Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Mene Saraswati
(6 records)

Village: तैलबैला - Tailbaila

5 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

A:II-2.2c (A02-02-02c) - Woman’s social identity / Alien property / Daughter foretold her ruin and disgrace

[43] id = 13624
आई बाप बोल लेक सोन्याची कंगणी
जाईन परघरी उभी राहीन अंगणी
āī bāpa bōla lēka sōnyācī kaṅgaṇī
jāīna paragharī ubhī rāhīna aṅgaṇī
Mother and father say, our daughter is like a gold bracelet
She will go to her in-laws’ house, she will stand in the courtyard
▷ (आई) father says (लेक)(सोन्याची)(कंगणी)
▷ (जाईन)(परघरी) standing (राहीन)(अंगणी)
pas de traduction en français
[46] id = 13627
आई बाप बोल लेक हरबर्याची डाळ
जाशीन परघरी मंग होईन तुझी राळ
āī bāpa bōla lēka harabaryācī ḍāḷa
jāśīna paragharī maṅga hōīna tujhī rāḷa
Mother and father say, daughter is like split gram
You will go to your in-laws’ family, your life will be ruined
▷ (आई) father says (लेक)(हरबर्याची)(डाळ)
▷ (जाशीन)(परघरी)(मंग)(होईन)(तुझी)(राळ)
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C:VIII-8.1g (C08-08-01g) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Sugar powder

[6] id = 18011
मावली म्हणल्यानी तोंडाला पड मीठी
मावली माझी आहे खडी साखर पिठी
māvalī mhaṇalyānī tōṇḍālā paḍa mīṭhī
māvalī mājhī āhē khaḍī sākhara piṭhī
When I say mother, I get a sweet taste in the mouth
My dear mother is like coarse Castor sugar
▷ (मावली)(म्हणल्यानी)(तोंडाला)(पड)(मीठी)
▷ (मावली) my (आहे)(खडी)(साखर)(पिठी)
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C:VIII-8.1h (C08-08-01h) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Sugar cristle

[8] id = 18012
मावली म्हटल्यान तोंडाला येत पाणी
मावली माझी बया खडीसाखरच्या वाणी
māvalī mhaṭalyāna tōṇḍālā yēta pāṇī
māvalī mājhī bayā khaḍīsākharacyā vāṇī
Saying mother, mother, my mouth starts watering
My dear mother is like Rock sugar
▷ (मावली)(म्हटल्यान)(तोंडाला)(येत) water,
▷ (मावली) my (बया)(खडीसाखरच्या)(वाणी)
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C:VIII-8.9a (C08-08-09a) - Mother / Feelings and representations / Mother compared to neighbour and sister in law / Nobody like mother

[9] id = 18126
माऊली म्हणल्यान कोणी मावली होईना
बयाजीची सर शेज्या नारीला येईना
māūlī mhaṇalyāna kōṇī māvalī hōīnā
bayājīcī sara śējyā nārīlā yēīnā
no translation in English
▷ (माऊली)(म्हणल्यान)(कोणी)(मावली)(होईना)
▷ (बयाजीची)(सर)(शेज्या)(नारीला)(येईना)
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F:XVII-1.2 (F17-01-02) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / Niece taken as daughter-in-law

[2] id = 29126
भाची करते सून भाची सून मला नको
होईल बोलाचाली तुटल माझा सखा
bhācī karatē sūna bhācī sūna malā nakō
hōīla bōlācālī tuṭala mājhā sakhā
I make my niece my daughter-in-law, I don’t want it
We will argue with each other, my relation with my brother might break
▷ (भाची)(करते)(सून)(भाची)(सून)(मला) not
▷ (होईल)(बोलाचाली)(तुटल) my (सखा)
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Cross references for this song:F:XVII-1.1k (F17-01-01k) - Brother as father-in-law of one’s son, vyāhī / “I make my brother my vyāhī” / “I don’t want him as vyāhī ”

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Daughter foretold her ruin and disgrace
  2. Sugar powder
  3. Sugar cristle
  4. Nobody like mother
  5. Niece taken as daughter-in-law