Village: पांगरी - Pangari
Cross-references: | F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother |
[409] id = 78204 ✓ सुदेवाड संता - Sudewad Santa | बोळवण केली वसमती बारीक जीन्ना नेसत नाही बंधु रामा पदराला जर उणा bōḷavaṇa kēlī vasamatī bārīka jīnnā nēsata nāhī bandhu rāmā padarālā jara uṇā | ✎ He gave me a send-off gift, it was a thin sari from Vasmati I won’ wear it, brother, it doesn’t have a good brocade outer end ▷ (बोळवण) shouted (वसमती)(बारीक)(जीन्ना) ▷ (नेसत) not brother Ram (पदराला)(जर)(उणा) | pas de traduction en français |