Database design: Bernard Bel
= 70412

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
Devanagari to Diacritic Roman conversions with TechWelkin

Creative Commons
CC license

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Song #70412 by Khambe Parubai

Village: ढाळवाडी - Dhalvadi

F:XVII-2.1 (F17-02-01) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / Brings stress on brother/sister relation

[144] id = 70412
खांबे पारूबाई - Khambe Parubai
बाई बहिण भावंडाची बाळपणाची जोडी
आली पराव्याची नार हिन केल्यान मनमोडी
bāī bahiṇa bhāvaṇḍācī bāḷapaṇācī jōḍī
ālī parāvyācī nāra hina kēlyāna manamōḍī
Brother and sister are close to each other since childhood
A girl from another family came as sister-in-law, she broke our relations
▷  Woman sister (भावंडाची)(बाळपणाची)(जोडी)
▷  Has_come (पराव्याची)(नार)(हिन)(केल्यान)(मनमोडी)
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  1. Brings stress on brother/sister relation