Database design: Bernard Bel
= 46929

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
Devanagari to Diacritic Roman conversions with TechWelkin

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Song #46929 by Kale Renu

Village: बांगर्डे - Bangarde

A:II-1.2avi (A02-01-02a06) - Woman’s doubtful entity / Negative of man / Unequal to man / Rohīnī rains before Mṛg rains

[21] id = 46929
काळे रेणू - Kale Renu
Group(s) = Mriga_Rohini

पडतो मेघराजा मृग मृगा आदी रोहीण्याचा
पाळण हालतो भावा आदी बहिणीचा
paḍatō mēgharājā mṛga mṛgā ādī rōhīṇyācā
pāḷaṇa hālatō bhāvā ādī bahiṇīcā
The constellation “Rohini” brings rain before the constellation “Mriga”
Sister has a baby before the brother
▷  Falls (मेघराजा) Mriga Mriga (आदी)(रोहीण्याचा)
▷  Cradle moves brother (आदी) of_sister
pas de traduction en français
Notes =>Example भरताराच सुख नार सांगती गोतात शंकर शेल्याची सावली शेतात

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Rohīnī rains before Mṛg rains