Database design: Bernard Bel
= 914

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
Devanagari to Diacritic Roman conversions with TechWelkin

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Mondhwe Bhaga
(7 records)

Village: आहिरवाडी - Ahirwadi

5 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

D:XI-1.1div (D11-01-01d04) - Son expert in farming / Cultivates fields / Son, the ploughman / The dear one

When the singer says Ploughman Narayan, she imagines that God Narayan is actually participating in the work in the field. Even though her son or husband are ploughing, she imagines that God is making it happen. Farming is also looked upon by her as God’s worship.
[49] id = 21765
शेताच्या बांधावरी कोण औत्या गाण गातो
मामा भाच्याला शिकवीतो
śētācyā bāndhāvarī kōṇa autyā gāṇa gātō
māmā bhācyālā śikavītō
Who is this ploughman singing on the field bund
Maternal uncle is teaching his nephew
▷ (शेताच्या)(बांधावरी) who (औत्या)(गाण)(गातो)
▷  Maternal_uncle (भाच्याला)(शिकवीतो)
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[50] id = 21766
वाटच्या वाटसरा कायी बघतो वावरी
मामा भाच्याला ऐका वावरी पाभरी
vāṭacyā vāṭasarā kāyī baghatō vāvarī
māmā bhācyālā aikā vāvarī pābharī
Traveller on the road, what are you wondering at, looking at the field
Maternal uncle and nephew are driving the drill-plough in the same field
▷ (वाटच्या)(वाटसरा)(कायी)(बघतो)(वावरी)
▷  Maternal_uncle (भाच्याला)(ऐका)(वावरी)(पाभरी)
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E:XIV-1.2a (E14-01-02a) - Relatives attached to daughter / Maternal uncle / The dear one

Cross-references:E:XIII-1.1 (E13-01-01) - Mother’s attachment to daughter / Mother wants a daughter
[26] id = 25627
मामा जातो काशीला लाथ लागली भाशीयीला
माग फिरुनी पाया पड मामाला काशी घड
māmā jātō kāśīlā lātha lāgalī bhāśīyīlā
māga phirunī pāyā paḍa māmālā kāśī ghaḍa
no translation in English
▷  Maternal_uncle goes (काशीला)(लाथ)(लागली)(भाशीयीला)
▷ (माग) turning_round (पाया)(पड)(मामाला) how (घड)
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F:XV-2.8c (F15-02-08c) - Sister worries for brother / Letter from him

[14] id = 26732
मोठ माझ घर पत्र पडल कागदा
दशरथ माझा बंधु आहेत लेणार
mōṭha mājha ghara patra paḍala kāgadā
daśaratha mājhā bandhu āhēta lēṇāra
My family is big, a letter needs to be written
Dashrath, my brother, is there to write
▷ (मोठ) my house (पत्र)(पडल)(कागदा)
▷ (दशरथ) my brother (आहेत)(लेणार)
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F:XV-4.2l (F15-04-02l) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother is a milkman

[11] id = 27419
पाठच्या पार्यामंदी मीत कोंबडा आरवीला
बंधु गुराखी जागा झाला गुर सोडली ग पसार्याला
pāṭhacyā pāryāmandī mīta kōmbaḍā āravīlā
bandhu gurākhī jāgā jhālā gura sōḍalī ga pasāryālā
The cock crowed early in the morning
My brother, the cowherd, woke up and freed the cattle for feeding
▷ (पाठच्या)(पार्यामंदी)(मीत)(कोंबडा)(आरवीला)
▷  Brother (गुराखी)(जागा)(झाला)(गुर)(सोडली) * (पसार्याला)
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F:XV-4.2m (F15-04-02m) - Sister takes pride in brother / Brother is a farmer / Brother’s beautiful bullocks

[17] id = 27437
ह्या तांबड्या मातीवरी गाडी कुणाची उधळली
माझ्या पाठीच्या बंधवाची बैल खळ्याला निघाली
hyā tāmbaḍyā mātīvarī gāḍī kuṇācī udhaḷalī
mājhyā pāṭhīcyā bandhavācī baila khaḷyālā nighālī
On this red soil, whose cart is going in all directions
My younger brother’s bullocks are going to the thrashing floor
▷ (ह्या)(तांबड्या)(मातीवरी)(गाडी)(कुणाची)(उधळली)
▷  My (पाठीच्या)(बंधवाची)(बैल)(खळ्याला)(निघाली)
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[18] id = 27438
माझ्या पाठीच्या बंधवा नको मारुस बैलाला
नको मारुस बैलाला उभी कराव सावलीला
mājhyā pāṭhīcyā bandhavā nakō mārusa bailālā
nakō mārusa bailālā ubhī karāva sāvalīlā
My dear younger brother, don’t whip the bullocks
Don’t whip the bullocks, let them stand in the shade
▷  My (पाठीच्या)(बंधवा) not (मारुस)(बैलाला)
▷  Not (मारुस)(बैलाला) standing (कराव)(सावलीला)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. The dear one
  2. Letter from him
  3. Brother is a milkman
  4. Brother’s beautiful bullocks