Village: धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
Cross-references: | D:X-1.1f (D10-01-01f) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Serving milk and khawa D:X-1.3 ??? D:X-1.4 ??? D:X-1.5 ??? D:X-1.1j (D10-01-01j) - Mother’s concern for son / Mother feeding son / Preparing meal for Holi festival |
[81] id = 20310 ✓ बामणे बायडा - Bamane Bayda | पाठच्या पार्याराती कोंबड्या नाही झोप वाणीच माझ बाळ कसा तालिंब खेळतो pāṭhacyā pāryārātī kōmbaḍyā nāhī jhōpa vāṇīca mājha bāḷa kasā tālimba khēḷatō | ✎ Early in the morning, the crow doesn’t let him sleep How my dear son is wrestling ▷ (पाठच्या)(पार्याराती)(कोंबड्या) not (झोप) ▷ (वाणीच) my son how (तालिंब)(खेळतो) | pas de traduction en français |
Cross references for this song: | A:II-5.4a (A02-05-04a) - Labour / Other tasks / The call of the cock:waking up A:II-5.3oii (A02-05-03o02) - Labour / Grinding / Mother’s bond of love / Daughter the dear one A:II-5.1 (A02-05-01) - Labour / Compulsion and penibility A:II-5.18 ??? B:VII-6.5di3 ??? D:X-3.2aix (D10-03-02a09) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / While contemplating son’s plays / Wrestling, kusṭī D:X-3.67to77 ??? D:X-3.79to86 ??? E:XIII-1.3d (E13-01-03d) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter / Daughter sleeps E:XIII-1.3 (E13-01-03) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Praising daughter E:XIII-1.4 (E13-01-04) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Wonders at her personality E:XIII-1.5 (E13-01-05a) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Taking pride in daughter / Pregnancy E:XIII-1.6 ??? v ??? |