Village: पुणतांबा - Puntamba
Cross-references: | A:II-2.8c (A02-02-08c) - Woman’s social identity / Feminine turbulence / Sex unruliness, yearning for sex |
[38] id = 47397 ✓ पगारे रुक्मिणी - Pagare Rukhamini | चंचळ ग नार गरके घालीती माडीला किती सांगू मी वेडीला बंधू सासरवाडीला cañcaḷa ga nāra garakē ghālītī māḍīlā kitī sāṅgū mī vēḍīlā bandhū sāsaravāḍīlā | ✎ Fickle woman, she goes round the storey How many times can I tell the fool, my brother has gone to his in-laws’ place ▷ (चंचळ) * (नार)(गरके)(घालीती)(माडीला) ▷ (किती)(सांगू) I (वेडीला) brother (सासरवाडीला) | pas de traduction en français |