Village: निपाणा - Nipana
Cross-references: | H:XXI-5.2ei (H21-05-02e01) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Ramā at work / Ramā serves meals H:XXI-5.2eii (H21-05-02e02) - Ambedkar / Ramābāī, the first wife / Ramā at work / Ramā’s other works |
[5] id = 49070 ✓ थाटे यशोदा - Thate Yashoda | रमाबाई म्हणे कायी सोय नको मले दिल्लीच झंपर कँलरा (कॉलर) लाव त्याले ramābāī mhaṇē kāyī sōya nakō malē dillīca jhampara kanlarā (kōlara) lāva tyālē | ✎ Ramabai says, I don’t want any adaptations Just attach a collar to the blouse as is the fashion in Delhi ▷ Ramabai (म्हणे)(कायी)(सोय) not (मले) ▷ (दिल्लीच)(झंपर)(कँलरा) ( (कॉलर) ) put (त्याले) | Ramābāī dit : “Je ne veux aucun gadget Seulement un corsage à la mode de Delhi avec un collier.” |