Village: टाकळी - Takli
Cross-references: | F:XVII-3.6 (F17-03-06) - Feast of bhāubij / Present offered by brother |
[231] id = 63200 ✓ गांधले वशांताबाई - Gandhale Vashanta | बोळवण केली हिरवा रंग पिवळी काडी सखा लुटला आडवारी bōḷavaṇa kēlī hiravā raṅga pivaḷī kāḍī sakhā luṭalā āḍavārī | ✎ He gave me a send-off gift, the sari was green with yellow stripes I looted my brother on an odd day ▷ (बोळवण) shouted (हिरवा)(रंग)(पिवळी)(काडी) ▷ (सखा)(लुटला)(आडवारी) | pas de traduction en français |