Database design: Bernard Bel
= 3224

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Deo Sheja
(5 records)

Village: माळशिरस - Malshrias

5 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

B:IV-3.4 (B04-03-04) - Dattatraya cycle

[18] id = 68898
दत्ताच्या मंदीरात हिरव्या लाईट लावली
देवा माझ्या दत्तात्रीय हवा दुनिया दावली
dattācyā mandīrāta hiravyā lāīṭa lāvalī
dēvā mājhyā dattātrīya havā duniyā dāvalī
no translation in English
▷ (दत्ताच्या)(मंदीरात)(हिरव्या)(लाईट)(लावली)
▷ (देवा) my (दत्तात्रीय)(हवा)(दुनिया)(दावली)
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B:VI-3.6d (B06-03-06d) - Āḷaṅdī and Dehu / Tukārām / Vaikunṭh - heaven - and Tukārām

[49] id = 90310
देहुच्या माळावरी सांडल माळ बुक्का
तुका गेला वैकुंठ वर उपवील्या माळा
dēhucyā māḷāvarī sāṇḍala māḷa bukkā
tukā gēlā vaikuṇṭha vara upavīlyā māḷā
On the open ground at Dehu, strings of tulasi* beads and bukka* have fallen
Tuka has gone to Vaikunth*, the strings are floating on the water
▷ (देहुच्या)(माळावरी)(सांडल)(माळ)(बुक्का)
▷ (तुका) has_gone (वैकुंठ)(वर)(उपवील्या)(माळा)
pas de traduction en français
tulasiOcimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as holy basil, cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes.
bukkaA powder composed of certain fragrant substances
VaikunthParadise of Vishnu

B:VII-2.4a (B07-02-04a) - Basil / Related representations / Freedom fom sin and troubles

[26] id = 68897
दुसरी ग माझी ओवी तुळशीबाईच करी आळ
पाप पळाल रानमाळ
dusarī ga mājhī ōvī tuḷaśībāīca karī āḷa
pāpa paḷāla rānamāḷa
no translation in English
▷ (दुसरी) * my verse (तुळशीबाईच)(करी) here_comes
▷ (पाप)(पळाल)(रानमाळ)
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C:IX-6.2a (C09-06-02a) - Baby / Struck by bad eye / Things, time to take away the bad eye / Salt, mustard and fenugreek seeds

[71] id = 106152
दिष्ट झाली किती मीठ मावर्या शीवया वरी
माझ्या ग बाळाला झीतु इंदापुरच्या नाक्यावरी
diṣṭa jhālī kitī mīṭha māvaryā śīvayā varī
mājhyā ga bāḷālā jhītu indāpuracyā nākyāvarī
He has come under a strong influence of an evil eye, I wave mustard seeds and salt around near the village gate
My son who was at Indapur checkpoint
▷ (दिष्ट) has_come (किती)(मीठ)(मावर्या)(शीवया)(वरी)
▷  My * (बाळाला)(झीतु)(इंदापुरच्या)(नाक्यावरी)
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D:XII-4.6ai (D12-04-06a01) - Son, a man in society / Son’s marriage / Grooms’s mother, varmāī / Puts on a silk and brocade sari:magnificent gait

[25] id = 78076
मांडवाच्या दारी ग दारी वाजंत्र्याच ढोल ताप
हिरव्या शालुच वरमाई
māṇḍavācyā dārī ga dārī vājantryāca ḍhōla tāpa
hiravyā śāluca varamāī
At the entrance of the shed for marriage, there is a team of band players with drums
The one in a green brocade sari is the Varmai*
▷ (मांडवाच्या)(दारी) * (दारी)(वाजंत्र्याच)(ढोल)(ताप)
▷ (हिरव्या)(शालुच)(वरमाई)
pas de traduction en français
Varmaimother of the groom

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Vaikunṭh - heaven - and Tukārām
  2. Freedom fom sin and troubles
  3. Salt, mustard and fenugreek seeds
  4. Puts on a silk and brocade sari:magnificent gait