Village: दुधावरे - Dudhavre
[180] id = 92035 ✓ साबळे सुलाबाई - Sable Sula | बहिण भांवड एका येलाची वाळक परायाची आली नार हिन मोडीला वळख bahiṇa bhāmvaḍa ēkā yēlācī vāḷaka parāyācī ālī nāra hina mōḍīlā vaḷakha | ✎ Brother and sister are like cucumbers from the same plant Sister-in-law came from another family, she didn’t keep any relations ▷ Sister (भांवड)(एका)(येलाची)(वाळक) ▷ (परायाची) has_come (नार)(हिन)(मोडीला)(वळख) | pas de traduction en français |