Village: धमधम - Dhamdham
Cross-references: | F:XVII-2.14 (F17-02-14) - Brother’s wife, bhāujay / “Brother’s wife bows down to me” |
[117] id = 105086 ✓ कांगणे सुभद्रा - Kangane Subhadra | मईनाचा वस शिवारी पांगला चुलता वळाया यंगला mīnācā vasa śivārī pāṅgalā culatā vaḷāyā yaṅgalā | ✎ Daughter’s children are everywhere in the field Uncle is getting them all together ▷ (मईनाचा)(वस)(शिवारी)(पांगला) ▷ Paternal_uncle (वळाया)(यंगला) | pas de traduction en français |