Village: कापडणे - Kapadne
[156] id = 87805 ✓ शिंपी प्रमिला सुभाष - Shimpi Pramila Subhash | शिपानी दुकाने उचा खनले हनु खडा शिपा भोय येडा भाऊ बहिणीना छंद मोडा śipānī dukānē ucā khanalē hanu khaḍā śipā bhōya yēḍā bhāū bahiṇīnā chanda mōḍā | ✎ In the tailor’s shop, (sister) throws a stone to show the expensive blouse piece Brother is a simple man, he gives her sister what she likes ▷ (शिपानी)(दुकाने)(उचा)(खनले)(हनु)(खडा) ▷ (शिपा)(भोय)(येडा) brother (बहिणीना)(छंद)(मोडा) | pas de traduction en français |