Database design: Bernard Bel
= F16-01-02d

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Semantic class F:XVI-1.2d (F16-01-02d)
(48 records)

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F:XVI-1.2d (F16-01-02d) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Blouse / Brother gets it tailored with excitement

Cross-references:B:VI-2.3g (B06-02-03g) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / Companions / Brother
B:VI-2.42 ???
[1] id = 27614
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
बंधुनी घेतली चोळी मिरी एवढी तिची मोठ (लहान नक्षी)
सांगते बाई तुला लहर्या मारती माझी पाठ
bandhunī ghētalī cōḷī mirī ēvaḍhī ticī mōṭha (lahāna nakṣī)
sāṅgatē bāī tulā laharyā māratī mājhī pāṭha
Brother buys a blouse, it’s design is small like pepper corn
I tell you, woman, the back of my blouse is looking bright
▷ (बंधुनी)(घेतली) blouse (मिरी)(एवढी)(तिची)(मोठ) ( (लहान)(नक्षी) )
▷  I_tell woman to_you (लहर्या)(मारती) my (पाठ)
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[2] id = 27615
शेडगे ठका - Shedge Thaka
Village आडमाळ - Admal
बंधुजी घेतो चोळी हिच करवती काठ
सांगते बाई तुला भडक मारीती माझी पाठ
bandhujī ghētō cōḷī hica karavatī kāṭha
sāṅgatē bāī tulā bhaḍaka mārītī mājhī pāṭha
Brother buys a blouse with a broad border
I tell you, woman, the back of my blouse is looking bright
▷ (बंधुजी)(घेतो) blouse (हिच)(करवती)(काठ)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (भडक)(मारीती) my (पाठ)
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[3] id = 27616
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
चोळ्यावरी चोळी माझ्या वलणीवरी माईना
हवशा माझा बंधू मला घेताना राहिना
cōḷyāvarī cōḷī mājhyā valaṇīvarī māīnā
havaśā mājhā bandhū malā ghētānā rāhinā
Blouse on blouse, there is no space left on my drying line
My dear brother is such an enthusiast, he does not stop buying
▷ (चोळ्यावरी) blouse my (वलणीवरी) Mina
▷ (हवशा) my brother (मला)(घेताना)(राहिना)
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[4] id = 27617
मराठे जना - Marathe Jana
Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali
दसर्याची चोळी मला दिवाळीला आली
हौशा बंधवाची सोयर्याची ओढ झाली
dasaryācī cōḷī malā divāḷīlā ālī
hauśā bandhavācī sōyaryācī ōḍha jhālī
Blouse for Dassera*, I got in Diwali*
My dear brother, my son’s father-in-law, had to stretch his resources
▷ (दसर्याची) blouse (मला)(दिवाळीला) has_come
▷ (हौशा)(बंधवाची)(सोयर्याची)(ओढ) has_come
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[5] id = 27618
सातपुते गीता - Satpute Gita
Village वळणे - Walane
चोळ्यावरती चोळ्या किती बंधू काळ्या
सयाला सया पुस कोणा हौशाच्या चाफकळ्या
cōḷyāvaratī cōḷyā kitī bandhū kāḷyā
sayālā sayā pusa kōṇā hauśācyā cāphakaḷyā
Brother, I have many many black blouses
Friends ask each other, whose beautiful sisters are these glass
▷ (चोळ्यावरती)(चोळ्या)(किती) brother (काळ्या)
▷ (सयाला)(सया) enquire who (हौशाच्या)(चाफकळ्या)
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[6] id = 27619
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
शेजा सया बोलतात चोळी कुणाला घेतोस
मपल्या पाठीच्या बहिणीला चोळी सासुरवासणीला
śējā sayā bōlatāta cōḷī kuṇālā ghētōsa
mapalyā pāṭhīcyā bahiṇīlā cōḷī sāsuravāsaṇīlā
Neighbour women ask, for whom are you buying a blouse
(Brother says) for my younger sister who has come from her in-law’s house
▷ (शेजा)(सया)(बोलतात) blouse (कुणाला)(घेतोस)
▷ (मपल्या)(पाठीच्या) to_sister blouse (सासुरवासणीला)
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[7] id = 27620
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
बंधू बसत दोघ तिघ हे तर बेलाच्या झाडाखाली
जरीच्या किनारीची बंधू बहिणीला फाड चोळी
bandhū basata dōgha tigha hē tara bēlācyā jhāḍākhālī
jarīcyā kinārīcī bandhū bahiṇīlā phāḍa cōḷī
Two or three brothers are sitting under the Bel* tree
Brother buys a blouse-piece with brocade border for his sister
▷  Brother (बसत)(दोघ)(तिघ)(हे) wires (बेलाच्या)(झाडाखाली)
▷ (जरीच्या)(किनारीची) brother to_sister (फाड) blouse
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BelName of a tree
[8] id = 27621
उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama
Village गडले - Gadale
सणामदी सण आली दिवाळी दाटीत
हवशा माझा बंधू चोळी खणाळ फाडीत
saṇāmadī saṇa ālī divāḷī dāṭīta
havaśā mājhā bandhū cōḷī khaṇāḷa phāḍīta
The biggest festival of Diwali* is approaching
My dear brother buys a blouse-piece
▷ (सणामदी)(सण) has_come (दिवाळी)(दाटीत)
▷ (हवशा) my brother blouse (खणाळ)(फाडीत)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[9] id = 27622
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
दिवाळी बाईनी हिन ग बाई दिवाळ काढील
हावशा माझ्या बंधवानी खण खणाळ फाडील
divāḷī bāīnī hina ga bāī divāḷa kāḍhīla
hāvaśā mājhyā bandhavānī khaṇa khaṇāḷa phāḍīla
Diwali* festival has come, I am broke
My dear brother made the tailor cut a blouse piece from a new bundle
▷ (दिवाळी)(बाईनी)(हिन) * woman (दिवाळ)(काढील)
▷ (हावशा) my (बंधवानी)(खण)(खणाळ)(फाडील)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[10] id = 27623
सावंत हिरा - Sawant Hira
Village माणगाव - Mangaon
माझी पाठपोट जशा चौकटीच्या फळ्या
बंधू माझा घेतो चोळी लावी कापडाच्या कळ्या
mājhī pāṭhapōṭa jaśā caukaṭīcyā phaḷyā
bandhū mājhā ghētō cōḷī lāvī kāpaḍācyā kaḷyā
I have a flat stomach like a wooden plank
My brother buys a blouse, made from cut pieces of cloth
▷  My (पाठपोट)(जशा)(चौकटीच्या)(फळ्या)
▷  Brother my (घेतो) blouse (लावी)(कापडाच्या)(कळ्या)
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[11] id = 27624
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
माझ पाठपोट जशी कवाडाची फळी
बंधू माझा शिवी चोळी कापडाची लावी कळी
mājha pāṭhapōṭa jaśī kavāḍācī phaḷī
bandhū mājhā śivī cōḷī kāpaḍācī lāvī kaḷī
I have a flat stomach like a wooden plank
My brother buys a blouse, made from cut pieces of cloth
▷  My (पाठपोट)(जशी)(कवाडाची)(फळी)
▷  Brother my (शिवी) blouse (कापडाची)(लावी) Kali
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[12] id = 27625
पोळेकर जना - Polekar Jana
Village गडले - Gadale
पाताळ माझ पाटपोट जशी कवाडाची फळी
बंधुजी शिवी चोळी कापडाची लावी कळी
pātāḷa mājha pāṭapōṭa jaśī kavāḍācī phaḷī
bandhujī śivī cōḷī kāpaḍācī lāvī kaḷī
I have a flat stomach like a wooden plank
My brother buys a blouse, made from cut pieces of cloth
▷ (पाताळ) my (पाटपोट)(जशी)(कवाडाची)(फळी)
▷ (बंधुजी)(शिवी) blouse (कापडाची)(लावी) Kali
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[13] id = 27626
मराठे जना - Marathe Jana
Village चाचीवली - Chachiwali
बंधुच्या परास भावजय लई शाणी
धाडून मला दिली चोळीच्या पोटी फणी
bandhucyā parāsa bhāvajaya laī śāṇī
dhāḍūna malā dilī cōḷīcyā pōṭī phaṇī
My sister-in-law is sister than my brother
She sent me a comb along with a blouse
▷ (बंधुच्या)(परास)(भावजय)(लई)(शाणी)
▷ (धाडून)(मला)(दिली)(चोळीच्या)(पोटी)(फणी)
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[14] id = 27627
पोळेकर जना - Polekar Jana
Village गडले - Gadale
बंधुच्या परस माझी भावजयी शहानी
धाडूनी देते काळ्या खनामधी फणी
bandhucyā parasa mājhī bhāvajayī śahānī
dhāḍūnī dētē kāḷyā khanāmadhī phaṇī
My sister-in-law is sister than my brother
She sent me a comb along with a black blouse piece
▷ (बंधुच्या)(परस) my (भावजयी)(शहानी)
▷ (धाडूनी) give (काळ्या)(खनामधी)(फणी)
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[15] id = 27628
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
कावळा करकरी माझ्या दारीच्या कुपणी
सरवण माझा हा चोळी घेतो देखणी
kāvaḷā karakarī mājhyā dārīcyā kupaṇī
saravaṇa mājhā hā cōḷī ghētō dēkhaṇī
A crow is cowing on the edge of my door
Saravan, my brother, buys a beautiful blouse for me
▷ (कावळा)(करकरी) my (दारीच्या)(कुपणी)
▷ (सरवण) my (हा) blouse (घेतो)(देखणी)
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[16] id = 27629
कडू सरु - Kadu Saru
Village वडवली - Wadavali
कावळा कोकतो माझ्या केळीच्या बनात
जरीची घेतो चोळी हाये बंधूच्या मनात
kāvaḷā kōkatō mājhyā kēḷīcyā banāta
jarīcī ghētō cōḷī hāyē bandhūcyā manāta
A crow is crowing in my banana plantation
My brother has it in his mind to buy me a brocade blouse
▷ (कावळा)(कोकतो) my (केळीच्या)(बनात)
▷ (जरीची)(घेतो) blouse (हाये)(बंधूच्या)(मनात)
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[17] id = 27630
शेडगे इंदुबाई - Shedge Indubai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
बहिणीला घेतो चोळी त्याची चवकट बारीक
बंधूला झाली घाई त्याची आलिया तारीख
bahiṇīlā ghētō cōḷī tyācī cavakaṭa bārīka
bandhūlā jhālī ghāī tyācī āliyā tārīkha
(Brother) buys a blouse for his sister, it has small cheeks
Brother is in a hurry, he has to attend a hearing in the Court
▷  To_sister (घेतो) blouse (त्याची)(चवकट)(बारीक)
▷ (बंधूला) has_come (घाई)(त्याची)(आलिया)(तारीख)
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[18] id = 27631
शेडगे सखूबाई - Shedge Sakhu bai
Village धामणवळ - DhamanOhol
चोळी लुगड्याच मोल सया पुसत्यात वाटला
वाणीच माझ बाळ वाणी भवानी पेठला
cōḷī lugaḍyāca mōla sayā pusatyāta vāṭalā
vāṇīca mājha bāḷa vāṇī bhavānī pēṭhalā
On the way, friends ask me the price of the sari and blouse
My dear younger brother, he got them in Bhawani Peth market
▷  Blouse (लुगड्याच)(मोल)(सया)(पुसत्यात)(वाटला)
▷ (वाणीच) my son (वाणी)(भवानी)(पेठला)
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[19] id = 27632
कांबळे लीला - Kamble Lila
Village कोळवडे - Kolavade
चोळ्यावरी चोळ्या माझ्या वलणी झाल्या लाल
आता माझा बंधू माझी मुंबई आली काल
cōḷyāvarī cōḷyā mājhyā valaṇī jhālyā lāla
ātā mājhā bandhū mājhī mumbaī ālī kāla
Blouse on blouse, my drying line is looking red
Now, my brother has just come from Mumbai yesterday (with blouses as gift)
▷ (चोळ्यावरी)(चोळ्या) my (वलणी)(झाल्या)(लाल)
▷ (आता) my brother my (मुंबई) has_come (काल)
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[20] id = 27633
दबडे हौसा - Dabde Hausa
Village साकरी - Sakari
चोळीच्या खणासाठी बंधू माझ्याला लाग काच
सरवणाला याला बहिणी हायेत पाच
cōḷīcyā khaṇāsāṭhī bandhū mājhyālā lāga kāca
saravaṇālā yālā bahiṇī hāyēta pāca
For buying blouse-piece, it’s a strain on my brother’s purse
Saravan, my brother has five sisters
▷ (चोळीच्या)(खणासाठी) brother (माझ्याला)(लाग)(काच)
▷ (सरवणाला)(याला)(बहिणी)(हायेत)(पाच)
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[21] id = 79938
वहाडणे शांताबाई गिरीधर - Wahadne Shanta Giridhar
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
हौस मला मोठी संगमनेरच्या बांडाची
बंधुन माझ्या केली खरेदी दांडाची
hausa malā mōṭhī saṅgamanēracyā bāṇḍācī
bandhuna mājhyā kēlī kharēdī dāṇḍācī
I am very fond of sangamner* variety of cloth (for making a blouse)
My brother bought the whole bundle
▷ (हौस)(मला)(मोठी)(संगमनेरच्या)(बांडाची)
▷ (बंधुन) my shouted (खरेदी)(दांडाची)
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SangamnerName of a town
[22] id = 27635
शिंदे सरु - Shinde Saru
Village भोरकस - Bhorkas
मसुर्या चोळीवरी माझी बंधू हाये आट
सासरी जायाला चमक बाईची पाठ
masuryā cōḷīvarī mājhī bandhū hāyē āṭa
sāsarī jāyālā camaka bāīcī pāṭha
My brother is insisting on buying a dark-colaured blouse
Sister is going to her law’s house, her blouse must shine
▷ (मसुर्या)(चोळीवरी) my brother (हाये)(आट)
▷ (सासरी)(जायाला)(चमक)(बाईची)(पाठ)
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[23] id = 27636
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
बंधुजी घेतो चोळी तिची किनार पिवळी
तान्हे माझे गवळणीची सुरत बाईची कवळी
bandhujī ghētō cōḷī ticī kināra pivaḷī
tānhē mājhē gavaḷaṇīcī surata bāīcī kavaḷī
Brother buys a blouse, it has a yellow border
My daughter is young, she has a small face
▷ (बंधुजी)(घेतो) blouse (तिची)(किनार)(पिवळी)
▷ (तान्हे)(माझे)(गवळणीची)(सुरत)(बाईची)(कवळी)
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[24] id = 27637
मरगळे ठमा - Margale Thama
Village कुरतवाडी - Kuratawadi
बंधुजी घेतो चोळी बहिण घाली घडी
सांगते बाई तुला तिची किनार नागमोडी
bandhujī ghētō cōḷī bahiṇa ghālī ghaḍī
sāṅgatē bāī tulā ticī kināra nāgamōḍī
Brother buys a blouse, sister folds it
I tell you, woman, it has a wavy border
▷ (बंधुजी)(घेतो) blouse sister (घाली)(घडी)
▷  I_tell woman to_you (तिची)(किनार)(नागमोडी)
Pli de sari
[25] id = 35214
साळुंके हौसा - Salunkhe Hausa
Village धामारी - Dhamari
UVS-03-01 start 10:28 ➡ listen to section
भावाची ग बहिण सर हालण मालण
दिवाळीची चोळी भडका मारीती वलण
bhāvācī ga bahiṇa sara hālaṇa mālaṇa
divāḷīcī cōḷī bhaḍakā mārītī valaṇa
Brother’s sister, she is busy going to and fro all the time
My gift of a blouse for Diwali* stands out with its brightness on the drying line
▷ (भावाची) * sister (सर)(हालण)(मालण)
▷ (दिवाळीची) blouse (भडका)(मारीती)(वलण)
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DiwaliThe festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and some Muslims every autumn in the northern hemisphere. Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.“
[26] id = 36483
अल्हाट कौसल्या - Alhat Kausalya
Village मोगरा - Mogara
UVS-16-39 start 01:09 ➡ listen to section
बाळ ग पट्टी चोळी वलणी झोके घेती
वलणी झोके घेती बंधुराजा आल राती
bāḷa ga paṭṭī cōḷī valaṇī jhōkē ghētī
valaṇī jhōkē ghētī bandhurājā āla rātī
The blouse with a small designed border is swaying on the drying line
It is swaying on the drying line, my brother came at night
▷  Son * (पट्टी) blouse (वलणी)(झोके)(घेती)
▷ (वलणी)(झोके)(घेती)(बंधुराजा) here_comes (राती)
Enfant, le bustier à la frange ornée se balance sur la corde à linge
Se balance sur la corde à linge, mon frère est arrivé la nuit tombée.
[27] id = 40052
कुलथे लक्ष्मी - Kulthe Lakshmi
Village वालवड - Walwad
नगर भिंगार कापडाचं गाव
बंधू घेतो चोळी वर बहिणीचं नाव
nagara bhiṅgāra kāpaḍācaṁ gāva
bandhū ghētō cōḷī vara bahiṇīcaṁ nāva
Nagar and Bhingar are famous places for buying cloth
Brother buys a blouse in the name of his sister
▷ (नगर)(भिंगार)(कापडाचं)(गाव)
▷  Brother (घेतो) blouse (वर)(बहिणीचं)(नाव)
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[28] id = 40934
जोगदंड मालन - Jogdand Malan
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
चोळी लुगड्याचे मोल मला पुसती आयाबाया
घेणार माझा दादा कशाला जाऊ पाहया
cōḷī lugaḍyācē mōla malā pusatī āyābāyā
ghēṇāra mājhā dādā kaśālā jāū pāhayā
Women ask me, what is the price of the sari and blouse
My brother buys them for me, why should I ask
▷  Blouse (लुगड्याचे)(मोल)(मला)(पुसती)(आयाबाया)
▷ (घेणार) my (दादा)(कशाला)(जाऊ)(पाहया)
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[29] id = 40935
जोगदंड मालन - Jogdand Malan
Village पुणतांबा - Puntamba
तुझ्या ऊसाचे वाडे नंदीला लागे मऊ
सांगते भाऊराया आण झबला परकर
tujhyā ūsācē vāḍē nandīlā lāgē maū
sāṅgatē bhāūrāyā āṇa jhabalā parakara
Your sugarcane stalks, the bullock found them soft
I tell you, brother, bring a long skirt and a blouse
▷  Your (ऊसाचे)(वाडे)(नंदीला)(लागे)(मऊ)
▷  I_tell (भाऊराया)(आण)(झबला)(परकर)
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[30] id = 42184
गायकवाड अंजना - Gaykwad Anjana
Village गळनींब - Galnimb
भाऊ ग घेतो चोळी चाटी म्हण आहेराला
बहिणी आल्या माहेराला
bhāū ga ghētō cōḷī cāṭī mhaṇa āhērālā
bahiṇī ālyā māhērālā
Tailor says, these are expensive blouse pieces specially for gifts
My brother says, my sisters have come to maher*
▷  Brother * (घेतो) blouse (चाटी)(म्हण)(आहेराला)
▷ (बहिणी)(आल्या)(माहेराला)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[31] id = 42185
मोरे कमल - More Kamal Chintamani
Village गुंधा - Gundha
मोठ्या मोठ्या चोळ्या चाटी म्हणी आहेराला
नेनंता बंधू म्हणी बहिणी आल्या माहेराला
mōṭhyā mōṭhyā cōḷyā cāṭī mhaṇī āhērālā
nēnantā bandhū mhaṇī bahiṇī ālyā māhērālā
Tailor says, these are expensive blouse pieces specially for gifts
My younger brother says, my sisters have come to maher*
▷ (मोठ्या)(मोठ्या)(चोळ्या)(चाटी)(म्हणी)(आहेराला)
▷  Younger brother (म्हणी)(बहिणी)(आल्या)(माहेराला)
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maherA married woman’s parental home
[32] id = 35102
मेचे बबा - Meche Baba
Village सविंदणे - Savindane
UVS-13-15 start 02:37 ➡ listen to section
मपल्या घरी मीत हालन मालन
बंधु तुझी चोळी भडक मारीती वलन
mapalyā gharī mīta hālana mālana
bandhu tujhī cōḷī bhaḍaka mārītī valana
In my house I am busy going to and fro all the time
Brother, your gift of a blouse stands out with its brightness on the drying lime
▷ (मपल्या)(घरी)(मीत)(हालन)(मालन)
▷  Brother (तुझी) blouse (भडक)(मारीती)(वलन)
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[33] id = 103438
सदाफळे सीताबाई परशुराम - Sadaphale Sita Parshuram
Village आरवडे - Arvade
हौशा माझा बंधु गेला मातेला सांगत
बहिणी असावी जन्मात
hauśā mājhā bandhu gēlā mātēlā sāṅgata
bahiṇī asāvī janmāta
My dear brother went and told mother
One should have a sister in this birth
▷ (हौशा) my brother has_gone (मातेला) tells
▷ (बहिणी)(असावी)(जन्मात)
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[34] id = 44884
आंद्रे राधा - Andre Radha
Village वाजवणे - Vajvane
सांगुन रे धाडते तुला इथूनी तिथूनी
असी बाळपट्टी चोळी धाड अंगीची बेतुनी
sāṅguna rē dhāḍatē tulā ithūnī tithūnī
asī bāḷapaṭṭī cōḷī dhāḍa aṅgīcī bētunī
I send you message off and on
Send a blouse with a small border to fit me
▷ (सांगुन)(रे)(धाडते) to_you (इथूनी)(तिथूनी)
▷ (असी)(बाळपट्टी) blouse (धाड)(अंगीची)(बेतुनी)
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[35] id = 44885
आंद्रे राधा - Andre Radha
Village वाजवणे - Vajvane
सांगून रे धाडते तुला ममई देशात
अशी बाळपट्टी चोळी धाड बंडीच्या खिशात
sāṅgūna rē dhāḍatē tulā mamaī dēśāta
aśī bāḷapaṭṭī cōḷī dhāḍa baṇḍīcyā khiśāta
I send you a message in Mumbai
Send me a blouse with a small border, which will fit in the pocket of your jacket
▷ (सांगून)(रे)(धाडते) to_you (ममई)(देशात)
▷ (अशी)(बाळपट्टी) blouse (धाड)(बंडीच्या)(खिशात)
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[36] id = 44886
आंद्रे राधा - Andre Radha
Village वाजवणे - Vajvane
सांगून रे धाडते तुला आवडी रेवडी
अशी बाळपट्टी चोळी घडी कागदा येवढी
sāṅgūna rē dhāḍatē tulā āvaḍī rēvaḍī
aśī bāḷapaṭṭī cōḷī ghaḍī kāgadā yēvaḍhī
I send you a message to tell you what I like
I want a blouse with a small border, it should, fold small like paper
▷ (सांगून)(रे)(धाडते) to_you (आवडी)(रेवडी)
▷ (अशी)(बाळपट्टी) blouse (घडी)(कागदा)(येवढी)
Pli de sari
[37] id = 45546
दराडे हौसा - Darade Hausa
Village कर्हे - Karhe
माझ्या घरी मी हालन मालन
भाऊ तुझी चोळी भडक्या मारती वलण
mājhyā gharī mī hālana mālana
bhāū tujhī cōḷī bhaḍakyā māratī valaṇa
In my house, I am busy going to and fro all the time
Brother, your gift of a blouse stands out with it’s bright on the drying lime
▷  My (घरी) I (हालन)(मालन)
▷  Brother (तुझी) blouse (भडक्या)(मारती)(वलण)
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[38] id = 63533
शिंदे यमुना - Shinde Yamuna
Village बाभळगाव - Babhalgaon
माझ्या घरी लंका लुटते लाखाची
हौशा बंधु माझ्या चोळी मागते हक्काची
mājhyā gharī laṅkā luṭatē lākhācī
hauśā bandhu mājhyā cōḷī māgatē hakkācī
My parent’s home is very rich
I ask you, dear brother, to give me a blouse as your sister’s right
▷  My (घरी)(लंका)(लुटते)(लाखाची)
▷ (हौशा) brother my blouse (मागते)(हक्काची)
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[39] id = 67455
लठ्ठे वच्छला - Latthe Vachala
Village महातपूर - Mahatpur
चाट्याच्या दुकानात गंगासागर चोळी हायका
तुमची हवस आमचा पयका
cāṭyācyā dukānāta gaṅgāsāgara cōḷī hāyakā
tumacī havasa āmacā payakā
Is there a Gangasagar style blouse in the tailor’s shop
Your choice, your liking, our (brother’s) money
▷ (चाट्याच्या)(दुकानात)(गंगासागर) blouse (हायका)
▷ (तुमची)(हवस)(आमचा)(पयका)
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[40] id = 67697
गोडेकर रुक्मीणी - Godekar Rukhmini
Village चांदई-यक्को - Chandie-Ekoo
चोळी घेता भाऊ मला केरळ्या काठाची
शहर मपल गावु वस्ती आडाण्या लोकाची
cōḷī ghētā bhāū malā kēraḷyā kāṭhācī
śahara mapala gāvu vastī āḍāṇyā lōkācī
Brother, will you buy me a blouse with Karala border
(You are in a city) in my village, we are all illiterate people
▷  Blouse (घेता) brother (मला)(केरळ्या)(काठाची)
▷ (शहर)(मपल)(गावु)(वस्ती)(आडाण्या)(लोकाची)
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[41] id = 68321
वाबळे कृष्णा - Vabale Krishna
Village केसनंद - Kesnand
डोंगरीच्या पवन्याला माझी बैल सरवली
याह्या माझ्या बंधु आट माझी पुरवली
ḍōṅgarīcyā pavanyālā mājhī baila saravalī
yāhyā mājhyā bandhu āṭa mājhī puravalī
My bullocks graze on pavana grass on the mountain
My brother, father-in-law of my son, you accepted my condition
▷ (डोंगरीच्या)(पवन्याला) my (बैल)(सरवली)
▷ (याह्या) my brother (आट) my (पुरवली)
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[42] id = 74681
निकम सोना - Nikam Sona
Village धोंडराई - Dhondrai
चोळ्यावरी चोळ्या किती लेवु काळ्या काळ्या
हौशी बंधु माझ्या रे विठ्ठला माझा भवर घाली जाळ्या
cōḷyāvarī cōḷyā kitī lēvu kāḷyā kāḷyā
hauśī bandhu mājhyā rē viṭhṭhalā mājhā bhavara ghālī jāḷyā
Blouse after blouse, how many black blouses can I wear
Vitthal*, my enthiastic brother, get it covered with lace
▷ (चोळ्यावरी)(चोळ्या)(किती)(लेवु)(काळ्या)(काळ्या)
▷ (हौशी) brother my (रे) Vitthal my (भवर)(घाली)(जाळ्या)
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VitthalVithoba, also known as Vi(t)thal(a) and Panduranga, is a Hindu god predominantly worshipped in the Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He is generally considered a manifestation of the god Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna.
[43] id = 74682
बनसोडे मुद्रीका - Bansode Mudrika
Village पोहरेगाव - Poharegaon
चोळ्यावरी चोळ्या सालाच्या झाल्या बारा
माझ्या सोयरा बंधुला हिशोब देते खरा
cōḷyāvarī cōḷyā sālācyā jhālyā bārā
mājhyā sōyarā bandhulā hiśōba dētē kharā
Blouse after blouse, I got twelve in a year
My brother, father-in-law of my son, I give him the account
▷ (चोळ्यावरी)(चोळ्या)(सालाच्या)(झाल्या)(बारा)
▷  My (सोयरा)(बंधुला)(हिशोब) give (खरा)
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[44] id = 79463
भिसे विमल - Bhise Vimal
Village रुई - Rui
बहिणीचा भाऊ सया म्हणीती दिस राती
जरीची चोळी खण कोटाच्या खिशा होता
bahiṇīcā bhāū sayā mhaṇītī disa rātī
jarīcī cōḷī khaṇa kōṭācyā khiśā hōtā
Friends say, sister’s brother was seen at night
A brocade blouse piece was there in the pocket of brother’s jacket
▷  Of_sister brother (सया)(म्हणीती)(दिस)(राती)
▷ (जरीची) blouse (खण)(कोटाच्या)(खिशा)(होता)
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[45] id = 112462
लोंढे लक्ष्मी - Londhe Lakshmi
Village मेंभळ - Meibhal
चोळ्या वरी चोळ्या माझी वलन दाटयली
बहिणा भावाला एकली
cōḷyā varī cōḷyā mājhī valana dāṭayalī
bahiṇā bhāvālā ēkalī
no translation in English
▷ (चोळ्या)(वरी)(चोळ्या) my (वलन)(दाटयली)
▷  Sister (भावाला) alone
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[46] id = 112493
लांडे सखू - Lande Sakhu
Village राक्षसभुवन - Rakshsbhuwan
हौस मोठा तीसगावाच लुगड
बंधु माझा घोड्यावरी चाट्या फरताळ उघड
hausa mōṭhā tīsagāvāca lugaḍa
bandhu mājhā ghōḍyāvarī cāṭyā pharatāḷa ughaḍa
no translation in English
▷ (हौस)(मोठा)(तीसगावाच)(लुगड)
▷  Brother my horse_back (चाट्या)(फरताळ)(उघड)
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[47] id = 112494
गवाले कल्लुबाई - Gavale Kallubai
Village हासरणी - Hasarni
माझ्या मनाची हावस सांगन बाजाराच्या वाट
हरण मंगलाची नाट सख्या मला नेसु वाट
mājhyā manācī hāvasa sāṅgana bājārācyā vāṭa
haraṇa maṅgalācī nāṭa sakhyā malā nēsu vāṭa
no translation in English
▷  My (मनाची)(हावस)(सांगन)(बाजाराच्या)(वाट)
▷ (हरण)(मंगलाची)(नाट)(सख्या)(मला)(नेसु)(वाट)
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[48] id = 112495
सानप सुमन - Sanap Suman
Village नांदूर शिंगोटे - Nandur Shingote
माझी माझ्या घरी मी सोनियाची इट
वर्षाच्या काढी भाऊ घे चोळी सिट
mājhī mājhyā gharī mī sōniyācī iṭa
varṣācyā kāḍhī bhāū ghē cōḷī siṭa
no translation in English
▷  My my (घरी) I (सोनियाची)(इट)
▷ (वर्षाच्या)(काढी) brother (घे) blouse Sita
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