Village: मानवत - Manvat
[26] id = 95861 ✓ आसलेकर प्रभावती - Aslekar Prabhavati | आयव मेली नार कंत रडतो धायी धायी आपली केली सोई तान्ह्या बाळा करु काही āyava mēlī nāra kanta raḍatō dhāyī dhāyī āpalī kēlī sōī tānhyā bāḷā karu kāhī | ✎ The woman died as an Ahev*, her husband weeps inconsolably You saw to your own convenience, how can I take care of the little child ▷ (आयव)(मेली)(नार)(कंत)(रडतो)(धायी)(धायी) ▷ (आपली) shouted (सोई)(तान्ह्या) child (करु)(काही) | pas de traduction en français |