Village: दुधावरे - Dudhavre
Class title comment for “A:II-3.5“ | |
Class comment for “A:II-3.5i“ |
Cross-references: | G:XIX-5.9b (G19-05-09b) - Husband and wife: attitudes, images and values / A poor husband / Rich parents versus poor husband G:XIX-5.24 ??? A:II-1.3b (A02-01-03b) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Worthlessness / Indignity and filth A:II-2.3b (A02-02-03b) - Woman’s social identity / Sold in marriage / Husband becomes her owner |
[9] id = 5338 ✓ घुले लक्ष्मी - Ghule Lakshmi Group(s) = A:II-3.5j | जाईन उभ्या गली हालून देईना हाताला आता माझी बया भिऊन चालली गोताला jāīna ubhyā galī hālūna dēīnā hātālā ātā mājhī bayā bhiūna cālalī gōtālā | ✎ I go through the lane, I don’t let my hand move Now, my daughter is scared of spoiling the family reputation ▷ (जाईन)(उभ्या)(गली)(हालून)(देईना)(हाताला) ▷ (आता) my (बया)(भिऊन)(चालली)(गोताला) | pas de traduction en français |