Village: बाचोटी - Bachoti
Cross-references: | D:X-3.3ii ??? D:X-3.17 ??? D:X-3.37 ??? D:X-3.2i (D10-03-02i) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / He is the one who manages, karta |
[2] id = 37275 ✓ शेख अमीना - Shekh Amina ◉ UVS-22-06 start 04:25 ➡ listen to section | सीतारी की झाड हाये दुकान के कोने कु नजर हुई व्यापारी कु sītārī kī jhāḍa hāyē dukāna kē kōnē ku najara huī vyāpārī ku | ✎ Sitari tree is near the corner of the shop The merchant (my son) has come under the influence of an evil eye ▷ (सीतारी)(की)(झाड)(हाये)(दुकान)(के)(कोने)(कु) ▷ (नजर)(हुई)(व्यापारी)(कु) | pas de traduction en français |