Village: आंबेसावळी - Ambesawali
Cross-references: | A:II-2.14ci (A02-02-14c01) - Woman’s social identity / Sterility / Pity for defect / Feeling of inadequacy, blemish A:II-2.29 ??? F:XVII-2.15 (F17-02-15) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Sweet mutual relation F:XVII-2.97 ??? |
[26] id = 77086 ✓ बांडे पिंगल - Bande Pingal | नवस बोलले गोरखनाथाला गुपित होऊदे बंधुला पुतर येईन खोपर शिपित navasa bōlalē gōrakhanāthālā gupita hōūdē bandhulā putara yēīna khōpara śipita | ✎ I made a vow to Gorakhnath secretly Let my brother have a son, I shall distribute dry coconut ▷ (नवस) says (गोरखनाथाला)(गुपित) ▷ (होऊदे)(बंधुला)(पुतर)(येईन)(खोपर)(शिपित) | pas de traduction en français |