Village: कान्हुरमेसाई - Kanhurmesai
Cross-references: | A:II-2.13eii (A02-02-13e02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Friendly support / Opening up one’s mind A:II-2.16 (A02-02-16) - Woman’s social identity / Whom to share one’s grief with? D:X-4.2e (D10-04-02e) - Mother’s expectations from son / Moral support / Mother shares her mind with him F:XVI-2.6 (F16-02-06) - Sister expects brother’s moral support / Sister shares with brother |
[135] id = 105376 ✓ आदक साळू - Adak Salu | आपण गुज बोलु कशाला हवा दिवा दारी चांदण्याची हवा āpaṇa guja bōlu kaśālā havā divā dārī cāndaṇyācī havā | ✎ Woman, to open my heart, why do I need a lamp Stars are shining in the sky in the courtyard ▷ (आपण)(गुज)(बोलु)(कशाला)(हवा) lamp ▷ (दारी)(चांदण्याची)(हवा) | pas de traduction en français |