Village: गडले - Gadale
Hamlet: दुधवण - Dudhawan
[1] id = 23413 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama | नवा मांडवाच्या दारी घोडा नाचतो थया थया सासू ना आत्या बाबा हंडा परात पाय धुया navā māṇḍavācyā dārī ghōḍā nācatō thayā thayā sāsū nā ātyā bābā haṇḍā parāta pāya dhuyā | ✎ At the entrance of the new shed for marriage, a horse is dancing frantically Mother-in-law, his paternal aunt, is there with a big plate and a vessel to wash the bridegroom’s feet ▷ (नवा)(मांडवाच्या)(दारी)(घोडा)(नाचतो)(थया)(थया) ▷ (सासू) * (आत्या) Baba (हंडा)(परात)(पाय)(धुया) | pas de traduction en français |