Village: दासवे - Dasve
Cross-references: | A:II-2.13eii (A02-02-13e02) - Woman’s social identity / Friendly ties / Friendly support / Opening up one’s mind D:X4.2e ??? E:XIII-3.3b (E13-03-03b) - Mother-daughter, mutual expectations / Mother’s expectations / Mutual wish to confide |
[24] id = 40805 ✓ भालेराव हौसा - Bhalerao Hausa | गुज ना बोलायाला बहिण भावाच्या शेती गेली वाणीच्या बंधवानी चालू पाभार उभी केली guja nā bōlāyālā bahiṇa bhāvācyā śētī gēlī vāṇīcyā bandhavānī cālū pābhāra ubhī kēlī | ✎ Sister went to brother’s field to tell him what is in her mind He stopped the plough with three tubes ▷ (गुज) * (बोलायाला) sister (भावाच्या) furrow went ▷ (वाणीच्या)(बंधवानी)(चालू)(पाभार) standing is | pas de traduction en français |