Database design: Bernard Bel
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Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra
Songs by Hundare Sita
(2 records)

Village: देवघर - Deoghar

2 semantic classes ➡ list at the bottom of this page

B:VI-2.19ciii (B06-02-19c03) - Paṅḍharpur pilgrimage / The city of Paṅḍharpur / River Chandrabhāgā / Swimming in the river

[7] id = 13234
भरली ग चंद्रभागा वाहून चालल्या काट्याकुट्या
बाळा ना याच्या माझ्या पवणाराच्या दंडी पेट्या
bharalī ga candrabhāgā vāhūna cālalyā kāṭyākuṭyā
bāḷā nā yācyā mājhyā pavaṇārācyā daṇḍī pēṭyā
Chandrabhaga* is full, debris is flowing
My son, swimmer, has a tin tied to his back
▷ (भरली) * (चंद्रभागा)(वाहून)(चालल्या)(काट्याकुट्या)
▷  Child * of_his_place my (पवणाराच्या)(दंडी)(पेट्या)
pas de traduction en français
ChandrabhagaOne of the major rivers in Amravati district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur is situated on the banks of Chandrabhaga.

F:XVIII-1.1evi (F18-01-01e06) - Parents’ home, māher / Appeal for māher / Various feelings for parents / As long as parents are alive

[7] id = 30374
जवर आईबाप तवर येऊ द्या जाऊ द्या
येऊद्या जाऊद्या भर सराई घेऊद्या
javara āībāpa tavara yēū dyā jāū dyā
yēūdyā jāūdyā bhara sarāī ghēūdyā
As long as my parents are there, let me frequent my maher*
They are like a ripe’mango grove ’, let me eat the fruit
▷ (जवर)(आईबाप)(तवर)(येऊ)(द्या)(जाऊ)(द्या)
▷ (येऊद्या)(जाऊद्या)(भर)(सराई)(घेऊद्या)
pas de traduction en français
maherA married woman’s parental home

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Swimming in the river
  2. As long as parents are alive