Village: पुणतांबा - Puntamba
Cross-references: | A:II-3.4 (A02-03-04) - Constraints on behaviour / Charity to Gosāvī mendicant A:II-3.82 ??? |
[189] id = 103942 ✓ पारधे शांता - Pardhe Shanta | चवघाच्या चार मुठी भरणा माझी ओटी आता भावु माझ्या देखण्याची मोठी आशा cavaghācyā cāra muṭhī bharaṇā mājhī ōṭī ātā bhāvu mājhyā dēkhaṇyācī mōṭhī āśā | ✎ Four of them are giving me fistfuls, it is not enough to fill my lap Now, my hopes are pinned on my handsome brother ▷ (चवघाच्या)(चार)(मुठी)(भरणा) my (ओटी) ▷ (आता)(भावु) my (देखण्याची)(मोठी)(आशा) | pas de traduction en français |