Database design: Bernard Bel
= 1213

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
Devanagari to Diacritic Roman conversions with TechWelkin

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Dhokchole Kamal Jagnnath
(9 records)

Village: रांजणखोळ - Ranjankhol

7 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

B:IV-3.4 (B04-03-04) - Dattatraya cycle

[10] id = 45159
कौशाचा बळं राणामधी वस्ती माझी
दत्तराज वाण्या फिरंग्या गस्त तुझी
kauśācā baḷaṁ rāṇāmadhī vastī mājhī
dattarāja vāṇyā phiraṅgyā gasta tujhī
no translation in English
▷ (कौशाचा)(बळं)(राणामधी)(वस्ती) my
▷ (दत्तराज)(वाण्या)(फिरंग्या)(गस्त)(तुझी)
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[11] id = 45160
कौशाचा बळं राणामधी डेरा दिला
दत्तराज वाणी वाघ फेरी घालून गेला
kauśācā baḷaṁ rāṇāmadhī ḍērā dilā
dattarāja vāṇī vāgha phērī ghālūna gēlā
no translation in English
▷ (कौशाचा)(बळं)(राणामधी)(डेरा)(दिला)
▷ (दत्तराज)(वाणी)(वाघ)(फेरी)(घालून) has_gone
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B:V-95 (B05-95) - Village deities / Sīnbāī / Sīnbāī

[1] id = 46149
कोणाला कोण माझी मला सीनबाई
चितलेकी गोष्ट माझी शेवटाला नेई
kōṇālā kōṇa mājhī malā sīnabāī
citalēkī gōṣṭa mājhī śēvaṭālā nēī
no translation in English
▷ (कोणाला) who my (मला)(सीनबाई)
▷ (चितलेकी)(गोष्ट) my (शेवटाला)(नेई)
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D:X-3.2eiii (D10-03-02e03) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son goes to school / The dear one

Cross-references:D:X-3.2ei (D10-03-02e01) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son goes to school / Slate, ink
[53] id = 65137
शाळेतल्या मुला कबुल केली म्या खारीक
नानासाहेबांच त्या गहु अक्षर बारीक
śāḷētalyā mulā kabula kēlī myā khārīka
nānāsāhēbāñca tyā gahu akṣara bārīka
My school-going son, I promised him dry dates
Nanasaheb’s handwriting is fine like wheat grains
▷ (शाळेतल्या) children (कबुल) shouted (म्या)(खारीक)
▷ (नानासाहेबांच)(त्या)(गहु)(अक्षर)(बारीक)
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D:X-3.2evi (D10-03-02e06) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son goes to school / Parents scold and force him to attend school

[20] id = 65138
शाळेतल्या मुला रडु कसाचं येतं
नानासाहेबाला वझं दप्तराचं होतं
śāḷētalyā mulā raḍu kasācaṁ yētaṁ
nānāsāhēbālā vajhaṁ daptarācaṁ hōtaṁ
Shool-going son, why are you crying
My son Nanasaheb finds the school bag too heavy
▷ (शाळेतल्या) children (रडु)(कसाचं)(येतं)
▷ (नानासाहेबाला)(वझं)(दप्तराचं)(होतं)
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D:X-4.1c (D10-04-01c) - Mother’s expectations from son / Blouse

[19] id = 41074
पाच माझे वाणी पाच मला चोळ्या घेती
नानासाहेब सवंती साडी मला मेलवंती
pāca mājhē vāṇī pāca malā cōḷyā ghētī
nānāsāhēba savantī sāḍī malā mēlavantī
My five sons who are like grocers buy five blouses for me
My brother Nanasaheb buys me a sari to match with them
▷ (पाच)(माझे)(वाणी)(पाच)(मला)(चोळ्या)(घेती)
▷ (नानासाहेब)(सवंती)(साडी)(मला)(मेलवंती)
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D:X-4.2c (D10-04-02c) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Grown-up son ends mother’s weakness

Test entry
[41] id = 40557
पाच माझे वाणी माझे ग सर
सोनर ग कारगीर पदर केले बराबर
pāca mājhē vāṇī mājhē ga sara
sōnara ga kāragīra padara kēlē barābara
My five sons, they are my necklace
God is the craftsman, he has made them all equal
▷ (पाच)(माझे)(वाणी)(माझे) * (सर)
▷ (सोनर) * (कारगीर)(पदर)(केले)(बराबर)
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G:XX-2.3c (G20-02-03c) - Daughter-in-law with mother-in-law / Advises / To keep the household

[8] id = 75233
सुन माझे बाई झाड वाड्याची पायरी
मनसुब तुझा भाया सभा बसली भायेरी
suna mājhē bāī jhāḍa vāḍyācī pāyarī
manasuba tujhā bhāyā sabhā basalī bhāyērī
My daughter-in-law, sweep the step of the house
Your brother-in-law, a Court Official, is in a meeting outside
▷ (सुन)(माझे) woman (झाड)(वाड्याची)(पायरी)
▷ (मनसुब) your (भाया)(सभा) sitting (भायेरी)
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[9] id = 75356
सुन माझे बाई धाड वाड्याची कंगण
मनसुब तुझा भाया सभा बसली अंगण
suna mājhē bāī dhāḍa vāḍyācī kaṅgaṇa
manasuba tujhā bhāyā sabhā basalī aṅgaṇa
My daughter-in-law, clean the decorated pillars of the house
Your brother-in-law, a Court Official, is in a meeting in the courtyard
▷ (सुन)(माझे) woman (धाड)(वाड्याची)(कंगण)
▷ (मनसुब) your (भाया)(सभा) sitting (अंगण)
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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Sīnbāī
  2. The dear one
  3. Parents scold and force him to attend school
  4. Blouse
  5. Grown-up son ends mother’s weakness
  6. To keep the household
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