Village: शिंगवे - Shingawe
Cross-references: | A:II-5.3 (A02-05-03a) - Labour / Grinding / Call to grind spiritedly A:II-5.29 ??? A:II-5.3gxvi (A02-05-03g16) - Labour / Grinding / “Milling is over…” / Brother and his wife remembered |
[78] id = 111742 ✓ काळवाघे पार्वती - Kalwaghe Parvati | दळण दळीते पीट भरीते धुंदीत रात्री निवडुन आले बंधु माझे पंडीत daḷaṇa daḷītē pīṭa bharītē dhundīta rātrī nivaḍuna ālē bandhu mājhē paṇḍīta | ✎ no translation in English ▷ (दळण)(दळीते)(पीट)(भरीते)(धुंदीत) ▷ (रात्री)(निवडुन) here_comes brother (माझे)(पंडीत) | pas de traduction en français |