Village: मंठाळेनगर - Manthalenagar
Cross-references: | D:X-3.2ei (D10-03-02e01) - Mother attached to son / Taking pride in son / When son goes to school / Slate, ink |
[97] id = 80116 ✓ कुलकर्णी वनमाला - Kulkarni Vanmala | शाळेला जाताना दवतीला काळा दोरा लिहिणार्याचा ग हात गोरा śāḷēlā jātānā davatīlā kāḷā dōrā lihiṇāryācā ga hāta gōrā | ✎ While going to school, ink-pot has a black thread The one who is writing has a fair hand ▷ (शाळेला)(जाताना)(दवतीला)(काळा)(दोरा) ▷ (लिहिणार्याचा) * hand (गोरा) | pas de traduction en français |