Village: पळशे - Palase
Hamlet: फुलेनगर - Phulenagar
[196] id = 67348 ✓ ढेरींगे पुष्पा - Dhering Pushpa | भाऊ घेतो चोळी भाऊजयी पुढ गेली रुपायाची चोळी आधेली कमी केली bhāū ghētō cōḷī bhāūjayī puḍha gēlī rupāyācī cōḷī ādhēlī kamī kēlī | ✎ Brother buys a blouse (for his sister), sister-in-law went there before him The price of the blouse was one rupee, she reduced it by four annas* ▷ Brother (घेतो) blouse (भाऊजयी)(पुढ) went ▷ (रुपायाची) blouse (आधेली)(कमी) shouted | pas de traduction en français |