Village: माटेगाव - Mategaon
Cross-references: | F:XVI-1.7 (F16-01-07) - Sister expects brother’s presents / Domestic animals offered as present |
[59] id = 90798 ✓ साबळे अनुसुयाबाई राणबा - Sable Anusuya Ranba | दिवाळीच्या दिशी उटन करिते साबणाच बंधु माझ्या राजसाच गोर अंग बामणाच divāḷīcyā diśī uṭana karitē sābaṇāca bandhu mājhyā rājasāca gōra aṅga bāmaṇāca | ✎ On Diwali* day, I make a fragrant paste to be applied as soap My handsome brother, an important person in the village, has a fair skin ▷ (दिवाळीच्या)(दिशी)(उटन) I_prepare (साबणाच) ▷ Brother my (राजसाच)(गोर)(अंग) of_Brahmins | pas de traduction en français |