Village: नगिना पिंपळगाव - Nagina Pimpalgaon
[25] id = 98926 ✓ कदम लक्ष्मी - Kadam Lakshmi Baburao | मोठ्याची संगत चाल मोठ्या बरोबरी सोन्याची छतरी छाया पडल दोघीवरी mōṭhyācī saṅgata cāla mōṭhyā barōbarī sōnyācī chatarī chāyā paḍala dōghīvarī | ✎ You have the company of important people, keep your step along with them A gold umbrella, it will provide shade to both ▷ (मोठ्याची) tells let_us_go (मोठ्या)(बरोबरी) ▷ (सोन्याची)(छतरी)(छाया)(पडल)(दोघीवरी) | pas de traduction en français |