Database design: Bernard Bel
= H23-06-04f03

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class H:XXIII-6.4fiii (H23-06-04f03)
(5 records)

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H:XXIII-6.4fiii (H23-06-04f03) - New consciousness / Traditional midwife / Special meet Pabal (16-17 August, 2002) / Medical approach

Cross-references:H:XXIII-6.4e (H23-06-04e) - New consciousness / Traditional midwife / Special meet Pabal (16-17 August, 2002) / Her knowledge
[1] id = 57839
उभे तारा - Ubhe Tara
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
डाक्टर व्हायाला डिग्री गळ्याला लावली
कर्तव्याची जाण त्याला नाही राहीली
ḍākṭara vhāyālā ḍigrī gaḷyālā lāvalī
kartavyācī jāṇa tyālā nāhī rāhīlī
To become a doctor, he has to put a degree around his neck
He has lost the conscience of his degree
▷ (डाक्टर)(व्हायाला)(डिग्री)(गळ्याला)(लावली)
▷ (कर्तव्याची)(जाण)(त्याला) not (राहीली)
Pour devenir docteur il s'accrocha un diplôme au cou
Il a perdu la concience de son devoir.
[2] id = 57840
उभे तारा - Ubhe Tara
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
आपल्या समाजात झाला डाक्टर कोण
सांगते बाळा तुला फेड समाजाच ऋण
āpalyā samājāta jhālā ḍākṭara kōṇa
sāṅgatē bāḷā tulā phēḍa samājāca ṛṇa
Who becomes a doctor in our society
I tell you, son, pay your debt to the society
▷ (आपल्या)(समाजात)(झाला)(डाक्टर) who
▷  I_tell child to_you (फेड)(समाजाच)(ऋण)
Qui donc devient docteur dans notre société
Je te dis, mon garçon, rends ta dette à la société.
[3] id = 57841
सोनावणे कुसुम - Sonawane Kusum
Village नांदगाव - Nandgaon
सुईणीच ज्ञान आम्ही ठेवील टिकूनी
आताच्या यव्यस्थेत हे टाकील विकूनी
suīṇīca jñāna āmhī ṭhēvīla ṭikūnī
ātācyā yavyasthēta hē ṭākīla vikūnī
This knowledge of midwife, we have maintained it
In today’s system, they have sold it off
▷ (सुईणीच)(ज्ञान)(आम्ही)(ठेवील)(टिकूनी)
▷  Of_today (यव्यस्थेत)(हे)(टाकील)(विकूनी)
Nous avons recueilli, maintenu le savoir de sage-femme
Le monde d'aujourd'hui s'en débarrasse, il le brade.
[4] id = 62957
उभे तारा - Ubhe Tara
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
वैदयकीय सेवेनी मला घातीला घाला
मनाचा इश्वास माझा निघूइनी गेला
vaidayakīya sēvēnī malā ghātīlā ghālā
manācā iśvāsa mājhā nighūinī gēlā
The medical system has brought me ruin
I have lost total confidence
▷ (वैदयकीय)(सेवेनी)(मला)(घातीला)(घाला)
▷ (मनाचा)(इश्वास) my (निघूइनी) has_gone
pas de traduction en français
Notes =>Song composed on 21st Oct. 2002 at the time of regular meeting at Pune
[5] id = 62958
उभे तारा - Ubhe Tara
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
वैद्यकीय सेवेनी मन माझ झाल येड
सुईण माझी बाई होती काळजाच घड
vaidyakīya sēvēnī mana mājha jhāla yēḍa
suīṇa mājhī bāī hōtī kāḷajāca ghaḍa
With this medical system, I have become mad
My midwife was a solace to me
▷ (वैद्यकीय)(सेवेनी)(मन) my (झाल)(येड)
▷ (सुईण) my daughter (होती)(काळजाच)(घड)
pas de traduction en français
Notes =>Song composed on 21st Oct. 2002 at the time of regular meeting at Pune

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Medical approach