Village: शेळगाव - Shelgaon
Cross-references: | A:II-5.4f (A02-05-04f) - Labour / Other tasks / Going to fields |
[98] id = 95524 ✓ केकान वैशा - Kekan vaisha | आणुन तीघी जावा आईवीन नांदु आडवा मंदी आड खांदु पाणी चरवीते शेंदु āṇuna tīghī jāvā āīvīna nāndu āḍavā mandī āḍa khāndu pāṇī caravītē śēndu | ✎ We, three sisters-in-law, we will live happily together like with our mother We shall dig a well in the middle, we shall draw water with a round vessel and sprinkle ▷ (आणुन)(तीघी)(जावा)(आईवीन)(नांदु) ▷ (आडवा)(मंदी)(आड)(खांदु) water, (चरवीते)(शेंदु) | pas de traduction en français |