Village: दारफळ - Darphal
Cross-references: | A:II-3.4 (A02-03-04) - Constraints on behaviour / Charity to Gosāvī mendicant A:II-3.82 ??? |
[215] id = 104077 ✓ सोनार चंपा - Sonar Champha | माझ्या मालणीच बोलण तडफडी नेनंता माझा बंधु चंदन पाटाची घडी mājhyā mālaṇīca bōlaṇa taḍaphaḍī nēnantā mājhā bandhu candana pāṭācī ghaḍī | ✎ My sister-in-law speaks very bluntly My younger brother is very soft and gentle ▷ My (मालणीच) say (तडफडी) ▷ Younger my brother (चंदन)(पाटाची)(घडी) | pas de traduction en français |