Database design: Bernard Bel
= 96310

Project  ♪♪ सांगते बाई तुला - Sāṅgatē bāī tulā - I tell you woman! ♪♪

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With the support of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI)
Source documents produced by GDS / CCRSS
Devanagari to Diacritic Roman conversions with TechWelkin

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CC license

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Grindmill songs of Maharashtra — Song #96310 by Jadhav Shashikala

Village: बढूर - Badur

C:VIII-9.1 (C08-09-01) - Mother / Parents’ greatness / Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan

[163] id = 96310
जाधव शशीकला - Jadhav Shashikala
वाटचा वाटसरु नवल करीतो जीवाला
किती रहीवास गावाला प्रेमा काशीच्या माझ्या
vāṭacā vāṭasaru navala karītō jīvālā
kitī rahīvāsa gāvālā prēmā kāśīcyā mājhyā
The traveller on the road wonders to himself
How many happy days did I spend with my mother
▷ (वाटचा)(वाटसरु)(नवल)(करीतो)(जीवाला)
▷ (किती)(रहीवास)(गावाला)(प्रेमा)(काशीच्या) my
pas de traduction en français

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Sections of semantic classes:
  1. Alike centres of pilgrimage and darshan