Village: साकरी - Sakari
[41] id = 833 ✓ ढेबे नकु - Dhebe Naku | लक्ष्मण दिरानी हात लावीला बाणाला टाकी पाडीयीतो हा तर खडकाला lakṣmaṇa dirānī hāta lāvīlā bāṇālā ṭākī pāḍīyītō hā tara khaḍakālā | ✎ Lakshman, brother-in-law, took the arrow in his hand He is making a pond in the rock ▷ Laksman (दिरानी) hand (लावीला)(बाणाला) ▷ (टाकी)(पाडीयीतो)(हा) wires (खडकाला) | pas de traduction en français |