Village: मंठाळेनगर - Manthalenagar
Cross-references: | H:XXI-5.3b (H21-05-03b) - Ambedkar / Takes a second wife / Ambedkar’s relation with his Brahmin wife c (C09-01) - Baby / Affection shown |
[79] id = 88441 ✓ कुलकर्णी वनमाला - Kulkarni Vanmala | मांडवाच्या ग दारी ब्राम्हण करीतो घाईघाई मामी मंडळी आली नाही māṇḍavācyā ga dārī brāmhaṇa karītō ghāīghāī māmī maṇḍaḷī ālī nāhī | ✎ At the entrance of the shed for marriage, Brahman is making everybody hurry (Brahman is in a hurry to catch the auspicious time) Bridegroom’s maternal uncles have not yet come ▷ (मांडवाच्या) * (दारी)(ब्राम्हण)(करीतो)(घाईघाई) ▷ Maternal_uncle (मंडळी) has_come not | pas de traduction en français |