Village: हिरडी - Hirdi
Cross-references: | E:XIII-3.2d (E13-03-02d) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Daughter expects moral support / Wish to go to mother’s house and meet father E:XIII-3.4 ??? E:XIII-3.5 ??? F:XVIII-1.1 (F18-01-01) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher F:XVIII-1.11 ??? F:XVIII-1.13 ??? F:XVIII-1.14 ??? F:XVIII-1.54 ??? F:XVIII-1.58 ??? F:XVIII-2.1a (F18-02-01a) - Other relatives / Paternal uncles, aunts / Singer’s close relation with them |
[51] id = 38242 ✓ नरे शांता - Nare Shanta ◉ UVS-36-24 | सावित्रे भाऊजये पाया पड पाईट्यान तुझ्या कपागळीच कुकु माझ्या डाव्या अंगठ्यान sāvitrē bhāūjayē pāyā paḍa pāīṭyāna tujhyā kapāgaḷīca kuku mājhyā ḍāvyā aṅgaṭhyāna | ✎ Savitri, sister-in-law bent down low to touch my feet The kunku* on her forehead fell on my left toe ▷ (सावित्रे)(भाऊजये)(पाया)(पड)(पाईट्यान) ▷ Your (कपागळीच) kunku my (डाव्या)(अंगठ्यान) | pas de traduction en français |