Database design: Bernard Bel
= 65092

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
Devanagari to Diacritic Roman conversions with TechWelkin

Creative Commons
CC license

  Recordings: recordings.php
 • Performers: performer.php
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 • Glossary: glossary.php
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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Song #65092 by Kengar Lakshmi Keshav

Village: जाकापूर - Jakapur

H:XXI-5.4d (H21-05-04d) - Ambedkar / The opponents of Ambedkar / Bad characters

[4] id = 65092
केंगार लक्ष्मीबाई केशव - Kengar Lakshmi Keshav
आंबेडकर बोलतो पुरी होऊदे माझी शाळा
मग कापतो गळा
āmbēḍakara bōlatō purī hōūdē mājhī śāḷā
maga kāpatō gaḷā
Ambedkar says, “Let me finish my school
And then I shall cut their throat
▷  Ambedkar says (पुरी)(होऊदे) my (शाळा)
▷ (मग)(कापतो)(गळा)
Ambedkar dit : “Laissez-moi finir mon école.
Je leur couperai la gorge ensuite.”

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