Village: हासरणी - Hasarni
Cross-references: | A:I-1.9b (A01-01-09b) - Sītā / Kaikeyī, the heinous mother-in-law / Kaikeyī is a castrating mother |
[28] id = 76361 ✓ गवाले रावू - Gavale Rau | बाई माझ्या दारामधी केळीची सावली सासु माझी मावली लेकीवानी वागवली bāī mājhyā dārāmadhī kēḷīcī sāvalī sāsu mājhī māvalī lēkīvānī vāgavalī | ✎ Woman, I have the shade of the banana tree at my door Mother-in-law is like my mother, she treats me like her daughter ▷ Woman my (दारामधी)(केळीची) wheat-complexioned ▷ (सासु) my (मावली)(लेकीवानी)(वागवली) | pas de traduction en français |