Village: म्हात्रेवाडी - Mhatrevadi
Vanavās: litt. the stay in forest, actually the forest exile in which Sītā is sent by her husband Rām, with all the physical and moral hardships that this desertion and its solitude carry with them. | |
[12] id = 65825 ✓ तमांचे मंदोदरी दिगंबर - Tamanche Mandodari Digambar | अरुण्या वनामधी पडदा झाडाच्या पानाचा सिताला वळखु नाही आला राम कपट्या मनाचा aruṇyā vanāmadhī paḍadā jhāḍācyā pānācā sitālā vaḷakhu nāhī ālā rāma kapaṭyā manācā | ✎ In Arunya forest, leaves of trees form a curtain Sita didn’t realise that Ram is wicked-minded ▷ Aranya (वनामधी)(पडदा)(झाडाच्या)(पानाचा) ▷ Sita (वळखु) not here_comes Ram (कपट्या)(मनाचा) | pas de traduction en français |