(फळाला) why (उन)
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[117] id = 70629
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सासु न सासर्याची पुण्याई घ्या सुन
पोटी फळाला काय उन
sāsu na sāsaryācī puṇyāī ghyā suna
pōṭī phaḷālā kāya una
Daughter-in-law, thanks to the good deeds of your mother-in-law and father-in-law
You will have many children
▷ (सासु) * (सासर्याची)(पुण्याई)(घ्या)(सुन)
▷ (पोटी)(फळाला) why (उन)
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G:XX-1.5 (G20-01-05) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Sweet relations prevailed

[10] id = 86819
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सकाळच्या पारी एक्या बादलीची माझी सून
गवळी नानाजीची पाणी इसानती सून
sakāḷacyā pārī ēkyā bādalīcī mājhī sūna
gavaḷī nānājīcī pāṇī isānatī sūna
In the morning time, daughter-in-law takes a bucket
She adjusts the bath water for my milkman Nanaji (father-in-law)
▷ (सकाळच्या)(पारी)(एक्या)(बादलीची) my (सून)
▷ (गवळी)(नानाजीची) water, (इसानती)(सून)
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G:XX-2.1 (G20-02-01) - Daughter-in-law with parents-in-law / Daughter-in-law is the dear one

[66] id = 83437
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बंधु इवाही करु गेले
सिता मालन चांगली घडी रंगाची लागली
bandhu ivāhī karu gēlē
sitā mālana cāṅgalī ghaḍī raṅgācī lāgalī
I made my brother my Vyahi*
Sita, my sister-in-law, proved to be a good person
▷  Brother (इवाही)(करु) has_gone
▷  Sita (मालन)(चांगली)(घडी)(रंगाची)(लागली)
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Vyahi ➡ VyahisFather-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two fathers are each other’s Vyahi reciprocally and also to their child’s mother-in-law

G:XX-2.7b (G20-02-07b) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Nice behavior with each other / Like mother and daughter

Cross-references:A:I-1.9b (A01-01-09b) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī is a castrating mother
[24] id = 70666
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बुरुड दादाला एकसंग सांगा दोन
लेकी संग खेळ सुन
buruḍa dādālā ēkasaṅga sāṅgā dōna
lēkī saṅga khēḷa suna
Tell brother basketmaker to make two baskets in place of one
Daughter-in-law is playing with the daughter
▷ (बुरुड)(दादाला)(एकसंग) with two
▷ (लेकी) with (खेळ)(सुन)
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[26] id = 70668
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
आपल होत दुध लोकाच आल ताक
सुन लेकी वानी राख
āpala hōta dudha lōkāca āla tāka
suna lēkī vānī rākha
One’s son is like milk at home, daughter-in-law brought from another family is like buttermilk
Treat your daughter-in-law like your daughter
▷ (आपल)(होत) milk (लोकाच) here_comes (ताक)
▷ (सुन)(लेकी)(वानी) ash
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[29] id = 76437
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
आपलं होत दुध लोकाच होत ताक
सुन लेकीवानी राख
āpalaṇa hōta dudha lōkāca hōta tāka
suna lēkīvānī rākha
One’s son is like milk at home, daughter-in-law brought from another family is like buttermilk
Treat your daughter-in-law like your daughter
▷ (आपलं)(होत) milk (लोकाच)(होत)(ताक)
▷ (सुन)(लेकीवानी) ash
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[31] id = 83440
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
बुरड दादाला एकासंग सांगा देऊ
लेक संग खेळ सुन
buraḍa dādālā ēkāsaṅga sāṅgā dēū
lēka saṅga khēḷa suna
Tell brother basketmaker to make two baskets in place of one
Daughter-in-law is playing with the daughter
▷ (बुरड)(दादाला)(एकासंग) with (देऊ)
▷ (लेक) with (खेळ)(सुन)
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G:XX-2.8 (G20-02-08) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Intimate relationship

Cross-references:A:II-2.5d (A02-02-05d) - Woman’s social identity / Boasting a prosperous house / Pride of a thriving household
[29] id = 68246
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सासु आत्या बाई तुमचे सोनियाचे पाय
तुमच्या पायावर न्हानजा मले बाई
sāsu ātyā bāī tumacē sōniyācē pāya
tumacyā pāyāvara nhānajā malē bāī
Paternal aunt, my mother-in-law, you bring luck
Give me a bath near your feet
▷ (सासु)(आत्या) woman (तुमचे)(सोनियाचे)(पाय)
▷ (तुमच्या)(पायावर)(न्हानजा)(मले) woman
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[52] id = 95430
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सोन्यासाठी चिंधी चिंधी मधल्या डोर्यात
सुन सावित्रा घरात
sōnyāsāṭhī cindhī cindhī madhalyā ḍōryāta
suna sāvitrā gharāta
My son is like gold, daughter-in-law is like a string from rags to tie the gold
Savitri daughter-in-law is at home
▷ (सोन्यासाठी) rag rag (मधल्या)(डोर्यात)
▷ (सुन)(सावित्रा)(घरात)
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[64] id = 95475
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सोन्यासाठी चिंधी मधल्या डोर्यात
सुन स्वामीनी घरात
sōnyāsāṭhī cindhī madhalyā ḍōryāta
suna svāmīnī gharāta
My son is like gold, daughter-in-law is like a string from rags to tie the gold
Daughter-in-law is at home
▷ (सोन्यासाठी) rag (मधल्या)(डोर्यात)
▷ (सुन)(स्वामीनी)(घरात)
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G:XX-6.1a (G20-06-01a) - Vyāhī-Vihin / Close relationship with vihin / “I request you to be nice with my daughter”

[19] id = 53768
शिंदे गंगु - Shinde Gangu
सांगुनी धाडीते यीनबाईला बाजारात
माझी आनवाळी पदरात
sāṅgunī dhāḍītē yīnabāīlā bājārāta
mājhī ānavāḷī padarāta
I send a message to my Vihin* in the bazaar
I have given my little one in your care
▷ (सांगुनी)(धाडीते)(यीनबाईला)(बाजारात)
▷  My (आनवाळी)(पदरात)
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VihinMother-in-law of one’s son or daughter. The two mothers are each other’s Vihin reciprocally and also to their child’s father-in-law

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Discovery in a furrow
  2. Demand from kings
  3. Lifting of the bow
  4. Sītā found
  5. Rāma’s fight
  6. The chariot is decorated
  7. Mārutī gets information about Sītā
  8. He comes as a bairāgī
  9. He heaps dresses up to heaven
  10. Lakṣmī
  11. Weakeness redeemed by Lakṣmī
  12. All other gods
  13. Singing to Rām and gods
  14. Worship
  15. Gopīcaṅda
  16. Sulocana receives the news of his death
  17. Mourning
  18. Maternal uncles and aunts
  19. Mother-father
  20. Kansa opponent
  21. Kṛṣṇa in Kansa’s city
  22. Kṛṣṇa as bangle seller
  23. Stealing churning instruments
  24. Sister Subhadrā
  25. Dattātraya and Anūsayā
  26. Anusaya
  27. Place of residence
  28. The dear one
  29. Māher-Sāsar
  30. Old Śambhū, young Girijā
  31. Śaṅkar and Pārvatī together
  32. Gosāvī
  33. Her coming
  34. Ornaments
  35. Temple
  36. Fulfilling
  37. Nārāyaṇa
  38. Nāgīyā, Nāganāth
  39. Sāvatāmāḷī
  40. Munjā
  41. Ekadashi
  42. Viṭṭhal receives
  43. “When will you take me to Paṅḍharpur?”
  44. Garuḍ khamb, the pillar of Garuḍ
  45. Varkari
  46. Harīpāṭh
  47. Standing on brick
  48. Rich household
  49. Katha, Kirtan, Vina
  50. Paṅḍharpur Kingdom of Viṭṭhal
  51. Viṭṭhal father
  52. Guest
  53. Viṭṭhal’s meals
  54. Father and clan
  55. Marriage of Viṭṭhal Rukhmini
  56. Rukhmini’s ornaments
  57. Rukhmini’s saris
  58. Went and saw desert, lake, parents house, behind temple etc
  59. Cooking
  60. Sixteen, seventeen, three hundred sixty, thousand women etc
  61. Differential treatment
  62. Dear
  63. Jani’s bath
  64. Jani’s plait
  65. Theft in Jani’s house
  66. Gokulpur
  67. Vīṭṭhal - Rukhmīṇī - Jani
  68. Namdev
  69. Other saints
  70. Description
  71. Help for crossing the river
  72. The river Indrayani
  73. Visiting idols in temple
  74. After Alandi let us go to Dehu
  75. Muktabai
  76. Refuses to go with him
  77. She wishes to be in Prapaca
  78. Dhangar caste
  79. Satyanārāyaṅa comes home
  80. Preparation
  81. Son
  82. Brother
  83. Daughter-in-law
  84. The decision of Dharmaraja
  85. Singers confident of his support
  86. Worship, reading of pothi
  87. Pativratā, absolute dedication to husband
  88. Pride of ones village
  89. Ethical norms
  90. Bhagavānbaba
  91. She is like Bhāgīrṭ Kāśī
  92. Banian
  93. No affection parallel to mothers love
  94. Son is tired but admirable
  95. Many children play with him
  96. Practicing Rām bhakti
  97. Cow-keeping suits him
  98. Permanent backing
  99. He keeps her honour
  100. For son’s ploughing and sowing
  101. Field to be watered
  102. Bullock and the ploughman
  103. Gods on thrashing ground
  104. Son and bullock, the dear ones
  105. Bullock sits down, bending knees
  106. Plenty of crops
  107. Twelve bullocks
  108. Foot-steps of bullocks
  109. Stable is full of them
  110. Khilari breed
  111. “The bullock, my wealth”
  112. Lamp is lit, āratī, pujā are performed
  113. Lakṣmī is Fortune
  114. She knocks at the door
  115. Lakṣmī goes into my son’s fields
  116. Cow and cow-dung signal Lakṣmī
  117. “Build up a huge house”
  118. Shed erected on poles with mango, plaintain pillars
  119. Her wish is fulfilled
  120. Honour
  121. Maternal aunt
  122. Paternal aunt
  123. Daughter’s play
  124. Like Brahman
  125. In-laws’ house stands accross the river
  126. Mother remembers her
  127. Letter to and from her
  128. The bangle man is called vairal
  129. She eats with him at his place
  130. He spends a lot
  131. Brother is driving the cart
  132. Brother’s qualities
  133. Brother is “the dear one”
  134. Lakṣmī enters brother’s house
  135. He visits wife’s parents but not his sister
  136. Ploughing
  137. Brother’s large field
  138. Brother’s beautiful bullocks
  139. Many bullocks in brother’s stable
  140. Lakshmi-prosperity enters the stable
  141. Common sari
  142. Niece taken as daughter-in-law
  143. In the same village and same house
  144. Nephew welcomed at uncle’s house
  145. Nephew eating at uncle’s house
  146. More intimate relation than with brother
  147. Intimate relation with father
  148. They are for each other
  149. Sleeping chamber
  150. Making fun of a husband with two wives
  151. Received with pomp and ceremony in heaven
  152. Daughter-in-law shows respect to parents-in-law
  153. Sweet relations prevailed
  154. Daughter-in-law is the dear one
  155. Like mother and daughter
  156. Intimate relationship
  157. “I request you to be nice with my daughter”
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