Village: गडले - Gadale
Hamlet: दुधवण - Dudhawan
[3] id = 23239 ✓ उघडे रमा - Ughade Rama | चांदण्या परास मला सुरव्या दिसला चंदर माझा राम चार चवघात बसला cāndaṇyā parāsa malā suravyā disalā candara mājhā rāma cāra cavaghāta basalā | ✎ My daughters are like stars, but my son is like the sun (hence he appears brighter to me) Ramchandra, my son, is sitting with a few influential people ▷ (चांदण्या)(परास)(मला)(सुरव्या)(दिसला) ▷ (चंदर) my Ram (चार)(चवघात)(बसला) | pas de traduction en français |